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/sugg/ - Suggestions / Meta

Site meta-talk, help, suggestions, and moderation discussion

Password (For file deletion.)

The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

File: 1338588274322.png (259.68 KB, 467x506, 1338463682017.png)



Should be fixed

File: 1332918433140.jpg (74.95 KB, 722x676, weirdo_stalker_hinata_by_d….jpg)


be able to upload images by just pasting a link to the hosted image, similar to what imgur does. pic unrelated
12 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


its sporechan. yes thats an asian guy's dick and shes sucking it while his roomate is playing spore in the same room, lol.




To the mod who removed that image: Er, you do know NSFW is allowed, right?

Fucking Uboachan.


You know if you copy the direct link to the image, then when you go to upload an image, copy and paste the direct link into the file upload browse bar. It should work.


Yes I do but not everyone does.

File: 1334112690580.jpg (99.19 KB, 604x446, I've Seen You Masturbate, ….JPG)


I think images should be expandable. It will increase my enjoyment coming from this board.

Please post your opinions to benefit due process
13 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



Working for me



For me, the style switcher works fine on the sidebar when I'm at the frontpage, and doesn't when I'm at the various boards. In those cases though, the style switcher at the bottom works.

If I remove the frames though, the style switcher options at the bottom goes away, and it reverts to "Uboachan Classic" for all sections of the site other than the news page, which sticks with whatever theme I set it to. The style switcher options would go away with the removal of frames in the past as well, though it wasn't an issue then, since the style would stick to whatever I had set it to for the whole site.

I'm using Firefox 12.


File: 1336316412651.png (2.05 KB, 262x28, lookatallthesenumbers.png)

I'm having the same issues on the newest chrome


I just realized expandable images don't work when frames removed, (in Firefox, at least).

I know there are still multiple issues on the to do list, so maybe you guys are already aware of it, but I didn't see it mentioned anywhere, so figured I'd do so.



Freaky. I'll report it to STI.

File: 1334114698674.jpg (51.13 KB, 500x312, 1334108300522.jpg)


Hey guys,

why aren't I a mod yet?
9 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


inb4 op actually becomes a mod


Figured since it was legal, why not? There was already a thread about it, so I decided to contribute. I understand your ideals against gore, really.
I mentioned the /h/ thing because of wide legality, such as saying "All because I like gore, doesn't mean I'm going to spam the shit out with gore." though if things are legal, then I won't feel bad about posting my interests.

I prefer forum posts though. :< Especially since I space out during IRCs and such.

That'd be pretty hot.

I'm on /cos/.


Really? I prefer forum posts too; but only because IRC sucks away my time like a black hole (I have a hard time leaving).

Anyways, even if you somehow became a mod today, it seems that you'd have to be on IRC a lot once you do become a mod; which is probably why it's better to be an IRC regular before hand. According to Seiatsu; "Half of the community is on IRC". And I'm assuming he doesn't want mods only moderating half of the community or something.


File: 1337722818611.png (134.7 KB, 228x267, beko.PNG)

So, when do I get to know my super secret mod stuff.



you already know it

you just need to REMEMBER

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We should get a cute Yumi Nikki picture to replace the ugly "File Deleted" symbol.

We have one for Spoiler, so why not File deleted?
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.



What the fuck am I writing? I meant PIXEL art.


Everything makes so much more sense now.


File: 1335271134703.png (2.27 KB, 140x50, burning-diary-deleted-1.png)

I tried.


Yes! I like it!


File: 1335442151134.jpg (64.07 KB, 429x275, angry-diary-nerd-james.jpg)

Oh, good!
I got lucky with the fire, I think.
It took 40% skill and 60% luck to make that thing. Turned out better than I thought.
Thanks and you're welcome; I had fun making it.

Pic related to burning diaries.

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I just realized.
Why isn't this board, and the *Wild* Board in Off-Topic?
It'd make more sense in my opinion


/sugg/ is definitely a meta board. I just put /wild/ in meta because you never know what the topic will be.

File: 1335118273393.png (1.95 KB, 128x128, Touhoudex_2_Chibi_Rika.png)


Is there any way to see all the posts we've made? Like, I want to see all the stuff I've posted.
But keeping it private, too. Like, you can't look for someone else's stuff, only yours.


Not atm, mods are able to, but normal users aren't as far as I know.

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what does that lead to? my phone doesn't read them and it isn't working on online decoders




well in that case: what a terrible idea

File: 1333937695872.jpg (14 KB, 364x242, 9493.jpg)


>Click the ckeckbox


File: 1333942595672.gif (1.13 MB, 159x166, 1332338200634.gif)

Oh, well look at that…


Herp. Fixing.




Is that… flan?
I love flan.


File: 1334003450018.jpg (196.1 KB, 800x1129, flan.jpg)

No way!? ME TOO!
We should totally date.

File: 1333746250657.gif (7.65 KB, 458x310, omgwtfbbq20110724-22047-dx….gif)


Please check /mado/, Sei. Sabitsuki is sending us inappropriate things again.

Pic unrelated.


Why won't people use the report feature D:

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