Sup, dear ubuu-chan~, I'm here to explain what will happen, in the easiest way, so everybody understand what da' hell is this shit.
The mayas had time measurements really different than ours. I mean, we have a year, then 10 years become a decade, then 10 decades (or 100 years) become a century, and then, 10 centuries become a millenium (or 1.000 years).
The Mayas, however, did this with a measurement which equals to 20 years (or 7.200 days, to be more precise), named
Every time that 13
kautns passed, you have a
baktum, which equals to 144.000 days, or 5128,76 years.(here you have some links: <- Sorry, this is in spanish, but here you have the table with the measurements. 'Días'=days,'Nombre Maya'=Name in maya, 'Equivalencia'= Equals to google works, too).
>Then, wa da fak u talkin bout?The 21st of december of 2012 is the next day to the last one of the 13 baktum, and mayas registered this as
So what?
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