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/hikki/ - NEET / Advice


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I just really don't like people. There are some individuals I like, but I really loathe humanity. I hate how judgmental and shitty they are to anyone who doesn't meet their narrow standards. I hate how tribal they are, deriding anyone who happens to be outside of their shitty little groups/societies/cults. I hate how dishonest people are, nobody keeps promises even though breaking a promise is one of the worst things you can do. I hate how violent and stupid people are, choosing to beat each other to death over dumb shit instead of working together to make the future better. I hate how hypocritical they are, mocking others for their actions and then turning around and doing the same exact thing. I hate how the internet which used to be a safe haven from the real world has now become the very thing I was running from. And most of all, I hate when people use power as an excuse to ruin others' lives to satisfy their fragile and pathetic egos/feelings.

It's driving me nuts and I don't know what to do. It's years away before I can just put my brain into a computer or just hide away in a bunker with some companionship AIs and just fuck off. I still have the biological desire to socialize which is frustrating. I hate people, but at the same time I need them too. Being around these people exhaust me, and I really wish I could just be alone most of the time outside of the few hours I do work or go to school, which is something I'm only doing because it's impossible for me to be a NEET anymore without dying.

Does anyone else suffer from misanthropy? Have any coping skills or tricks to become at peace with being a loner/outsider?


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Yeah, I also hate people, I'm not a misanthrope but it's complicated. My thing is, you don't have to like somebody but it pays off to have them like you so they're not acting malicious towards you.

So I'm very polite to anyone I'm stuck talking to and crack jokes when for whatever reason they try to be friendly with me. So despite my general serial killer tier charisma I can keep people off my back and have a foot in the door if I need to go to them about something. Feels like a victory everytime I give someone nothing and they thank me for it and walk away.


I think that part of life is accepting that people are assholes. The best way not to be frustrated with humanity all the time is to accept that people don't want to be your friend. It's like what Bob Wallace said in White Christmas, "Everybody's got an angle". So, as hard as it may be, stay detached from other people and don't make promises, it's the only way not to get treated like filth.


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I'm a misanthrope too, but sometimes I think it's kind of unwarranted. It's true that humanity destroys everything it touches, but this is largely because of relativley few humans who have power over the rest. Saying I hate humanity because of the actions of a few would be as irrational as saying I like it because I have human friends. The situation does get a bit more complicated when you consider that the larger part of humanity has fully absorbed the attitudes of their uppers, and then you get into this whole thing about how actually people can't be blamed for anything because everything they do is just the only possible response to their exact circumstance, but that doesn't help anybody.


I also hate people. What you need to keep in mind is that you're no better than everybody else. You're just as selfish and uncaring and destructive and corruptible. Unlike you, I don't hate humanity because of any of its actions or how I've personally been treated by other people, I just hate human nature. People are fundamentally shitty. They don't even have to do anything bad or kill anybody; every person is born terrible, and that includes me. What I don't get is why you seem to bothered when people who you don't know kill other people who you don't know. If you hate people, why do you even care?


I don't hate people


>I just really don't like people. There are some individuals I like, but I really loathe humanity.
Okay, if you don't like people and loathe humanity, why do you care? If you don't know a person, you can't like them.


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I guess for me it's because I've been hurt by so many people that I can never really trust anyone again. That lack of trust eventually grew into a strong dislike of humanity.


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I feel much the same way as you. I have known for years prior to the sad way I live today that this is what my life would end up being like. I have no one, honestly and that's okay..but sometimes it's not. Yet my anxiety is something that absolutely dominates and conquers my every day being. Drugs help a lot, but even they have gotten old. I don't know how I'll continue on for decades longer, knowing that things will only be just as stagnant, and if it's possible, even worse than it is now. Just know you're not alone.


i cut myself on the edge of this thread. the anime girls make it a lot worse.

have you ever considered that you're just like everyone else and have no right to be talking? no one likes you either. to everyone else who thinks like you you're just another person to avoid. it's a lot better to stop caring and try to have fun. if you keep telling yourself everyone is shitty, you will never be able to see them as anything else because of your gay bias and thus you are robbing yourself of any happiness you could possibly find. you have the desire to socialize, do it.


