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/sugg/ - Suggestions / Meta

Site meta-talk, help, suggestions, and moderation discussion

Password (For file deletion.)

The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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We don't need five moderators


>five mods
who is the fifth?


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We need more, like fifteen.


yes we do


>five mods
>slow response to getting raided anyway

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Does the report button actually work? The one at the bottom beside delete post. If not, /is/ there a report function?
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Removing anon because either paranoia or feeling it was obvious.

Is that one topic in .flow passable in spite of how obnoxious it is or what because really


Everything is passable in here. Except things that make mods butthurt, those they go overkill on.




I check the report queue at least once a day. No one ever reports posts though. @_@


I CHECK IT EVERY TIME I LOG IN BAM i am the best mod. promote me now.

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Seisatsu stop being incompetent. The webirc link has been down for days spitting out a 503 error.

At least fix something around here for a change. Jesus christ.

Also bbcode is broken.


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>bbcode is broken


>text markup


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WebIRC is handled by STI, so there's not much I can do except go complain.

If we move WebIRC to a more stable server, say, ours, we risk DDoS.


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> 2012
> Using WebIRC
> Shigger diggers

Picture related. It was the 4th Google Images result for "shigger digger".

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Could there possibly be a dark
style sheet implemented? I liked
the vibe of the old one. This
basic Burichan style sheet throws
everything off for me. ;_;
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On the topic of themes.

I like themes.
Themes are nice.

How would one go about designing/implementing a theme option?
I'd love to contribute if at all possible.



Hmm. For Tinyboard you could install a copy and then play with the CSS. But we're using custom templates.

What you could do is look at:
http://uboachan.net/stylesheets/style.css (Defaults)

and then use some sort of browser extension to hotplug your modified CSS into the website while you play with a custom stylesheet.


Seriously why hasn't this been implemented yet?


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Fucking sage,


Oh reuben~

..wait wrong chan.

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post automated errors when posting in threads here

include a link to the thread pls

ty mates


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Alright, so I’ve made this sprite dude (I’m just testing, the rest isn’t done) based off the size of the normal sprites in Yume Nikki. However, when I go to put him in, it moves erratically, although the distance between them is the same as in the Yume nikki spritesheets. I noticed that the sprites in the RTP stock files are MUCH smaller. How is it that these are bigger? How to you allow them to be bigger?
In general with sprite sheets and this problem, please help me! Thanks.

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I think were going to need a new board to simply 'contain' all the relationship threads that are overflowing /NEET/. I dont know what to call it though, you can call it /forever alone/ for all I care.
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>not knowing seisatsu is completely incompetent




>getting upset about imageboard bans

ps: the email address you were seeking is in the faq so I guess you're blind


>page search "email" brings up nothing
>page search "@" brings up nothing


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The year 2012 has arrived.
A herd of fuckin' ugly shitposters
are rushing from other imageboards.

Hate post are increasing!
Uboachan is ruined!

Anyway, I used to believe that there can't be more harm done to Uboachan, but if this "refugee plan" is true, then it seems that I was wrong…

(But keep on ruining this, there's the forum of a certain fangame that more-or-less retained the atmosphere of the original Uboachan, so there is a place where the original uboachanners can feel at home, without all this 4chan-style shit that goes on here.)


I will not deal with or answer to further destructive criticism in this thread. This discussion has been derailed. If you don't like Uboachan, staying anyway probably makes you a troll. Please provide constructive insight or leave.

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okay guys you really need to fix this
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


See that [U] below "Remove Frames"? click that. Every time you refresh, it should be back to normal.


I think it's fixed now.


Not on Opera mini. It's worse, in fact. Half of the text in the recent posts is cut off.


I'm not even sure if Tinyboard is mobile compatible. I'll have to ask STI about that one.


it is partially if you're not using frames

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What is this place? There are so many boards and they all have strange names. Can someone show me the way?


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Hello and welcome to uboachan!

We're an imageboard dedicated to Yume Nikki. I suggest checking out FAQ and Rules first.

If you do like it here and decide to post, make sure you read through a couple pages of the boards to make sure you're not making a clone thread. We're a fairly slow chan and that might annoy some people. In general, ubuu tends to get annoyed at the silliest little things. Don't take it to heart. ^^;

You might also want to check out the irc. Connect to irc.datnode.net and join #uboachan.



You got trolled pretty easily.

Also since I can't make a thread complaining about it: I still get an error message every time I try to make a new thread.


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So do you. :3c
I doubt anyone who was actually new would post on sugg, maybe ot or yume or something.

Anyhow, I have personally told this to sei twice, and the irc has been bugging him about it for a while now. I suppose he's working on it. .-.



