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/sugg/ - Suggestions / Meta

Site meta-talk, help, suggestions, and moderation discussion

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If I were to shelve the current /cos/ and make a new board, what should I do differently so it doesn't turn out the same way?
41 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


We are very sorry that this happened, it's disturbing.



I'm sorry that happened boogs.

It's too bad, but maybe this really isn't the safest place for cosplayers. /cos/ used to be pretty nice, but I don't know that I can do anything to dial back the maliciousness that's plaguing the site. It's been getting worse for the past few years. People probably just shouldn't be releasing personal info or pictures here.

>>3395 I thought you were replying to >>3394 for a second.


Nobody wished Booger-chan happy birthday except a BRBR creeper. Sad!

Happy birthday Booger-chan.


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Whoops, almost forgot. Here's a cold shower and cupcake.


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>mrw i wanna donate so badly but im too lazy to set up a paypal and even then i dont have much cash at all


Why did you make this thread. This is the sugg board, not ot. Please don't spam.


You seem to forget about the ‘Meta’ half.


Site help and moderation discussion does not include whatever this thread/blog post is supposed to be.


It is a little bloggy but also seems like it reasonably could kick off a meta discussion about ability/inability of users to donate. I don't think it's necessarily off-topic. Maybe I should clarify the board description.

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Just like how there isn't a board for every fangame, in the long term, yndd shouldn't have its own board. Potential discussion about the game will very quickly dry up. It's only a matter of time. Yndd is also a hot bed for cancerous new users. I think yndd needs to be annexed sometime in the near future.


I agree, but wait until it dies, otherwise the cancer will flood onto /yn/ and we definitely don't want that happening.

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Who wants to see some anonymous visitor statistics? This is from the first week of February.

I compiled these locally by scanning the server log files.
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


that was pretty cool. Motherfucking Argentinos love this site apparently lol


According to writer, it's just me multiplied ten thousand times the sum of users saying the f word.


yeah it seemed like an odd country for an English-language board dedicated to a Japanese videojuego.


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>top downloads
Oh wow, didn't think people would be interested in these. Maybe I should post the improved versions and see if I can make more arranges. Those two are early versions and sound like shit.

I probably visit ubuu around 20-40 times per day, so I'm pretty confident most of the traffic is mine. Most argies aren't interested in weeb and don't even know the difference between nippon and chinese.


Even so, you would probably need several persons doing the same to reach that number. It's really weird.

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Wow, what a new year.

We started off January with the server crashing and a downtime of several days while the OS was reinstalled and backups were restored. At the same time, Yume Nikki was re-released on Steam after all these years, with an "official" English translation. And to top it off, a few weeks later a new 3D game inspired by the original was announced, developed by a third party game development company allegedly under the supervision of Kikiyama themselves!

A result of this has been and probably will continue to be a huge boost of interest, injecting new life into the fandom, and bringing levels of activity to Uboachan not seen for some years. We may find that we are surrounded by a newer, younger fanbase which comes from a very different background than many of us. Please remember that you were new once too, and don't treat these new fans with contempt. The atmosphere of this place may change as the world changes around it, but it is fruitless to resent the flow of time. Whether or not the new material lives up to expectations, I think it's fantastic that a new generation can be introduced to a fandom we have enjoyed for over a decade, by the emergence of new content. And hopefully, we'll enjoy it too!

A few more changes have happened on the boards recently. A new board, /yndd/, was created for discussing the new "Yume Nikki - Dream Diary". The /cos/ board was annexed for the time being, and a new board with new rules will take its place this year. This will hopefully prevent the new board from becoming a creepy mess. There is now a dedicated section for download links on the sidebar. And lastly, the board software was updated; though it was mostly if not entirely a bugfix release, some of these fixes were sorely needed.

That's all for now. Happy birthday Uboachan, and happy new year!

- Seisatsu

Art by Moga


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it's certainly been a ride
i myself am excited to see the lifeblood of this community getting a renewal

happy birthday ubuu, keep on making theories on how madotsuki is depressed irl and how she's hiding from the spanish youtube inquisition


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Happy birthday!


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Happy birthday! Good work Sei!


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A year that starts with a bang. Let's enjoy this ride.

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The default name in /yn/ should be Kikiyama instead of Anonymous.


That would get old quick. Maybe for april fools.


…why? Just because it's a Yume Nikki related name? Lurk more.


These reddit baits about hacking need to stop, it's not funny.


I mean, it's a little late for such an idea.

Although anything is better than 420chan's random stupid name generator.

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What the hell should be done about /cos/?
1.Leave it alone
2.Make extra rules just for that board
3.Annex it


There is already a stickied thread about this in this board.

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I've noticed a lot of intelligent, thorough, serious discussions on this site. Lots of great content, creepypastas, macros, and Mado of course. I have also noticed in my short time here the userbase here is quite versed in greater chan culture/history. Very nice to see some places still do it right.