True misanthropy requires the unadulterated belief that one is superior to the rest of humanity
t. Marilyn Manson (paraphrased)


>I just really don't like people.
>I hate how judgmental and shitty they are to anyone who doesn't meet their narrow standards. I hate how tribal they are, deriding anyone who happens to be outside of their shitty little groups/societies/cults.

And this is how you can tell if someone is an actual misanthrope or an angsty reddit-tumblrino who probably has yet to come of age.

Sorry to break it to you, but if you actually hated people you would be glad they make people suffer through the means you are naming. You are basically a poser looking for good boy points and are the equivalent of "omg guys how can I deal with my OCD? xD, I'm so deep into several ptsds I swear I'm depressed hehe".

Now with that out of the way, for the actual advice:

If you are a man, lay down the soy son, xenoestrogens in general are bad for you and will make you angsty and depressed, you will shrug this off as a meme but it's true, the rise of depression and feeling bad in general is due to physical causes promoted by external factors that either lower your testosterone below healthy levels or up the levels of estrogen in your body. Basically you become the light version of a woman on her period.

Learn to love life and human/animal nature, evil is as important as good, we cannot experience isolated parts of life, we experience it as a whole. And it's beautiful. Only through suffering man comes to appreciate happiness. No matter what you go through, you'll get your moment of happiness and that's why it's worth it. And this is why people go on, because those moments are always ahead waiting for you.

A human that is healthy and whole is both capable of the most horrible murder and the most passionate affection.


Not op, but what you're describing is a very specific type of sadist. Hatred is not not necessarily linked to a desire to see the object of your hatred suffer. That's reductive. I like seeing people suffer, but only either by being a victim of circumstance or self-destruction. Anything else just annoys me.


>I like seeing people suffer, but only either by being a victim of circumstance or self-destruction. Anything else just annoys me.

You take pleasure in people committing suicide, but not homicide? Makes no sense.


Please no soy memes


I physically recoiled reading this.


I think that's the point. It's supposed to be a hard pill to swallow, and anon pulled every stop. I agree though, its a tough truth but feeling a disconnect from humanity (a disconnect not caused by a traumatic event, mind you) can be fixed by "manning up" and working on yourself. You have to be hard on yourself to improve.

So the fact that you recoiled reading it proves that anon made his point.


Eh, no. It was a pretty shit post.


Haha no it was a load of wankery with an obvious superiority-complex and some ridiculous soy conspiracymeme that shouldn't have been in the post at all and perhaps more importantly needs to stay the fuck off uboachan. When I said I physically recoiled I indirectly referred to the post as "cringe-worthy" without using such an overused terminology even though that is exactly what it is. Assuming you are the same person who posted it, you are not a helping hand, you're just full of yourself.


I made that post a long time ago and I'm just glad someone got it.



Sad /r9k/ tier tinfoil bs. Sad, really.


This shit is why I left 4chan years ago.


Maybe it's why you left society years ago too.
Keep hiding under the rug and playing victim whenever someone tells you the truth.


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People who are actually productive members of society don't believe in the soy meme.


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And people didn't believe smoking was bad for you.
And people didn't believe there was anything wrong with lead pipes.
Soy and flax are the most phytoestrogenic foods known to man. Phytoestrogen bonds to human estrogen receptors and act like regular estrogen but weaker. The fact is that a lot of processed stuff uses soybean oil and the likes. But this is not the only problem, this is just a part of it. We are living in an age in which xenoestrogens of every kind are just around the corner. Plastics, insecticides, birth control hormones in the water. Testosterone levels in men are falling down and this is a scientific fact, while young women are entering puberty earlier and earlier as time goes. Feminization is at this point undeniable from a scientific standpoint. Even car emissions are hormonal disruptors. Abnormal hormonal activity has been detected even in somewhat isolated tribes from the third world.

And the effects of that in men AND women are as explained:

>will make you angsty and depressed, you will shrug this off as a meme but it's true, the rise of depression and feeling bad in general is due to physical causes promoted by external factors that either lower your testosterone below healthy levels or up the levels of estrogen in your body. Basically you become the light version of a woman on her period.

And this goes for women too, xenoestrogens are the direct culprit in the rise of breast cancer and many more health problems women face nowadays, because it is not healthy to have so many estrogens in a woman. Also this is effecting wildlife aswell.


