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/yn/ - Yume Nikki General


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Anyone ever noticed how BIG her room is? I'm American, living in a residential neighborhood, and my room's like half this size.
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I'd say the apartment is just a single room


i just assumed Kikiyama is a terrible designer.


Nice 3d room


considering her room is p much her entire room, im glad its big lol


I like this idea

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What should be done about the current zoomer problem this fandom has? It's either full of fatalists who live off by their synthetic drugs, or ironic fans who laugh at others who look too deeply into things. Both love making shitty memes either way
Nowadays it's hard finding fans who actually love the game for what it is, and are also not hinged by what they do in their everyday life and their beliefs. Anyone else here still has a soft spot for YN, even if you haven't played it in forever?
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There aren't any problems with the "fanbase", only you OP. Let people interpret and enjoy things how they'd like instead of trying to impose your shitty thoughts onto everyone. This entire thread is pretty sad and pathetic with the amount of people unironically supporting gatekeeping and whining about teenagers.
Just to be clear, I played the game mostly blind when I had launched it for the first time, and I consider it to be one of the most fascinating, impactful games I've ever played. Teenagers on whatever boogeyman site(s) you're thinking of aren't going to change my perception of the game and my experiences.


honestly this is a good opinion to have in a world where nothing is safe from terrible fans, I wish I could adopt it but I still find some gatekeeping necessary


I agree with you.

I also feel empathy for the OP and like minded people as well. Change is hard to watch sometimes. I believe that this current hype will fade soon enough, like most things do. I don't think it's all a bad though, I think we all want YN to live on as long as possible and I hope the new fans that come out of it see what we saw in this game when we all first played it.

Sorry if I said anything wrong, I don't ever write here, but I think its nice that people still care so much about YN.


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>Teenagers on whatever boogeyman site(s) you're thinking of aren't going to change my perception of the game and my experiences


just because some people have different viewpoints and interpretations on a thing you like and engage with it differently doesn't mean they're inherently 'wrong' for engaging that way. they're having fun just like anyone else is

just because i use YN and its fangames as a means of exploring non verbal codes and signifiers and visual narrative analysis doesn't mean im right in that engagement, and someone making a funny meme about madotsuki doesnt make them wrong.

plus, dont let teenagers ruin ur favourite things, why would you let that happen. enjoying things is one of the few things we have so fighting isnt really helping anything. teenagers are teenagers let them be stupid


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it isn't about 'your experiences' though. I agree with you in saying that your experience and thoughts on the game shouldn't be negatively effected by outward influences like le zoomers and what not. This is more about the fact that people like to congregate and express their feelings of said game with like minded people; it's entirely reasonable to be upset when a community you once felt attached to completely changes and entirely reasonable to gatekeep (to some extent, i don't mean harassing anyone or flat out telling them they're wrong but rather to want separate communities) your hobbies. Everyone has the right to enjoy the game as they want to and experience it as they want to; and that includes wanting to not interact with people who are simply not worth talking to in your eyes

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Post the cutest Yume Nikki fanart you can find.


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Sorry if it’s a biggish file I’m just a big fan of this one


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Here's mine.


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I really like this one!

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Was the thing with the quivering jaw based on this carving?


I was reading about monoliths and stumbled across the image. It looks relatively similar.

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what do we think of this guy? i named him Taku (and his little snake is Maki) I really want him to get more recognition so pls post abt him in the replies, thank u


My only problem is that I there are 4 snakes there. Or 3 maybe if the large one kind of goes through Taku?


There's a big carpet that looks kinda like him in the game Botaniki


I thought the pink one was a worm or intestines


Actually, maybe? But what are those two on their head?


Horns? and what about the head in his right hand?

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Is this what Masada does in his spare time?


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Oh, ffffff…

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These stone cubes with :( on four sides are real. I've seen someone post a picture of them in some grassy plains with tourists standing nearby and they are also huge irl.

I can't find the picture for the life of me and I want to show people. Does anyone have a picture of the actual ruins or know what they're called? pic related, thx


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Hey. Just wanted to know whether I should play the the 0.10 release uploaded here on this website, or the steam release. I read a few of the reviews on the Steam release's page that claimed that the "fan translation" was better or something like that. Wanted to know if the version provided on this forum is… well, that. Or if there really is any difference at all. Thanks.


Play the one uploaded here. The Steam version is full of graphical and technical errors that really ruin the mood of important parts of the game.


Thanks a lot! Have a nice one.


Is that actually true? I didn't experience anything unusual when I played the steam version.


The errors might be subtle, but don't go unnoticed for someone who's obsessed with the game like me. Right now I remember three:

1. The Towel effect should slow you down, but it doesn't.
2. The fade to black when you go to sleep in Masada's Spaceship is gone.
3. In the credits, one of the blocks of text appears abruptly, rather than slowly fading in like they're supposed to.


play the OG v0.10, I tried the Steam version and it just felt…weird. A few little things bugged me but I forgot what they were. I know that's not helpful, but just take my word for it and play the same game people have been playing since 2007 instead of the weird Steam update lol

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I've always really enjoyed the idea of a "deluxe mod" for Yume Nikki. It would reimplement cut and unused content from all previous versions into 0.10 and maybe add some quality of life improvements too
The goal of the mod would be to provide a somewhat fresh experience to anons who haven't played the game in a while.
What does Ubuu thinks?
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The game code for Yume Nikki is proprietary, even though EasyRPG Player is free. That is, the LDB, LMT and LMU files which contain stuff like tile placement, collision data, switches, variables, and most importantly, events, which is effectively a programming language and therefore these files count as software.
There are absolutely no RPGMaker games that are free software, except for .flow, so I’m basically starting with nothing.




So basically something like this? https://youtu.be/6OZiqfViKGc


i don't see the point of this when you could just make a fangame.


I don't think the original Yume Nikki really needs any adjustments. However, I would like to see some kind of condensed "best of" version of Yume 2kki. It's a great game but it's nowhere near as concise and focused as YN and many other fangames are. Not saying they need to do away with the regular version because I like it too and the huge dream world is pretty cool, but sometimes it can feel daunting to navigate through.

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In case you're not aware, i'm doing a yume nikki fanventure: http://mspfanventures.com/?s=18268
It's basically a mspaint styled comic where you give commands to a character.
You can leave commands here or in the Discord server: https://discord.gg/BZhJ8rg
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I'm gonna try posting more updates and speeding things up.
If we get like 2 effects a year then see you in guys in 10 years for the ending.


You'll be already dead by then.


Saw Deltaruined in my YouTube recommendations and remembered the fanventure. Small world, I guess.


>>6562 hey! you're the guy who animated a bit of team fabulous 2 reanimated :D!


op this comic is great but you don't have to describe homestuck

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