Okay. Well, for writing, so far it looks like there's:
Completely backwards/sdawkcab yletelpmoC:
Sentences are written from right to left, and bottom to top. The spelling of all words are reversed. The letter on the right side (i.e. the "beginning") of all sentences is capitalized.
We should go..og dluohs eWReverse order/order Reverse:
Sentences are written right to left (and maybe bottom to top, but this is unconfirmed). The spelling of words remains forwards. The word at the right side (i.e. the "beginning") of all sentences has the letter on it's far left capitalized.
Let's get going..going get Let'sReverse words/Esrever sdrow: Sentences remain forwards. The spelling of all words are reversed. The letter on the left side of all sentences is capitalized.
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