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/x/ - Paranormal / Occult

Only the madman is absolutely sure.

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 No.6[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

So you've set up your own paranormal board, eh? Well then. As I can see it isn't very active, I'll propose a good old fashioned creepy thread. I know you guys have the ability, so let's do it!


>Any creepypasta you can paste in or post as a picture,

>Any legitimately creepy picture,

>Nope.avi and other forms of story,


I'll start us off with a dump.
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RIP /x/. You will always be inside my heart.


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bump to prevent archiving of this thread


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last bump didn't bump so hopefully this will work

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Recently I have mended Samsung Galaxy J5 phone that I found on the street a long time ago. I checked it's memory and found lots of strange audios.
There were 98 voice recordings. I listened to some of the records. In most of them, there was nothing but noise and some kind of strange phone sounds.
In some recordings, I heard a man-like voice amid the noise. I found the longest and the clearest one. Its name was Voice 023.
I uploaded it to my laptop, but because of a loud noise in the background, I didn't understand a word.
I am also not a native English speaker, but it sounded like some guy's talk to another. I think that the voice is similar to D Trump's voice.
Wtf is that please tell! If it is really Trump then will I be jailed for listening of his talks?


digging required huh. gonna buy earphones


I'm CIA. You don't get to have audio files. I'm flying over to bring you in now.


Could you post a small snippet? like, just one of the sound files where he talks?



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So, I couldn't sleep last night, and I wrote a little story. It's not extremely original, but I want to share it.
Comments & criticisms & calling me a fag are welcome.
Please write and post your own OC ITT.
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This isn't a story this is the pretentious voiceover for a shitty B horror movie.

Try again when you actually know how a narrative works.


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Why don't you try again when you know what "pretentious" means.
It's not a very good story, but you're way too mad about it.


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classic image.


Must be a SW Trilogy lover

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Wicca and Witchcraft E-Books Collection

Hey guise. I found this witchcraft ebook collection yesterday, and I thought I would share with my bros. Enjoy!



Cool might have something fun to put in my tabletop sessions


Can you help me with the summoning of spirits?

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Does anyone ever have the feeling that they can sense other people's presence? I would have to describe the feeling as when I'm alone and another person enters my presence, I get a very high pitch, almost inaudible ring in my ears, before I ever see them or hear them.
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Well that's obvously because of Dormilia's demonic aura.


I'm starting to think this is more and more true. I realized a few days ago how much I can detect when it's about to rain or thunderstorm because of the atmospheric pressure. I can feel the air get thin because of the low pressure.


If people are moving about inside a house then they're probably swinging doors open and you could be able to hear or feel the air changing. My hearing must be pretty sensitive since I can hear a sound that's out of the ordinary even while I've got headphones on listening to music. Humans must have developed some basic super-ability to sense predators like most other animals at some point in our history.

Fun fact: hyper-sensitivity to sound is a trait of autism.


i can smell the rain before it falls… always could


kinda this. anyway there was a russian experiment that probes that people can really feel someone looking at them with very high acurracy in 1.5m and the mecanism its a mystery

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Hello, Ubuu. I'm at my wit's end. I fucked something up and I don't know what to do.

Ever since I was young, I was able to see ghosts. Shadows that move, black and white. Women with long hair and white nightgowns, and eerie faces at windows. I can also hear whispers and crying, sometimes giggling. The words are never intelligible, but they're there. It started when I was six, when I saw a red face at the window of our old house. It was at the top, so I couldn't have been a prankster or a stalker. Since then it hasn't stopped.

My father said he could see things like that when he was younger, but when he aged, it stopped. His mom can still see, though. So that may explain things.

Anyways, the main point here is something's up.

I was with my best friend, browsing the website "Saya in Underworld". We accidentally read a cursed story, which had a warning at the END. So we decided to finish the terms which was spread the story to one person. Simple right? Unfortunately, no. We stupidly decided to play some games on that website. We went to the supposedly haunted areas in school and made noises and did dumb shit in general. We also read a story that was cursed. It was an account of a girl getting murdered and her spirit taking vengeance on everyone she knows. The story is called "I Love You, ARA".

The rules of the story was "Pray before you read this." and "No skipping/backreading chapters" and"Finish this story, or she will be mad."

We broke all those rules, not intentionally.

Since then, she's been showing up in odd hours in both our houses. She even showed up in broad daylight. She grabbed my shoulder and my friend screamed. Another one was the incident where we were video chatting and something passed my back. It was a shadow. She screamed.
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sound like soft ad, to be honest.


People with spiritual sensitivity generally shouldn't indulge in those sorts of games (not that anyone should.) It sounds like you've either invited an actual spirit to haunt you, or the ritual of the game created a thought-form which is now stuck to your auras.

In this case, your best bet is for you and your friend to study and practice a banishing ritual until you can both do it from memory, and then perform the ritual wholeheartedly in your respective houses. That should eliminate foreign presences / unwanted energies from your auras and from the space surrounding your dwellings. The upside of being sensitive is that when you perform the ritual it should end up being particularly potent.

This is the golden standard for banishing rituals in western esotericism – the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram. You should be able to learn it in a few days if you study it earnestly. Good luck.



Thanks so much for the advice, and sorry for being late. Got my ass kicked by work. Anyways, any other steps we should be taking?


