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/yume/ - Dreams

Dream On!

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Almost ever time i dream it always takes place in an alternate version of the real world. Like some areas are based on real areas around my town and city but will be different from real life, but always the same in the dream world. There are places in the dream world that like a store that doesnt exist irl but it exists in the dream world and i go there all the time. or locations that i knoe exist in the dreamworld and i know I'll go there or be going there, its similar to real life but different somehow. I'm always going into the forest near where i live but in the dream world, and walking down trails to a river that always exists in the dream world but not irl. idk why i just felt like posting this. anyone have a similar experience?


Yeah, there are a few locations that don't exist IRL but I have seen repeatedly in dreams.


Same, I haven't visited it for years, but I've always had a persistent dreamworld. It had complex stores, arcades, bridges, even bus lines, all of it was always persistent, always the same. I even had routes inside the giant mall to check the interesting stores and shelves…magazines, toys, videogames…stopping by some food shops or even having dinner there…

The city is pretty big, it had shady neighborhoods, open areas, river, bridge, amusement parks…

The most insane thing is that it had metro and rail stations, and you could take the train to go to some close mountain area, with at least 3 persistent villages, with farms and shit, rivers, ruins and old roads in the woods by the mountains. It's ridiculous how big and consistent it is.



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