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/yume/ - Dreams

Dream On!

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Do any of you write/draw/do whatever other work while still asleep or in that in between phase when you’re technically awake but your mind isn’t?

It’s pretty rare, but I sometimes will have a sudden urge to write while being half asleep or wake up just to write something and fall asleep again right away. It usually happens when I dream or think of something that I want to remember or tell someone. Unfortunately I never last long enough to write something actually useful, and sometimes the things I write are so incoherent that I have to accept whatever I meant is lost.

Even half asleep I still know I must be fast and concise because I may fall back asleep any time and lose what I wanted to write down. Most times I still remember writing it after waking up, but there have been times I woke up with a notebook to my side, or my cellphone with a note app or a message app open, or find random things written by me that I have no recollection of noting them down. It’s like lucid dreaming but you’re writing in the real world.

I’ve lost most of these notes during the years, but I’ll post two that I still have. I don’t know their context and don’t remember why I wrote them. They’re stupid but I like reading them because they were written in a state of dream logic and it feels like someone else’s thoughts.

“A family photo that a group of people find out they all have the same one. In the picture, the mother and the father are the same, only the child is different in every photo, and the three are always in the same position with the same background behind.”

“I remember when I was a child, sometimes I found my grandma sleeping on my bed. But I understood why she wouldn’t want to sleep in hers. I too wouldn’t want to sleep on the place where I died.”


Decided to search online about this and I don’t think it actually has an official term but found out it is related to somnambulism. It’s unofficially called somniscription/somnographia, or just sleep-writing.

It has been a few years since the last time this happened. I may try to provoke it so it happens again.

One of the places I read about it -> https://ramblingmutterings.blogspot.pt/2008/01/sleep-writing-somniscription.html


I've only recently started jotting down notes of my dreams (otherwise I forget them immediately), and the more I do so the more confused I am.

In one dream, I found a notebook in a hardware store. This notebook somehow contained everything I'd written and drawn in a notebook in real life, but with pages of notes and drawings that I definitely had not made.

I woke up in a crazed fit, and immediately wrote down the pages I remembered reading and sketching the pictures I saw. To my surprise, some of the pictures directly mirrored ones I had drawn in real life, but some of them were completely original. After doing some research, I found that the symbols I had drawn were political symbols I had never seen, and the one particular drawing that I remember best is a picture of a battleaxe with a heart-shaped pommel. Still haven't figured that one out yet.

And all the writings seemed like diary entries from a cultist trying to recruit members, and they seemed like very detailed entries. I don't know why these writings appeared in my notebook in the dream, and I'm a bit concerned about the implications.

TL;DR the things I write as soon as I wake up bother me… a lot.


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That sounds really cool. I understand that your notes make you nervous, but having such detailed dreams and being able to remember them well enough to jot them down are pretty awesome skills.
I don’t think there is much reason to be so bothered by them. I always see all this stuff as the mind trying to entertain itself while we’re “disconnected”, so the brain just comes up with what knows it will catch your attention. If there is any reason to be bothered by these things, I did have a grandmother that passed away when I was a kid, so the last note I wrote in >>2528 is going to make me freaking lose sleep.

Do you have notes that you can share, transcribing them here or posting a photo?


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Here's a transcription of the dream journal I took on March 17th of this year:

>I'm in North Carolina, at a home I don't recognize. Apparently it belongs to my grandparents, but I've never seen it, and it looks like the interior of a steamboat.

>I go to a Home Depot (carrying a pillow for some reason) with (mysterious man, looks like Danny Glover) and find a notebook that looks similar to mine. It has all of my writings in it. I try to explain that this is my notebook, and start crying and losing my mind. My legs are also very tired and I seem rooted in place. In the notebook are drawings I've made in real life as well as ones I don't think I've ever made. Some appear to be made by someone else as well.

>The mysterious man also talked to several other people in the store about height and skin color, they didn't seem to mind and even laughed along with him.

That's the unedited transcription. In pic related, I wrote some additional notes, and tried as best I could to replicate the handwriting I saw in the notebook because it was not my own. I also sketched the symbol I saw, and after doing more research I found out that it is a Celtic Cross, a religious symbol that has been adopted by the Alt-Right. I also wrote down that I had seen a drawing of an axe with a heart-shaped pommel, but I didn't sketch it after I woke up and I've forgotten what it looked like.


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That's just a the coda symbol in music notation. You probably saw it on a piece of sheet music at some point, nothing original there.


Well no, I'm very familiar with music notation and I'm very sure it wasn't a Coda. It was a perfect circle, more like a Celtic Cross.


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It was a lot more detailed in my dream, looked more like this. In my half-woken state I couldn't replicate it fully.

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