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/tori/ - Toriningen


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Mad/crazy Toriningen thread.
I still like themwhen they're like that.
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dem hips.



always bird thigh/hips


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Mine is the one with the stripey shirt and the pigtails.
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Left to right: Lisa, Mona, Gilda or Amethyst…I can't decide


Which one would you be the happiest to see a cosplay of? I'm considering doing a Toriningen cosplay and I can't chose.



never seen the middle one


She appears in candle world, and at the toriningen picnic in the wilderness


The one on the right/Mona.

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toriningen boobs board
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what if toriningen tits are lopsided



then they run in a slight curve when they chase Madotsuki around


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you're my favourite person for today.


Curse you Toriningen! Making me fap myself into the inescapable room of Y U FAP TO THIS!

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i've done it you guys, i've done it. i've discovered a new type of toriningen. i'm not telling you where because you should find it for yourself <:



sounds legit

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I love this. Don't know why.
Anybody else seen/have any unique interpretive art about the Toriningen?
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Removable beaks? Is that ok for this thread?


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Oh hey, I remember drawing this a long time ago hahaha.

It's a shame you didn't get the one I liked.

Bam~ :33


That's a fucking awesome drawing.


OP here, so I say yes~ I mean, thats why it's "interpretations" after all.

I like. *Gives cookie*


I'd stab it.

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huhuhuhu another valentine from my aksayumenikki blog


Once again, these are cool, but it's April.
On top of that, /o/ is more appropriate.


Well, I rather like this.

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i am just wondering what they look like in sonic form
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It's easier to read from here. http://olivil.imgur.com/


Chris-Chan would be proud.


and then threaten to sue for copyright infringement


omg u did not just go their.


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I have a feeling they would look something like the bird girls from The Mysteries of Alfred Hedgehog. If you give one of them the main character girl's hair, just like that you get the pigtails tori. Easy, Breezy, Beautiful Cover Girl.

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i found this and felt it was vaguely related


This is normal.
Everybody move along.

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Here ya go. TORININGEN needs more stuff


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Running while holding your bike is the way to go!


This is how Yume Nikki should have ended. Way better ending.

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