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/yn/ - Yume Nikki General


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File: 1734607340525.jpg (6.44 MB, 4062x2708, claro-de-bosque.jpg)


Hello, ladies and gentlemen.

thanks for the before post and your answers.

I decide make a funny gameplay…


Or not…


Ni idea de como funciona esto sifoisfjd respondo a uno de tus posts random


tranqui, aprenderás poco a poco :D





File: 1734682740840.png (66.6 KB, 525x300, yumenikki-525x300.png)


Hello, ladies and gentlemen.
How're you?

I want to know if the foro still live


i was better until i saw a little worm with a filled username field


okey, guy,. But I want to make a happy community


then you can start by not be a cringe little zoomie and speaking properly


Sorry… jejeje

File: 1719400057594.png (60.01 KB, 392x490, Screenshot 2024-06-21 1557….png)


Happy 20th Anniversary Yume Nikki
to celebrate yume nikki's 20th anniversary i made this
go check it out if you want
3 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1719435290847.png (158.84 KB, 547x728, Screenshot 2024-06-26 1651….png)

>Yume nikki is 20 years old.

bittersweet feelings come from that knowledge. Very cute mod idea Anon, will play asap


Happy 20th anniversary Yume Nikki


File: 1719742257866.jpg (104.54 KB, 612x816, D5v7XQhXkAAijcZ.jpg)

damn wish i thought to check here the other day. wouldve been cool to be on at the same time as a least a few other anons. immortal game & community.




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20 years of the cutest dreamer in existence

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requesting yume nikki themed wallpapers without characters

pic related
9 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Yeah, sure!
Post them.


Seems really cool :O


Yeah, It's very cool :)


this is very cool :3


I'm idiot, I rewrite the same post XD

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Hello, ladies and gentlemen.
Can you give me the cronology of yumme nikki?

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Hello, ladies and gentleman. How're you?..
I return from the exams and homework XD…

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/v/ actually having good taste again was not something I expected.


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the artwork was fun


very, very cute artwork :3


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passed over again

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Hi, I'm the doge god.
I'm a newbie to this community and the game Yume Nikki.
Please don't attack me for being new and can you explain to me how it is to live in this friendly community?


dont put your email in the email line, dont be a dick, dont be cringe, dont be retarded

thats it basically

have fun, cool to see a newfag around on such a small board lol


I'm stupid… I'm put my e-mail in the post XD


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Yeah, it's pretty

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Been a long time friend, anyone order the pop up shop stuff? I have another package coming in god knows when but I got these today.
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Oh, that's a lot of cool stuff!


Neat !

Exclusive to japan, i guess ?


I want a Madotsuki themed blindfold so I can walk around in public without seeing any people and maintaining the illusion of perfect darkness. Ideally, I want one of those stupid "mixed reality" tech headsets that turns human faces into hallucinogenic dream creatures and nurses from Silent Hill and then I will finally have the confidence to step outside my home.


They sell official Yume Nikki merchandise? Where?


Fangamer but that's not where this stuff is from. I wasn't aware that there were any other stores still around. OP, can you please link us the store :3

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