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/fg/ - Fangames

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File: 1686736763345.png (55.59 KB, 820x1042, 114-1146503_bunny-transpar….png)


Have you ever wanted a different kind of fangame?


because if that is what you want then you'll see soon enough




File: 1686748962548.png (22.03 KB, 404x336, Oekaki.png)




goddamn it not again


OP to put things in context, we have a veeeeery long history of people posting that they're going to make a game and then never doing it. If you have some work done then post what you've got, but… from the filename you didn't even draw the bunny. This is the least informative game announcement I've ever seen lmao


oh that actually makes sense lmao


well ok ok next time i announce this i'll be more informative
(tho i really do like to not be informative on purpose)


File: 1686819586521.png (819 B, 64x64, New Piskel.png)

but you you actually want something original then here
(sorry if it's small but it's meant to be for the "nasu ripoff" every single goddamn fangame has to have)

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