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/x/ - Paranormal / Occult

Only the madman is absolutely sure.

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There's a skeleton inside you right now.
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That's absolutely bizarre


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But skeletons are sexy, brah.



Pic has the name on the tag and everything. It's cranial cancer

Damn, much feel pretty awful to have bone spikes making their way into one's eyeball little by little


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It freaked me out so bad that my entire post was full of spelling errors : U


Man, can it. I'm the brain inside the meat covered skeleton.

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Do you ever feel mildly psychic? I sometimes have been able to finish peoples sentences and predict the future a few times.
Pic unrelated.
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I met the ghost of J.R.R. Tolkien once, no joke!


What did he say? What's his opinion about the ending his son made for The Silmarillion? Is he happy about all the milking done to his stuff? Does he hate shitty Hobbit movies too?


Well he did'nt say anything actually, I went to go see the 1st of the 3 hobbit films and an old man stood up blocking my view at the scene where Smog took the mountain, I took my 3d glasses off while asking him to sit back down, right as I took them off, the man was see through and smiled at me and I recognized who he was, he then vanished.

So I didn't like the movie but apparently he did which is odd.


I can't say. I believe I have, though I'm unsure if it's mostly because I want to have felt as such. Either way, a few concepts of psychic abilities are actually quite plausible scientifically. My main thought is that vague predictions of things can be due to the massive amount of data-intake by the subconscious and registered by the conscious as a vague "gut" feeling or intuition as to something. Basically, logical prediction with big data. Although, this doesn't nearly explain the other alleged phenomenon relevant to ESP.


human brain is literally time mashine. everyone can predict future in some way. some even can change the future.

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am I the only one who is freaked out by the story of Edward Mordake? especailly the thought of having a parasitic twin that might actually be alive?



Did you know he killed himself because he coudln't take any longer what his 'evil' twin whispered him at night?


holy shit i thought that was just a tom waits song
the more you know.


gake and fay


He was the literary creation of Charles Lotin Hildreth. Never existed.


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>especially* the thought of having a parasitic twin that might actually be alive?
This reminds me of teratomas.

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Hello there users of Uboachan, I am a representative of the ISN and I have been assigned with initiating a collaborative effort with members who have information regarding the actions of Cicada 3301.

There are only so many details I am able to part with though the end goal is to locate some form of organisation through the smoke and mirrors of their recruitment methods.

As of now we do not have any form of reward for such collaboration aside from exclusive, first hand experience. If we are satisfied with your abilities, we may be flying more educated members to us.

The knowledge of this operation is not classified but the details of it are, and will be protected accordingly.

Any interested individuals, please leave information below. We have our own archive so we will be watching for information that may not be in circulation.
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Humor me.




I'm bored. Thread's old as hell anyway. Just rolling the dice here for the 1/million chance something's up.


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Sure, shoot me an email



ara ara

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For 2spooky4me, spoopy, etc.
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Where can I go to ask questions about paranormal shit I've experienced? Since you spergs are no help.


The psychiatrist because it's all your imagination.


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>Since you spergs are no help.
Then why are you making a thread here if we aren't useful? lol
I don't know, 4chan /x/ was full of autism 2 years ago, I don't want to know how it's doing now. Most of the forums I went to are dead too, and I abandoned something awful years ago.
Can you link the thread where you posted your stuff?


Haven't been on here in a while, but are skeptards really that common that you don't feel welcome sharing your experiences here?



What is this picture? A Fugazi concert?


>that reference

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So I was taking an hour long trip back home last night, I had just started driving down the highway that would take me home, it was 11:50 PM and dark as the night gets.

I only drive with the windows down, I love it too much, no other reason but this night I wish I hadn't. Off to my left side I hear something, I am not sure what it was but it sounded an awful lot like the cries of a person, perhaps screaming for help. Due to how long I had to drive and the nature of the night I decided to keep going and it's still haunting me what it was. I have never heard such a cry in my life, especially while driving.


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May I ask what's the place where you heard this?
Also, if it is really haunting you, you can make an anonymous call to the police reporting what you experienced. Since I don't know if where you heard it was close to some abandoned building, woods, etc, I can't really help but think that it may have been some sort of crime. Maybe they will find something.

On the other hand, if it was in the middle of nowhere, it is indeed pretty strange. Do you usually drive that route, or was this a special case?


Wolves or foxes, I forget which, can scream like a person. Look it up.


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I thought it was foxes

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So, my mom's camera is broken. It still takes pictures, but they come out…wrong.

When I point it at a face, I can see it get distorted on the screen, but then when I snap the picture, it usually just blurs and smears it all away.

The effect is a little eerie.
Has anyone else ever had their camera do stuff like this?
It's obviously just a problem with the lens or the software or maybe THE CAMERA OR MY FAMILY IS HAUNTED
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oh welp. Sorry. So I rearrange the question.
I would like to see pr0n recorded by this camera, BUT with adult people. And cameraman must be over 18 too


Go away.


Well the relationship with the fat bastard ended so here is to that haunting.


hmm and how do you know if I even had a relationship with that person or if it ended

suspicious anon knows too much, better not be someone from my city or whatever


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I noticed there was a creepypasta thread, so I decided to give Cursed Ascension a go.
The video, in question, was found on one of dabr1dg3's videos as a link to another YouTube video out of curious intrest. Description: http://armew.blogspot.co.uk/2012/08/cursed-ascension-creepypasta.html?m=1


If anyone noticed that the video was removed I'll prop up a download of my video rip. Hopefully this will help you to understand that there was an old creepypasta on Call of Duty: Black Ops all those years ago.

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Uboa has a rival in jump scares.

Don't turn your sound up too loud.
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Dude, I posted it. I HAVE read it.

It doesn't "force you to scroll". All that happens is comic frames release when you get to specific parts of it.


ah this, I saw this a while ago.
Didn't make me jump though. It was too fast~


it does force you to scroll down.
after reading it scroll back up.


I fail majorly at jumpscares. never again.


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Gave me pleasant dreams. Thanks, OP!

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