Seisatsu, have you ever considered making an /int/ board? Because I know a lot of quality posters that would get along great with y'all, but mostly from various bastardizations of krautchan's /int/ that I don't think could acclimate immediately with this more Japanese and American spirit. Germans, Latinos, Hungarians, Strayans, Kazakhs, etc. intelligent folks with a lot of interesting things to say, but different from the uboachan posters as we know them. Don't get me wrong, the appreciation for YN and anime is there, but less so. Political theory, world news and dank menes take the center stage.

I do think that there is a market for another /int/ board in the chanosphere, not everyone is happy with KC right now, 8chan and 4chan are wastelands, and the little chans are too slow and intimate for a lot of people that are trying to get away from the younger generation of Bernds and find a place more in line with their level of discourse.

Just an idea. I like this place as it is, but perhaps the old guard here would be interested in a little fresh meat?


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Uboachan is fine as is because we are away from politics and memes and all that other stuff that is popular, and god forbid, /int/ material. Keeping it comfy, you know?
I think that what is killing the interest people held in chans is basically these things that are the "center stage". Don't get me wrong, I am a bernd as well, but what you're proposing here is to bring a userbase that under no means will ever adapt to the style of our site, or culture, and on the other end, will probably consume our site and mutate it into something else entirely. We're a small chan, and for that very reason our content is good. Probably not the best out there, but definitely not trash-tier either.

I'm guessing you're bernd from that /ot/ thread, right? If that's so, welcome aboard, but try lurking meer our site a few days or weeks and you will see what I mean. I honestly think /int/ wouldn't really be interested in us, and also that it could be damaging to our imageboard in terms of quality.


On the regular, ubuu has a lot less acitvty. What you're seeing now isn't the norm. There isn't enough people, let alone foreigners on here to justify making an /int/. Also, sub-boards like that are cancerous by nature. You can't expect it to be good becuase it was made on a good site. Rather, the cancer will simply be attracted to the board.


Yeah, ubuu is different and it's really refreshing to see something other than stuffy /int/ elitism or trashy /pol/-/soc/ screed. I wouldn't dare openly inviting kacey anyways. Maybe Ernstchan and a couple other quiet communities, couple of people I know personally.
See, I like the site as is, especially the speed/quality balance which is so cash, but I saw a couple posters getting excited about the new blood and I was thrown for a loop. What kind of chan doesn't shit on people for being late to the party? This is something else, even fucking /b/tards mistake tenure for quality. So I figured I'd feel out the idea with the old guard, because I respect this place already, and I've been here for a month, tops.
Yeah that /ot/ Bernd is probably me. But after seeing just how gay that thread about height turned out I'm thinking there's a lot of us here already. I like that about Bernds, for all of our fascist vision thing and vicious banter, we're c&a on the inside
Yeah /int/ boards are a high grade containment board at best nowadays. That's not a bad thing, although the term gets dirtied by association with /pol/ and /b/. Here it would serve mainly to allow a carefully invited stream of interesting people to get their feet wet and see if they'd make quality posters. But cynicism is a good thing with stuff like this. Quality posters are tough to find, someone well-suited to endchan might not be a good fit here, it takes more than not being cancer to be a good poster. I'm glad I asked before I talked to anyone

Thanks for your feedback abuelos, I really appreciate the reception y'all have given me and I'm glad I found this place. I'll continue to keep this place sub rosa


Lol Kraut is dead.

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First post after the site going down! So what happened, was it just a crash or something?


don't reply with that


The hosting provider forced a reboot to patch over a critical CPU-level security vulnerability that was discovered recently affecting all operating systems. Our server did not survive the reboot. It's unknown whether I broke something or they did, since we hadn't rebooted in a long time.

In any case, I had to reinstall the operating system but they saved all of the files so nothing was lost in the end, it's just a pain. Especially since my laptop stopped working for a few days and the server broke in the middle of me attending a convention.

Most of the downtime was spent moving files back and forth from my home and the server since there wasn't enough room on the server to extract the backup. (The backup archive was more than half the size of the server.)

Things may still be broken and I'm still setting up other services on the server, so please email me if there are any issues.


tl;dr fuck intel.


Remote image uploading is apparently broken.


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When you're in a thread and you click catalog it takes you to /[board]/res/catalog.html , which obviously doesn't exist. How long has this been going on for? Why hasn't anyone noticed this?
5 posts omitted. Click reply to view.



I'm on Firefox and not noticing it. Please take a screenshot showing a broken catalog link and the URL where you found it.


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Ohhh, you are clicking that one, I thought you meant the one below the threads (didn't even know we had one there). Can confirm, it's broken. SEEEEEEEEEII DO SOMETHING.


I've removed that link until I can figure out why it isn't directing properly. Use the other catalog links for now.


I tried checking on a recent archive of a thread, I think you are linking to "/catalog.html" while working in the "/res/" directory. I think if you change it to "../catalog.html" it should work.
I could be completley wrong, I am actually pretty shit at this sort of thing

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