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/sugg/ - Suggestions / Meta

Site meta-talk, help, suggestions, and moderation discussion

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A major software upgrade has just been completed. Please report any issues to the administrator.

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This black on dark grey color scheme is literally unreadable on my monitor with f.lux installed. Yet the switch theme links at the bottom of the board don't work. This sucks :(
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<a href="javascript:void(0);">[Rei/Zero]</a>

Yeah, all I get is a void on chrome.


I could do that or try to fix it one more time. Tinyboard is winding down as a project anyway, all that's being pushed is mostly bugfixes and small features.

Eventually I'd like to replace this software with some new software, and merge in posts from the current site AND the archive. That would be cool.


I second this motion.



Not sure if you already know this, but what I've noticed is that the buttons on the bottom work fine when Frames are on, but do nothing when frames are off. I usually browse with the latest version of Firefox, but after testing quick, it seems this behavior is consistent in the latest version of Internet Explorer and Chrome as well.


Oho, a lead! This should be an easy fix when I get around to it.

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Yo, Seisatsu! Are you going to jump on the WebM bandwagon too?
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I have arrived. Hello!

It's too bad what happened to Unit 8. We only live a few months anyways though.

I'll consider enabling WebM. It will probably depend on how difficult it is to add support in the code.


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meanwhile, under Ubuu's HQ…


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Oh cool, this one has a beard.


Shit, is that really Seisatsu? cause Damn he look different then what I expected.



>Shit, is that really Seisatsu?

No, it's Sei IX. The original one is probably what you expected.

Don't be afraid this one's life span is getting narrower day by day so it's just a matter of another month or two before the new one arrives.

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hello. so i'm using ubuntu 12.04 and am having some trouble getting yume nikki running. it installed ok, but when i try to run it, i get a black window and this error: DirectDraw error (DDERR_UNSUPPORTED). Any help would be great.


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install gentoo

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>After years and years complaining ubuu image is bad for the eyes, this is actually the first style ever posted by someone

Since I can't find the other post where you were asking for this, I'm posting the sheetstyle I made for ubuu.
Ironically, I will keep using Uboachan Classic, because it's the only one theme I feel it's well placed. However, there may be users that like to use this one.

It's still a beta, and I've left some of elements untouched because I didn't see any noticeable change after playing with them a bit (This is mostly because if I you try to move from a page to another, or to post, the sheetstyle will be reswitched again to Uboachan Classic. I think these are inside that category but, again, I don't know; I may missed something).
I'd appreciate if you checked those and either modify them yourself or tell me what they do so I do it (They're under the /*must check later*/ messages).

This is just half of it, since it does not work with the frames on in the news page or any other board with the frames on. But it's 3am and I can't think anymore.


Anyway, what do you think?
Would you, ubuu?
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It has nothing to do with your style, the last software update broke the switcher and I didn't notice until now.


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I found another bug.
When you post a file that already exists in the board, the text is still red.
The line is 95-97.

h2 {
color: #B03030;

It has to be changed for lightgray.

I'd be thankful if another color problem is found they will report it.




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Sei, I found another bug on the rules' page. I gave it the generic color of lightgray but if you think of something else you're free to edit it that way.

Alas, I feel a bit bad asking for this over and over again, so thanks for taking the time to get in the FTP and touch the css.
For what I've seen, quite a few members are using this scheme, which makes me happy. It also makes ubuu readable during the morning/day when it's too bright, so I ended up using it as well to not force my sight.


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Derp, speaking of the rules page I totally forgot to fully style that one…

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What happened to the index page?


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Yeah, I wonder what happened…


oh its the weekly "Goddamnit Sei" event


From the FAQ:

The database is backed up every Monday at 6:00am PST, and the site itself is backed up every Monday at 6:45am PST.

During this time the site is inaccessible. The index page is supposed to be replaced with a backup message, but I guess that broke.


oh well

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So how about having a staff member of the month like in McDonalds?
We can vote which one is the fav of the community.
inb4 Booger wins
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Sei hire saya best mod



Did you forget Marisa abandoned the vomitive shithole and she wasn't coming here now? Also, she does not want to be involved with us, people, if we could even be called that.


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Remember when I wanted to be moderator? Well, now I don't want to.

When I'm really flustered I can say a lot of weird shit.

So… Yah, I'm not an "active" member of the community anymore due to discomfort with sharing the same room as certain obnoxious individuals (although I've decided to ditch my irrational hate for stal).

Also Seisatsu is butts.


For reference, anyone you disliked from that time aren't even around anymore.

Additionally, I don't think we need more mods who may kneejerk over the slightest things, so I guess that feeling is mutual.


Very well, then. I hope we can just forget about this little outburst of mine and get along fine.

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Who literally thought black on black text was a good idea?

Tell me who.


Rozen thought black on black text was a good idea. This is an adaptation of the original Uboachan theme. We've been over this 50 times. Use the style switcher.

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rip ubuu security
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It's happening again.


Nope, just from news and the theme template, then I rebuilt the required things. Some people were still seeing the 404s (in their javascript console) from where I hadn't removed the js properly.

What exactly is "happening"? A cute image doesn't help fix anything, unfortunately. I'm not getting any errors on post and I'm not sure what error you're receiving. You also might be caching the error from when you had it, never know. Try clearing it and continuing. I asked a few others if they're having any issues and they're not.


>having to rebuild

tinyboard bad software tbh imo


The software caches all dynamic page data, such as posts and threads, into static HTML pages to reduce database load. These static pages are updated when the site detects a change in the page data, such as a new post. When you change something behind the scenes, such as including a snow script in the page template, you need to manually tell the software to regenerate the page since the change was not done through the site and cannot be detected automatically. It's a logical solution; the alternative would be to poll the database on every single page visit, creating a crippling amount of database traffic.


at least it works
remember the archive

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Wait, so why exactly is the catalog link gone even though it can still be accessed?

I'm really sorry for extreme slowpoke. I wanted to ask as soon as it happened but I put it off. ;_;

I really didn't want to make a new thread I swear, but I couldn't find any relevant threads to post in or an answer to my question.

Is it just that way until the code is improved?
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Settings in the config file just vanish once in a while. I can't explain it. Anyway the catalog link should be back now.



change file to read-only in between making changes maybe?

I don't know how to host websites I don't know ;_;



Would a search filter option be possible to find specific posts by keyword?



I'm hesitant to answer this. It's possible, because STI's done it with 4chon, but that script isn't public and he says it's terribly messy. The code for the search itself would be easy to write but I have no idea how to properly integrate it with the site API. So, it depends really, I could write a shit search function but I'd rather not.


in google:

site:archive.uboachan.net/board/ search terms

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Even though I designed the front page I have no idea what's going on with this. It seems like on rare occasions bottom:15px on frontpage.css causes #maintable to stretch to the window height, not the page height.

It's so rare I can't even replicate it after it happens the first time and I don't know what's causing it. Is it something to do with frames or js? idk seisatsu pls look into this when you get a chance its rly annoying


Just asking, what browser are you using, mudnut? It MIGHT be the way it reads the webpage.

I mean, I never faced this problem before, so it would be interesting to see if others users using the same browsers find this afterwards (or some others users that are not).


I haven't seen that before. It's hard to fix if I can't reproduce it. There isn't any dynamic content below the recent posts section, so it should render exactly the same each time. I'd assume it's a browser bug.

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