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/yume/ - Dreams

Dream On!

Password (For file deletion.)

The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

File: 1342557696517.jpg (838.54 KB, 600x6119, 4767621_700b_v1.jpg)


Be like madotsuki - the guide

from 9gag.
I think it would fit here perfectly.


File: 1342560043635.png (12.86 KB, 670x453, 19 and 20.png)



>like a boss


Also, this is so ridiculously basic it didn't even need to be posted. You probably didn't even bother to look at the board because there is a lucid dream on the front page. http://uboachan.net/yume/res/744.html


>"funny" memes
Please leave.

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