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/sugg/ - Suggestions / Meta

Site meta-talk, help, suggestions, and moderation discussion

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The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

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 No.1274[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Jesus christ it's a mess. JQ shit, schizoposting, echoposting, the works. I know it's on the le epic hikki board where le everything is steeped in 50 LAYERS OF IRONY and if you don't get it's because you're UNENLIGHTENED but i think maybe basically posting mein kampf is maybe perhaps not good?

So maybe wipe the thread? i don't know, it might be somewhat offputting for tranhikkis to join and then immediately be greeted with a flood basically calling them untermensch.
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Agreed. This is better so discussions around sexuality and gender to come about naturally and aren't segregated off somewhere. I guess one advantage of a trans specific thread is having resources in the sticky, but the trans thread doesn't even have that.

LGBT culture is really trashy and specific boards just attracts the worst kinds of posters.


This sounds appealling, but nartzees gonna nartzee. I guess maybe one thread is easier for the jannies? I seriously doubt that the people jqposting on the tran thread are doing it due to a simple disagreement with how the site's being directed. Nobody snaps around to fall of the west bullshit that fast. If they want to be horrible faggots won't they sniff the other threads out fast enough?


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If "one thread" was easier for jannies - this thread wouldn't exist.

If you don't remember - the original issue that led to creation of so-called "trans mega thread" was the derailment of trans folk's threads about their trans problems. As we all can see, this measure has proven to be ineffective and the thread was quickly derailed as well, although with some resistance.

Another issue is that Seisatsu is the only LGBT folk in moderation team, and only Seisatsu knows how to treat the rule-breaking situations that involves LGBT stuff. At least that's how I think, I'm sure the other moderator folks will correct me if I'm wrong.

My suggestion, again, is to ditch the "trans mega thread" and hire a few jannies from LGBT circle to monitor LGBT-related threads in /hikki/.

And let's not forget about the existence of report button. It exists, it works well, and anyone can use it to report something they find rule-breaking.

> ✖ Your request looks automated; Post discarded.

Automate your ass, damn you.


The trans thread should be nuked. Look at it. The whole thing is a mess.


is it even a psyop if you're so obviously being retarded on purpose

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Be honest, is this how it all ends?
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bro you're having a stroke?


I can't post in the 2kki general anymore (throws error everytime), it's over

This website has completely lost it


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What error are you getting? The good old "Your request looks automated; Post discarded."? Because that one just happens sometimes, for completely nonsensical reasons.


Yeah that one, but in the 2kki general I'm getting it all the time, every time, post content irrevelant, IP irrelevant

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Where is desuchan..what happened to it?
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Like it or not I think 4chan is too big and infamous to die even if all the others fade out like the old forums.


I fucking hate 4chan so fucking much, even if you're cool with all the schizo jq shit it's so fucking ugly to look at the fucking tan and green is so fucking ugly and the stupid fucking frog that everyone posts looks dreadful


>tan and green
You can pick a different css to your liking
>frog that everyone posts
Visit better boards?


Woah now, telling me to do something other than seethe in my own vitriol? That's very rude. How dare you, normalfag


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Cope, seethe, and mald to your heart's content. I don't know about anyone else, but I fully intend to enjoy this place while it lasts. I found this place a few months ago and refuse to let go until it's OVER.

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As we know, rule 8 prohibits political symbolisim including people like "Hitler, Trump, Bernie Sanders, Karl Marx" Problem is Marx is a very important 19th century European philosopher, economist, and one of the founding fathers of sociology whereas the rest of those guys are corrupt politicians and a fat businessman. Personally I think this is unfair to Marx but can see where admin is coming from. So to make things fair please also ban Hegel.


it's hegover

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Bad news. The archive seems to be dead.


which one?


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Uboachan's one, duh. The main page responds with 502, but the boards are still accessible if you know it's URL. Tried to access /mono/ and it worked just fine.


I think it's fixed now. Hung seevice on the backend.


Damn, that was fast. Thank you for fixing it.


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The reader for the scanned doujins is also broken. Haven't seen anyone report this so I thought I'd bring it up ITT.

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What date is the Uboachan Day?


2024-12-32. It's a very rare date.

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4 you :3

There are now seemingly random fours above my head.


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This was fixed yesterday; it was caused by me accidentally leaving the character "4" at the start of the global configuration file, before the <?php tag. So every time the configuration file was loaded it dropped a 4 on the page.

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I have modified the software today to be able to block the actual endpoints of the shortened URLs usually included in CP spam. This should help a lot with slowing down the spam; the spammers have infinite URL shorteners but so far they all point to the same few places. We will start checking endpoints and adding them to the blocklist soon. Hopefully browsing will become less stressful.

This modification has also been submitted as a pull request to the main vichan repo. Hopefully they pick it up and other sites can start using it.

P.S. I also upgraded us to the newest version of the software. Stuff could break so please let me know if something isn't working right.
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At this point the spam is daily which is why I had to take the drastic action of modding the software. A more horrifying possibility than paid sickos (and a likely one) is that the operation is a human trafficking powered sweatshop.


It probably is a big network selling this stuff or maybe one of those child pornography tube sites that has a bunch of people spamming the whole internet with pedo fuckery. I read this counterterrorism paper that said that traditional methods of spamming imageboards doesn’t work. That the best way to fight the chans is to spam them with content that turns users off and causes the site population to go down. So it could be a law enforcement program. The feds have it in their foolish brains that imageboards cause crime and extremism just like they had this hateful obsession with Muslims in the past and probably transgenders in the future. This is all by design.

I wonder where the links go but I’m not clicking on that shit. I bet it’s a fed ambush. I bet there is malware there. Whole thing smells. There’s darker shit going on behind the scenes we don’t know about,


Transgenders in the future? My brother in christ they want them dead now


They haven't made it to that level yet.
There is definitely organized campaigns by shady political think tanks to manipulate chans,
anti-trans stuff is just one of the many kinds of things they spam.


Could you link that paper for me please?

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So, yeah. It has come to this. Sorry everyone.

Even after adding multiple new janitors, getting one or more CP spam posts per day was just, still too much. It limits who will even be willing to visit my imageboards in a possibly traumatic way, and having it appear so often puts me at legal risk.

Even being desensitized from dealing with this so long, some of the more recent images were especially disturbing to me. I'd rather force my users to fill out a captcha than force my users and janitors to look at this shit all the time. I got it working and it's gonna be here to stay until I can think of something better.

I realize that Google's solution is not the best solution, but it's what ships with Vichan. At least one user reported that reCAPTCHA blocks their entire ISP, but they were able to get around that by enabling the uBlock Origin browser extension, strangely enough. If I can get the software updated there is an alternate provider, but there are issues with that such that it is going to end up being a major surgery I have to set aside some hours for.

I have the captcha set at the lowest difficulty setting for now. If you are having trouble posting regardless, you can report it to me at seisatsu@uboachan.net, though I can't guarantee I can do anything.

I'm sorry again that I had to do this, and I hope it doesn't significantly impact the experience for most people.

- Sei
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you are cynical


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who do you think would win in a fight, buttman or Barneyfag? My moneys on buttman


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CP2 spam posts and AA spam posts still keep appearing on /ot/'s catalog despite the fact they got deleted.

AA should not be treated as spam. CP2, on the other hand, is.


>posting the same shit over and over again is not spam
fine, I'll ban him next time for schizo rambling

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