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/x/ - Paranormal / Occult

Only the madman is absolutely sure.

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What are you supposed to do after someone bricks a portion of your mind and you are then tormented by alternate versions of reality where the alternate versions of the people you see make fun of you with cliché bullying tactics?
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If you ask a super vague and confusing question without any supporting information, you aren't going to get serious answers. Based on what little you've told us, I would suggest a banishing ritual, like the LBRP. If you had posted more information I might have better suggestions.


You might be nuts. What are cliché bullying tactics anyways? Are they stabbing you with pencils, putting yoghurt in your bags and tacks in your shoes?


I could write exactly the same question about me to a point where everyday that passes I ask myself whether I'm schizophrenic or some other shit.
Context, my situation has degraded a lot recently. It's not much compared to a lot of people but I've dropped out of a decent school because of procrastination plus inability to deal with both the amount of work piled up and the ensuing amount of stress. Haven't been doing anything for almost a year now.
People that were friend seem friendly at times but I keep interpreting things they say in a bad way, as if they were making fun of me or insinuating bad things.
When too far away to actually hear anything my brain will be able to just make shit up and be half convinced the muffled discussion were one word barely sounded like my name was about me.

>after someone bricks a portion of your mind

For me, it started gradually after I dropped out of school, at some point I was staying with them so often (since I had nothing better to do) that I realized "wtf am I doing here doing nothing smoking weed when I should be trying to figure out what to do with my fucking life", it was the tipping point where I started having anxiety
>smoking weed
>being with my friends
and I basically distanced myself from them more and more as time went by.
The paranoia peaked when smoking pretty dank shit with the closest friend later. That was the bricking part. I wondered if at some point earlier in life I hadn't smoked myself retarded, wondered if that may be related to me dropping out, wondered if I was made fun of much more than I thought and that I was just too stupid to notice. I realized that forever up until now I was "that kid" that just was lucky to never be bullied and whose weirdness went unnoticed because I was just normal enough to be on good terms with people. That lead to me wondering whether this friend of mine realized I was weird and actually way stupider than people made me out to be, and started subtly poking fun at my weirdness.
And this conclusion didn't go away when sobering up. It slowly went away, but it comes and goes, when I go see them and everything goes well, it's good and it fades even more, but if they say something that may be interpreted in favour of that conclusion it comes back atPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


The /x/ part is that I seem to be being trolled as if I am a Sim where the person above me playing believes I am an unfeeling game character, and a game objective is to torture me.

Let me out if you can or turn the game off. If you knew what this felt like you would not have done this.


Has anyone here ever had their brain shut down remotely by a hive-mind psychic attack causing temporary mental retardation and genetic mutations with lasting physical damage?

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What the dumbest creepypasta you've ever come across? For me I'd have to say 1dollar.wav. It is unbelievably retarded. You have to watch the whole thing to understand how hilariously stupid it is.


The McDonalds pasta, you know the one.


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Not really, could you link it? I don't actually read creepypasta that often.


Sonic.exe, jeff the killer, basically any pasta that's popular, except ben drowned.


Google "The McDonald's Building", I can't upload the pasta for some reason.


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Post some pages from your favorite occult books and texts. To open, here are some from the Principia Discordia, the book which changed my worldview and turned me nutty so many years ago.
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The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, Golden Dawn Variant.


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One section from Liber Null by Peter J. Carroll, including banishing and sigil magic techniques.


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Excerpts from the A.A.O. Handbook, which expounds the Root System Theory developed by that organization.


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A favorite parable excerpted from The Magus, a novel by John Fowles. I have not read the whole book.


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A few pages from the Psychonaut Field Manual by Bluefluke, a flippant but informative and wonderfully aesthetic beginner's guide to chaos magick.

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Sometimes repeating nonsense words into google translate will yeild strange responses. For example, this is what happens when translating strings of "ko rea" from somali:

>ko rea ko rea

You are welcome
>ko rea ko rea ko rea
Please contact us
>ko rea ko rea ko rea ko rea
You will be able to:
>ko rea ko rea ko rea ko rea ko rea ko re
You will be able to contact the principal
>ko rea ko rea ko rea ko rea ko rea ko rea
You will be given a copy of the application form
>ko rea ko rea ko rea ko rea ko rea ko rea ko r
You will be given the opportunity to be reunited
>ko rea ko rea ko rea ko rea ko rea ko rea ko re
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Somali -> English
>op op op op op op op op op op op op op op
"Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus"


If you click the translated text you'll be able to edit it and send it as an alternative translation.
So if you should supposedly be able to make those messages yourself, but I just tried it and it didn't show up when I checked it on my phone, so I'm assuming that either:
>it'll only change if Google approves it
>it'll automatically change after N people sending the same edit
But if what you said about personal information is true, I don't know if googlefags would risk being sued, so the latter makes more sense.
So my theory is that the nonsensical translates are some sort of encrypted messages and people are proxyfagging to get them to actually show. Idk why though, if they have to get something across without being identified they could probably use something less botnet-y than Google, because I'm pretty sure they have all that shit logged, and there's also the fact that it's public and anyone can stumble upon it like you did.