Besides the full-on banishing ritual, you can also try smudging your houses with sage, which has banishing properties. If the thing haunting you is a thought-form of your own creation rather than a spirit, then you might be able to get rid of it by just convincing yourself that it isn't real, but this can be harder than it sounds. And I don't know how to tell whether it's spirit or thought-form. I doubt that ARA was ever a real person, but if lots of people played the game, then it could be a group thought-form called an egregore, in which case the belief and energy of everyone who has played the game is empowering its existence. So, I still think the banishing ritual is your best option, but shore it up with sage smudging, and maybe research some protective seals you can put on the doors of your house.

If you need additional help or advice, I'd ask on the DKMU Facebook group. It's a huge gathering of magicians from many different schools of thought with an emphasis on chaos magic, who collaborate on projects together and give each other advice. That place has always been super helpful to me. There are questions to get in, but as long as you give honest answers (even "I don't know" will do for the second one,) then you will be added shortly. If you don't have Facebook, you could ask on the DKMU Discord server.



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I don't understand why people read cursed stories, I mean if it's for the thrill you can get thrilled doing lots of other things but I keep reading these stories about people screwing up rituals and it backfiring horribly. Just stay safe friends…

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People disappearing,abductions and others by altering themselves and reality,invisibility,speed and then returning by recreating various missing outside situations or your mind will return to the past,time travel,accidents,surrounding nightlights,stores,clones.Tired yet pet of the puking pests hungrily pulling your sleeping genitals,suffocations,draining energy,connected minds and mind control,sniffing fiends.
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Holy fucking mother of necropost
Also check mine too



words cannot describe






He needs to go to the dentist

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I used ai dungeon to generate a butoh grimoire. It is about 60 pages of rituals and musings, including a repeated working with GPT-3 treated as an evoked entity


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So after hanging around the Internet and Creepypasta, I came across Snuff Films. I watched a few and found them rather entertaining. I watched multiple documentaries about them too. Any of you enjoy Snuff films?

>pic not related
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I don't know what snuff films or whatever but you might like Faces of Death.


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I enjoy fake snuff, as in, fictional movies made to look like actual snuff, I've watched a lot of them.
The real stuff I don't care that much for, most of the time.
I like mondo films too especially when you can't tell what's real and what's fake. Watching them in modern times when you most likely get them through a torrent or youtube and not in some shady VHS shop hurts the enjoyment of the genre a lot though.


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>Snuff Film is an encompassing term for any video that has someone actually being killed in it.
In accurate. "Snuff" refers to the reality of the directed commission of a murder on film, generally, though not necessarily, under the influence of money or other external motivation.

Gore, on the other hand, is a much broader and more accurate term that encompasses the entirety of 2D and 3D death/mutilation content, real and imagined. "Faux snuff" such as the August Underground series would also fall under this latter moniker.


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Tor is just another shitty honeypot these days. I've seen all the movies, all the depraved shock vids, obscure digitized horror film/porn vhs tapes. It's sad to see how censored the onion wikis are these days; personally I blame the influx of normalfags using tor imageboards to discuss politics making a stink about it but it's probably more complicated than that. I wish there was a torrent site or a p2p that specialized specifically on gory/fetishistic video games and video game mods, movies, anime, and so on; but with an original content focus on it as well. Communities like that have definitely existed before but the owners always either have breakdowns and quit, or their sites get cracked down on too many times to the point where they just stop giving a fuck.


Is anyone here old enough to remember snuffx.com

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I keep seeing this woman's face. It doesn't make any sense because it was just some dumb ad I saw as a kid, but I can't sleep because of it. I feel like she's waiting in the forest outside my house. Don't laugh, but I swear this woman's face was in an ad for a video game in the 90s. I posted about this on other boards without mentioning that part (because I wanted information on the game and I didn't want them to think I was crazy). I can't find anything on the game online anymore and I feel like I am actually going crazy.

It started at a friends house in the 90s. My friend and I used to try and freak each other out a lot. Once, we spent an entire weekend creating this mythology about how this Ernie doll from Sesame Street was trying to kill us. Anyway, we used to scare each other with the ad I was talking about. Mostly just by not shutting up about it before we went to bed. It was a woman’s face, she kind of looked like a japanese ghost, but her hair wasn’t covering her face and she was blonde. She was dirty, with clothes ripped a bit, but that wasn’t what freaked me out. I can’t really describe it except that the light just seemed weird. She didn’t even look super realistic, but that was kind of the creepy part. I thought the name of the game was Millvale, but I can’t find anything about it on google. My friend said that she a real person in Japan and that she committed suicide during the making of the game, but there's a 99% chance that he was just making up some dumb urban legend.

I haven’t thought about it in 20 years, but now I keep having these nightmares about her. The dreams are all pretty similar. I’m lying on a concrete floor, closing my eyes pretending to be asleep, and there’s two men laughing at me, saying “He thinks we believe he’s asleep”. Then it gets dark. I get up and feel my way around and there are all these large metal poles I keep bumping into. Then there’s a sharp sound like a loud furnace kicking on and she’s staring at me, blank faced. When I dream, she’s definitely a real person, but she’s still, fake looking. I don’t know how to describe it other than it looks like a 3D model was turned into a real person. I am afraid, obviously, but then there’s this thing I can’t really describe, it’s almost like an extreme shyness. I just desperately do not want to be seen, and she’s looking right at me. Then there’s this plastic burning smell and I feel this pain like I’m chewing on tinfoil and I wake up.

I didn’t Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


OP here: the image is one that I copied from geocities back in the day. The site said it was from a japanese gaming magazine, and was an article on Millvale, the game the ad I saw was from. I never found the ad with the woman's face.

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