But hey! feel free to ignore and disregard everything I said as "le ebil white male raycys conspiracy r9kpoltard xD nothin is wrong gb2 4chan" and to move on with your life. You could also do your own research and discover there's more to this issue than memes. Your choice.

Pic related, for me it's the Lucky Strike! Doctors say it actually protects your throat!

Yes, that is what "productive members of society" believed before too.


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Wrong pic, but it works aswell.


Neither of the two links you posted directly mention soy. They talk about copious amounts of chemical and environmentally xenoestrogens being introduced to the body.
>Research findings once indicated soy may be harmful for women with a history of estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer. Many of these findings were based on animal models that are not applicable to human health research. Today, researchers agree that whole soy products are safe for women who have had estrogen-receptor positive breast cancer. Up to three servings per day of soy products such as soymilk, tofu, or tempeh are fine for these women.
>For men and boys, the phytoestrogens in soy do not appear to have any effect on hormone levels and have not been shown to affect sexual development or fertility. Research studies show that men consuming soy have less prostate cancer and better prostate cancer survival.
Highly processed and unnatural chemicals do not have the same effect on the body as unprocessed plant soy. Health, the human, and chemistry is not that simple.
>A handful of individuals and organizations have taken an anti-soy position and have questioned the safety of soy products. In general, this position latches to statistically insignificant findings, understates how powerfully the research refutes many of the main anti-soy points, and relies heavily on animal research studies, which are medically irrelevant to human health.
follow up:


>Neither of the two links you posted directly mention soy.
Soy contains phytoestrogens, phytoestrogens are a type of xenoestrogen

Anyway I think you missed the whole point. Of course it isn't going to be mainstream right now, there were no problems with smoking back in the day and even doctors recommended it. And you can be sure several lobbies are going to try to take heat out of the issue and paint soy a different color, but that's irrelevant to me or to any thinking man. There were people who connected the dots and realized inhaling smoke didn't look like a good idea for your lungs way before any doctor started to bash it. In the same way I post this because it's a real issue whether you acknowledge it or not, so maybe some people will do their own research and connect the dots, others prefer to let other people do the thinking and they just follow, and that's a category you probably fall into.

>Highly processed and unnatural chemicals do not have the same effect on the body as unprocessed plant soy.

Irrelevant, phytoestrogens are phytoestrogens no matter if you process the soy or not.


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Yep. Medical science and advertising are totally in the same place that they were in the 50s. The idea that all xenoestrogens are created equal is stupid. Phytoestrogens have not been proven to be harmful. That belief is not just, "not mainstream", it's, not scientifically proven. Science is not about, "connecting the dots", and you cannot come to conclusions just by, "connecting the dots". Relearn the scientific method. You only have a hypothesis right now. If you cared about the truth above all, you would want funding to go into this line of research without dogmatically telling people that their life is in shambles because of soy. Plenty of things that weren't, "mainstream yet", ended up being totally wrong. I could say the same thing about the time cube. It's just not mainstream yet. Any day now the papers will be coming in: We live in 4 simultaneous days all happening in four different quadrants! The experts were wrong! Academia was wrong! Get 40% off on international flights! Hurrah!


>Medical science and advertising are totally in the same place that they were in the 50s
>it can't happen again!

Sure thing, which is why "scientific" studies nowadays are funded by corporations with certain interests in mind are the norm.
I won't bother with the rest, I think I've already put more effort than what I should.
>dogmatically telling people that their life is in shambles because of soy.
Yeah, hormonal disruptors are not real, it's more of a thing of faith. And I didn't specifically target soy as the original post was more about xenoestrogens in general. If you avoid soy, you are avoiding xenoestrogens.


I literally never said that soy isn't unhealthy. Maybe it is. It's not known for sure right now.
>more about xenoestrogens
Yeah, that's why you jumped into a conversation about soy. That's still not how chemistry works.
>Yeah, hormonal disruptors are not real
Not what I was arguing.
>I think I've already put more effort than what I should.
I appreciate your altruistic attempts at converting me so that I can see the light.


Which posts have been pissing you off?


If you're still here by the time I post this, I hope you can find some source of happiness in life, if not from people, from a hobby or passion. Life is always worth living because there's nothing else there. Having thoughts is always better than being a rotting carcass. Wolves will eat you regardless or how happy or miserable you were in life.

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