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/yn/ - Yume Nikki General


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File: 1735948212825.png (132.68 KB, 333x203, Bild_2025-01-04_004947295.png)


am 21, first time in ponikos house, turn the light off 2 times, get ready for torture. 3rd time I get uboa. I have not been spoilered on what happenes. I have not gone in yet. This is fantastic, my joy is imeasurable


nvm this boring.


3 times is crazy

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hello, ladies and gentlemen.
how're you?
I'm fine.
And, I want to show this community to youtube :D


Dude, why the fuck do you keep making new threads? Just one is more than enough.


The habit


Ok, well try to keep it to 1 thread please.


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merry christmas., ladies and gentlema.
I'm a cojntent creator and now…
I', stream yume nikki


Escribi bien webon

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Hello, ladies and gentlemen.

thanks for the before post and your answers.

I decide make a funny gameplay…


Or not…


Ni idea de como funciona esto sifoisfjd respondo a uno de tus posts random


tranqui, aprenderás poco a poco :D





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Hello, ladies and gentlemen.
How're you?

I want to know if the foro still live


i was better until i saw a little worm with a filled username field


okey, guy,. But I want to make a happy community


then you can start by not be a cringe little zoomie and speaking properly


Sorry… jejeje

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Happy 20th Anniversary Yume Nikki
to celebrate yume nikki's 20th anniversary i made this
go check it out if you want
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


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>Yume nikki is 20 years old.

bittersweet feelings come from that knowledge. Very cute mod idea Anon, will play asap


Happy 20th anniversary Yume Nikki


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damn wish i thought to check here the other day. wouldve been cool to be on at the same time as a least a few other anons. immortal game & community.




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20 years of the cutest dreamer in existence

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requesting yume nikki themed wallpapers without characters

pic related
9 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Yeah, sure!
Post them.


Seems really cool :O


Yeah, It's very cool :)


this is very cool :3


I'm idiot, I rewrite the same post XD

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Hello, ladies and gentlemen.
Can you give me the cronology of yumme nikki?

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Hello, ladies and gentleman. How're you?..
I return from the exams and homework XD…

File: 1732229435667.png (222.2 KB, 1280x1280, yanakki_20241121191017.png)





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