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/yn/ - Yume Nikki General


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Are they un-mail-able? Or is a Japanese mail necessary?

Pic unrelated


No, he just doesn't reply no matter if you write in english or japanese.


Well, the Kodakawa guys contacted them through the mail.
Also, I am asking because I tried to sen a mail an I got an automated "can't do" message


>Well, the Kodakawa guys contacted them through the mail.
That's what they said, after 6 years of sending him messages both in japanese and english, I concluded he either ignores them or doesn't even check his inbox anymore.

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So, I aws wondering, was the part of KikiyamaHP that says "There is no particular story or purpose." on the page was always there, or if it was added recently.
Wayback Machine doesn't have much :c
Does anyone know?


From what I remember, it's been there for more than 8 years.
Also, if it counts for something, the whole "特にストーリーや目的はありません。歩き回るだけのゲームです。" was already present on the vector download page all the way back on 2007


Thank you very much

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Okay, so this may seem a little weird to you guys, but I think this is weird. It seems that everyone says that only Madotsuki, Monoe and Monoko have official names and that makes sense. Madotsuki's name is seen directly in the menu, while Monoe and Monoko's names are found from their picture files. Why? Why does it say that? I have RPG Maker 2003 myself, and I've looked through the files of Yume Nikki. Everything has names! The sound effects! The maps! The pictures! Even the events! Why hasn't ANYONE even translated them? They're right there, all in the text. Why hasn't anyone tried to do this? The game has been out for over 10 years. I would do this myself but I don't have the Japanese version of RPG Maker, so everything is gibberish. Just, if things have official names, why use fan ones? I just wish someone would do this. Thank you.
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oh thks god you were alive!
got the files and saw the translations…
i just wanted to look around the original files and try to find out something more.
long live fans of yume nikki!!!


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Ya your right let's do this everyone. Come on it's been 15 year. anyone with me.


Do what?

If I had to make a correction to this old post of mine, it'd be that モノ飛行 (Mono Hikou) means "Flying mono[chrome] [thing]" (lit. "Flying Mono"), instead of "Flying Thing". Mono can actually mean "thing" (hence why I mistranslated it), but for it to mean "flying thing", the filename should be 飛行モノ.

It doesn't help that "thing" and "mono[chrome]" are essentially spelled the same way with kana in japanese, and that "thing" is implicitly stated by context in the original filename.


let's do it let's find there real names.


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But I already did that…? >>6786 >>6787

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She so cute is isn't she
and I wonder what she's


Second image appears on a few sites related to numbers stations, I'm guessing you steganogrophy'd one of the pictures with a cipher related to the Conet Project? Either that or you're just a retard (she's playing Nasu btw, I'm going to assume you knew that). I found this recording which is pretty cool anyway: http://www.numbers-stations.com/audio/english/E10a-goodnight.mp3



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always had a sort of meditative, ghibli-esque feel


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The whole game gave me a (dark) ghibli-esque

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I recently decided to go back through Yume Nikki and revisit the places that really struck a chord with me. Took a bunch of screenshots like I was on some nostalgic road trip or something. What are your favorite locations from the game? I found myself using the umbrella just to add rain a lot of the time, but I think the most relaxing spot is to just sit on the cliffs at the Sky Garden and watch the UFO.
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Block World is very meditative.




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I never really thought of that but going back to it I think I see what you mean. The music really does feel like something you could get lost in thought to.

I had another nice, comfy moment when I came across Kamakurako and just curled up next to her. It made me tear up a little feeling like I'd finally thought of a way to give that poor girl some company.


I can think of a few places at the moment, but i haven't played the game in a long time.
The wilderness as a whole fascinates me, and there are plenty of locations inside of it that I really like. First off, the spring house with the red faced entity. Second, the road to the sky garden (including that part with the red-eyed grass, the purple poles and the pyramid staircase). Third, the barrack settlement (I think that's how it's called). Last but not least, the toriningen party place and the cube with the aztec rave monkey.
The ghost world next to the sky garden cliff has to be one of the most intense places, along with the martian underground, the kyu-kyukun corridor and the different white desert locations.
Oh, the mall has some amazing locations too, including the rooftop, the blood room, and the flute room. The witch island and the train you take to get there are gorgeous too. But if I have to choose an absolute favorite, it would be the martian underground.


