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/sugg/ - Suggestions / Meta

Site meta-talk, help, suggestions, and moderation discussion

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A major software upgrade has just been completed. Please report any issues to the administrator.

File: 1367066448629.jpg (61.5 KB, 960x640, 1365994557290.jpg)


Good job on fixing the 'your post looks automated' problem




How did it get fixed? I can't figure it out on my own install!


It's a tricky bastard, that one. I'm not sure if it actually did get fixed, or if it did, how. Sorry. Try talking to the official vichan support channel.


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Unfortunately, the rising tides of CP spam combined with the lack of a paid 24/7 moderation staff has required us to enable captchas. Please give us your feedback or suggestions here.

Known bug: When making a new post, our nifty ajax plugin makes the post appear without refreshing the page. Unfortunately, this means the captcha does not refresh. If making multiple posts in the same thread, you must refresh the captcha manually between posts.
20 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




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more seisatsu fanart


Needs more eyebrows

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It's changed a few weeks later…

Just skimming over the board, why do you 'skim over' the rules?
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File: 1415988381422.png (159.01 KB, 499x281, Snapshot 1 (14-11-2014 18-….png)

Look, dude, that ban is past.
What definition of 'skimming over'.
>absolutely no context
I was asking, don't try to start wars now.


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This is now a board war.






Why is every post you make completely incomprehensible?

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Can you explain why?
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I've put it on /sugg/ for mods to explain, not breaking Rule 9, 6 and/or 11 in ANYWAY POSSIBLE.

This ban was found on /lit/, actually. It had a connection with my ban protest. Do you realize that I'm talking to mods?(BAN EVASION)


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Nigga there is an appeal thing you can use, there is even the IRC available you dont need to start public drama bout muh little ban.

I use it all the time when mod chan goes tsundere and wants me to notice them.

You saved that capture for nearly 3 years, that's deep.


>12/17/11 - You saved that capture for nearly 3 years
I saved that capture on 11/15/14 because I found that was connected with my ban protest (26.7.14) even if there is an appeal thing you can use.
Protesting bans are done via contacting Ses by email. :)(BAN EVASION)


Rolling for dubs


Please remember that the boards are not the place to appeal or request information about a ban. Bans can be discussed or appealed through the appeal form, the operator's email, or IRC.

Also, I don't have information about a ban that old.

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Old error screens?


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I can't find the flood detect error image, though. It was on /tkki/ and I searched everywhere for it.
Things have changed recently, Captcha and all, including popup versions of the errors.


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The 'wrong password' error, circa 26.7.14.

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Could a mod please remove the hardcore CP posted on NSFW, and make sure it doesn't happen again? thanks
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The Bots know how to get past Google's captcha?

oh fuck


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How much long until google release their hordes of robot horse-feet soldiers and take over the world with one terrifying swoop around the globe?


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it started


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I am the button of my report,
HTML is my <body>, and Javascript is my blood
I have reported over a thousand CP/spam
Unknown to tripfags, nor known to IRCs
Have withstood hard candy to report many posts
Yet, those hands will never hold a loli
So as I pray, Unlimited Report Works

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Hey staff, friendly reminder that this was Ubuu's golden era, then it died again.
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>I think I joined around 2008 or 2009
>near the end of Ubuu's golden era.
funny, uboachan was created in 2009, and the golden era ended in 2011, when the new(old) software was implemented.


>No Project Yume Nikki
>No Corey
>No board war
oldfegs golden era yeah keep dreaming


Then in 2014 everything changed sometime in September (aka. the new server):

Project Yume Nikki fraud;
Info is in >>2067


>No Corey
>No board war
Keep dreaming man


>Uboachan was created in 2009.
I didn't know that, dudes.

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What is this? I get while posting, my repost will be discarded, due to flooding.


I'm not entirely sure, but I tried looking into it to no avail. It's an error the mod panel has been running into and since it's apparently an issue for the users, I've made an issue on the github for vichan. Hold tight until we figure out a solution and make sure to let us know if any other issues pop up.


I think I fixed it, post if it happens again.

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Can you ask questions to mods?
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Srry booger :(
I'll do it :(


Booger, fast question, what is the pic about?


Booger; what would you think of the following case?

Someone decides to get life insurance with the intention of giving all material goods to a good friend if something ever happened to that person (the one who got the insurance).

However, the cost of the insurance is detracted from his won pay; and maybe the friend doesn't even care for the guy who got the insurance. Perhaps hates or fears the poor bastard.

So what do you think? Is it worth it or what?


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chicken football
I would not recommend that situation. Do something else.


Thanks. Good Bye.

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We have Oekaki capability! For those of you who don't know, Oekaki allows you to draw your own image for your post using a built-in interface.

For the next week, Oekaki will remain enabled on all boards as a trial feature. Your comments will help us decide whether to leave it enabled sitewide or confine it to the Artistry board.
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This actually should be a banner




Hey, you're right. What the hell. Opened a bug report.



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