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/yume/ - Dreams

Dream On!

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>Lurking on Uboachan
>Click a random board, it's /yume/
>Remember last might dream
Oh shit that dream was awesome. gotta do something with that.

Ok so, this isn't my first dream like that, but it was one of the bests.
First part was, me and my friends were in some kind of space shit. We were all magicians (just imagine magicians from different games/anime series, the only one I remember is Magicka's.) We all did different magic, but used it with each others to make the ship work! Well, I say a ship, but it was more like, a small appartment.
….ok that's a weird dream.

The second part… wait, no, it was likely to be another dream.
I remember me and my brother, in a school.
The school is some assassin training school. So, me and my bro decided to train melee fight.
I don't remember what he used, most likely one sword or wooden pole. I used a sword and a fire axe. So we foungt a bit, ad I beated him.
Then, we went to the front of the school to train sniping, from a window to some waiter in the restaurent in fromt of the school. So, my brother headshotted the waiter with a rifle, and somehow the blood got all over our faces, even though the restaurant was pretty far. I didn't want to make my lips toucch because they were full of blood.
Then I woke up, but with drool on my lips.
Oh, and, when someone died or was injured, that person was almost instantly healed/replaced.

….sorry, first post in this board. I know it's pretty bad.

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