I can't say I have a #1 favorite but I really really like the White Desert. Other than the secret shortcut in the Block World, you have to really go out of your way to get there, and it's one of the most invested areas in the whole game. It's really climactic in the most disturbing way possible, so much so that the first time I played the game I thought that was where the game would end or something.

The whole Number World / Lamp World / Staircase area is something I've gained more appreciation for on replays. It's entirely disconnected from the rest of the game other than the Nexus and the staircase section also has a reprise of the Nexus' background which plays into the atmosphere and significance of the area.

I think I like these areas because they lend some sort of sense to the game. Everything else feels so disconnected yet these places suggest there's some sense to be made of the whole thing. It's hard to explain but I hope you get what I mean. It's what distinguishes this game from just a random mess of unrelated levels.

I also like Mars because the sound tracks are really awesome, both of them.


I love the Wilderness too. It's like a whole entire environment by itself and the build up to the Sky Garden is fucking beautiful.


I feel very emotional in the Mars-san area. The piano, the atmosphere… and to arrive the place, with no more places to go, is like a trophy to me. Very touching and personal to me.

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yeah discord kinda sucks, but i made a list for all the yume nikki discords i could find and get approval of.

some of them looked interesting.


i want to leave discord. send help.

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The art looks nice, everything else is… average at best.

The story revolves around Madotsuki's trauma after her friend, Monoko, is run over by a car. Monoe blames Madotsuki, and she becomes unable to leave her room. Masada, as a therapist/psychiatrist/whatever, tries to help her, and she opens a little, falling in love with him. One good day, his colleague, Poniko, goes instead. She talks with her as a good friend would. When she manages to make Mado tell her that she likes Masada, Poniko goes full yandere and tells her that she's going out with Masada, and he only sees her as a patient, and has no chance at all.

I've read better fanfics here, to be honest.



wow. a love triangle between Masada, Madotsuki and Poniko sounds incredibly lame.

seems like Monoko getting flattened by a car is quite popular theory about her appearance.


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I can probably rip the assets, considering I still have my APK extraction set from when I nabbed all the sprites from Just Kill Me.
Just give me a link to the .apk and I can get to work.


It sounds like it at least has more focus then the manga's plot at least, but yeah, it sounds lame and generic.


Has anyone ever ripped the assets from this? I can't figure out how to get the app to work.

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So what's /yn/'s favorite Yume Nikki theories?
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that's not funny. undertale is cool and best game ever so go away you stinky


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my favorite theory is that yume nikki is just an undertale ripoff


I know this is bait but I am still angry as balls


what if mado is a violent psychopath under arrest and the toriningen are her memories of the police



I like the parasitic alien apocalypse theory. Mado slowly getting interconnected to other counscous entities, that have melted everyone together in the outside world to a giant hivemind explains her obscure dream journeys very well. It also adds magnitude to the plot and enables one to theorize about her post-jump existence apart from just being dead meat.

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Hello, emm…
Hello, Emm…
Probably, I not the first who asks this question, but I after all will ask. Whether there is in a game a good ending? It would be desirable to see that… If is, please, give aiming as to undergo it! Very much< please.
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Is this bait? Literally everyone in the thread agrees that the ending is good, except OP (if you ignore the context of the question and pretend "good ending" means a good way to end the story), who is clearly new.


Maybe I just suck at reading, sorry.


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Imagine ignoring the lack of a body in the blood splatter, which is itself surrounded by dream creatures, because you want to be a sad sack and wallow in the misery of death.


So that's Mado's period blood?


It could just be the last remnant of her in the dream world as she wakes up, like how dreams linger faintly in your memory and then fade away.

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