Have you tried keeping a journal? It might help you remember what you did and what day you did it. Even if you don't remember what you did today try writing things down and it might come back to you. When I started keeping a journal and a dream journal I noticed that I could remember both real-life events and dreams way better.
Are you very active? Do you exercise your brain as if it were a muscle with independent stimulation? As in - something where you are focused and using your body to concentrate and accomplish a single specific task rather than communication or consumption of information?
>>2477That seems like a good idea. I don't think I'd be be able to commit to something like that, though.
>>2478>Are you very active?Not at all. My days are always the same. Weekdays, I go to school and come straight home, and then stay in my room for the rest of the day. Weekends, it's the same thing. I don't do much aside from lay in bed and surf the web, as well as some reading. Any other time is spent getting lost in thought.
>I don't think I'd be be able to commit to something like that, though.
It dosen't have to be much, just write a couple of bullet points about anything that happened at the end of the day. Don't worry if you miss any days, it will become habbit soon enough.