>Can someone show me the way

Did anyone else read that in Peter Framptom's voice?


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Just would like to drop in a little opinion, you need to fire atleast one your mods.

One of them is deleting on topic threads and my on-topic posts. Your supposed to enforce rules, not delete every post/thread you don't particularly like because you're a controlling obsessive freak.
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I wasn't referring to "personal attack", but troll posts. And I stated my reason. Not NEET related in any way, 3 posts in the thread, people being told to gtfo already. Why keep it there?

And as far as my own feelings are concerned, I honestly don't care. :>



Just saying, when I was telling people to get the fuck out, I was 100% joking around. Literally nothing I said in that thread was in the least bit serious.


Bud, I'm not scolding you or telling you that your posts are bad and you should feel bad. If you were being a dick, you would have been banned. Were you banned? No.

It was a bad thread, is all.


>If you were being a dick, you would have been banned.

shit mod detected


Hi madnuts, how are you doing. ^_^

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Because it is important and I'm afraid that sei won't check the mod board.
When banning, this shows up.
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Is that real? I mean, did someone from staff really say that?
They might as well just say "you're banned because I can't sit straight anymore", look at all the ass damage.
Gonna run before I'm banned too.


I may have missed the convening of the council members on the decision, but I doubt that this will be a reoccurring event.


Are you actually suggesting that we need to tell our users that ban evasion is bad?

Thanks to your multiple evasions, I've set up Tinyboard's DNSBL function. It should no longer be possible to abuse proxies for intentionally violating the moderation team's judgement.

You could have talked with any of the moderation team. IRC is always open. Mods are there. You could have even emailed me directly; my email is in the FAQ. A ban is a ban. Evasion tells us that you don't care about our rules or the decisions of our staff, and that makes you something to be removed.

That said, I have only heard my staff's side of the story. If you have something to add, please do email me. You've earned yourself a very long ban, but it's possible for a permaban to be rescinded. I'd especially like you to explain what you mean by "5 months". If you received a 5 month ban before you evaded, under the correct circumstances that would be a violation of the moderator guidelines. (That would have been very close to when I acquired the site though.)

I assume you will see this post; your ban should be on posting only.


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Hate to beat a dead horse, but I feel like I need to hop in on this. This whole thing was pretty ridiculous.

ThatGuy, here's a task list of things from me to you. Considering you seem intent on telling our staff how to be better staff with no real backing to do so, I think I'm going to tell you a couple ways to be a better board member.

1) Don't be incredibly incendiary and insulting of others. This is very well within the same vein of trolling/flaming. Which, mind, is against da rulez. Know what else is a good thing? To not do it after being warned. I told the mods who handled this myself to warn and then temp-ban if you continued attacking others when it's absolutely unneeded.
2) There's no need to be so self-entitled. You are not Uboachan's Messiah, you yourself being incredibly insulting and disregarding staff will not fix any problems. This will only do the contrary to helping uboachan by setting a piss-poor example of being a good member. Also, we are not as wounded or poorly-cobbled together as you seem to believe.
3) Assuming things are bad, try not to. Almost all of our members are regulars of IRC and we look for that, yes. But we also want members who are regulars of the boards. That requirement is almost so clear that we never have to state that explicitly. Look at the mod list. Who here hasn't been an acknowledged member for years? Some of them are old enough you don't remember them. For granted, some are newer and some may be lurkers. But that doesn't mean you tell them they have no idea how the boards work or that we're all incompetent. Just because we do things differently does not mean it's wrong. It's been this way for years. It works for us and that's all that matters. It's only been recently that there's an incredibly vocal minority complaining.
4) Ban evasion after being warned after breaking a handful of rules on a number of occasions, just to get the last word makes you look bad. And gets you gone for good. Every imageboard is like that. Every one. For granted, I agree that 22 weeks is too long. That is and will be addressed. But there are easily other ways to reach the staff and have the problem resolved in a peaceable manner, like Seisatsu said. Although, considering you've been nothing but insulting, implying, assumptive, condescending and overall mean-spirited to people who are just trying to help or solve a problem, the fact you went about it the wrong way doesn't surpriPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


My investigation shows that the moderators in this situation made a few mistakes, due in part to misunderstandings of the moderator guidelines, bad advice from other staff members, misunderstanding advice of other staff members, and general overkill on the original ban length.

I will be rewording the moderator guidelines to be less ambiguous.

In the meantime, ThatGuy's permaban has been lifted and replaced with a 2 week ban, for going about this all in quite the wrong way. The original ban also had some merit, discounting the fact that its length was absurd and unacceptable.

I hope that ThatGuy will return as a productive member of this board.

And please, no more ban evasions.

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