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I can hear my laughter echoing off all the tinfoil this man must be ensconced in.


This video was just spooky footage?


Can some one actually give me a run down here, or rec some other places to read about this?


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im intrested in the occult work (tantra,kabbala,etc.)
can annyone recommend me some books/place to go
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You're going to have a really fun time.



http://digimob.forumotion.net/forum was a wonderful resource but is seemingly mostly-dead now. you can still find a lot of their library projects around by searching for "digimob" or "occult carrot".


A couple of useful occult forums:

Occultforum.org was very active until it suddenly vanished a few days ago.


If you want him to be nice to you, make sure you're nice to him. Don't try to restrain him or command him to appear.

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Mine's V. K. Jehannum. He's got a lot of interesting gnosis about demons and he's pretty entertaining too, especially when drunk. In terms of entertainment value, I like this video and its sequel the best: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUF1k07ogQk

Billy Brujo's Black Magick Cooking Show is pretty cool too.


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Inconsequential scenarios. I've been thinking a lot about all the ways that life could actually be a delusion of some kind and whether that would even matter. Sometimes, thoughts will just creep up on me and no matter what, I can't think of any reason why they wouldn't be true. One is that every morning i'm actually a different person with the memories of every previous version. Technically, this could be true and I would have no way of knowing about it. I guess it's like Last Thursdayism. Sometimes, on late summer nights, I like to pace around my kitchen in the dark while chugging down massive quantities of water. During times like this, I actually start to almost believe my flights of fantasy. One time, I convinced myself that i'm in a computer simulation made by aliens and that every room is being generated as I walk into it. I then start connecting random dots and using that to validate myself. I'll start thinking about how somebody saying something often or being really predictable, or me seeing them a lot was somehow proof that the aliens were being lazy and didn't want to think of something new. They must have started cutting corners and those cut corners are the evidence. It's a bit scary thinking about that stuff in retrospect. Sometimes, when I look in the mirror, I get this strange feeling like what i'm looking at is an extraterrestrial or like i'm not really myself. Who the hell is this person? Thoughts like, "why do thumbs look like disgusting, malformed stumps", would just start popping into my head. It's like i'm being disillusioned from present reality. Do these kinds of moments ever happen to you. What could they possibly indicate? I'm not crazy, right?
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I don't know about the other stuff but short, malformed thumbs are a sign of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Maybe you should check in with a doctor, I don't think it would explain your water drinking habits but there could be health risks associated with FAS that you'll have to worry about down the road.


Are you taking the piss? My thumbs are completely normal compared to other human beings. I was talking about thumbs in general. How dense are you?


Look, it's ok that your mom knocked more than a couple back while she was knocked up. I mean, it's not ok that she did that, but it'll be ok and you're still a person just like the rest of us. I'm sure you'll have a perfectly normal life, despite your disability.

You don't have to prove anything to me, I'm not judging you. It's not your fault, you did not choose to drink while pregnant, so don't blame yourself. I was friends with a guy with FAS thumbs growing up, so I know your pain. He's a father himself, now. Haven't seen the kid's thumbs, though. I will keep you updated if I do.

If you ever feel like you're ready, and need someone to talk to, I'm here for you, ok? ;)(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)


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wow, I never thought I'd see facebook-tier "trolling" in an imageboard.


Honestly, this is just embarrassing. I hope they were just butthurt about being called an idiot for misinterpreting something so obvious.

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Oh man, you just reminded me of the holders, it's been so long. Such a shame it died. Was it archived somewhere?
By the way, you may be interested in playing the SCP game that came a few years ago (if you haven't already), SCP Containment Breach. Pretty good overall if a bit confusing with the whole modular room system. Don't watch any videos, just download and play, if you have any questions feel free yo bring it up on /og/.


the Creepypasta wiki on wikia has maybe 50 of those stories, other than that, I don't think anyone else was keeping them up. Duckduckgo was no help, unless you're looking for towel bars and other bathroom storage solutions.

Yeah I heard that the game was fun as fuck. I wonder if it's availiable in app form. I am a mobileposting literal pleb.


Almost ten years of nope later, I have finally come to the realization that SCP-173 has some bitchin thighs and a nice core, although dat ass leaves much to be desired

if there's one thing we can take away from this legendary creepypasta about a concrete neck-snapping monster, it is that you can't neglect your glutes, bruh

thank you for your time


oh my fucking god

the holders.org is back up!



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