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Fucking Mayans couldn't fucking predict Cortés coming along to wipe their asses out. Even if they HAD predicted something happening this year, I still wouldn't trust them.


We can't predict what's gonna happen tomorrow in regards to the human race, but we already know that in around 5 billion years the Sun will become a Red Giant and crush the Earth

Different things are being compared here

But screw the Mayans anyway


Supposedly this wasn't supposed to be the apocalypse but rather the start of a new millennium. Sadly, no one bothers to fucking research these things and go into a blind frenzy. Regardless, yeah, I don't believe in it.


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They did predict them. The Aztec emperor saw the arrival of half men half horse beings (the concept of riding animals hadn't occurred to them) in a mirror on the back of a humming birds skull.



>December the 21th

>the 21th

seems legit
(also Nostradamus never said that anyway)


I like how people are, wishing for an apocalypse every time they have the chance.

Makes you wonder, I think something in modern society must be really broken if we yearn so much for meaningful things, even if they are the freaking apocalypse.

tl;dr: Nietzsche and co. killed mankind and We Have Still (not) Recovered



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Whether he said it or not it happened.

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