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/x/ - Paranormal / Occult

Only the madman is absolutely sure.

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Anon I want to ask you a question how can I make deals with demons? (or even some other identity that may please my wishes)
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There are many methods. That is the one I am familiar with. The best thing you can do is read a bunch of books on the subject until you get a feel for which ideas are the authors' or paradigm's bias and which ideas are essential to the practice and common between paradigms.

The Lesser Key of Solomon is rooted in the Abrahamic worldview. If that isn't your cup of tea, Wiccan texts will likely give you a very different approach to summoning spirits. Thelemic texts will give you yet another angle which is more similar to the Abrahamic angle than the Wiccan angle. The magical circle of protection, however, is common between many systems.

Read enough books from different paradigms and you will begin to grasp the underlying mechanism common to all of them.

If you want to summon "demons" in particular, then "goetia" is the keyword you should use in your search.


With a black mirror help me for the pact?


Black mirrors can be helpful for scrying and other things. It really depends on your paradigm. The implements used during rituals are tools to get the magician into a particular complex state of mind necessary for the work. The circle and triangle, for example, visually enforce the barriers between the summoner and the summon, but it's the magician's mind that actually does that work. A very powerful magician can get by just visualizing the barriers, but this takes more focus than most people can manage, so the barriers are drawn so that the mind can enforce them by way of the eyes.

Use whatever helps you get in the mood. And I'm sure you can find some additional books on the subject. Reading is super important if you want to be good at anything.


And they followed [instead] what the devils had recited during the reign of Solomon. It was not Solomon who disbelieved, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and that which was revealed to the two angels at Babylon, Harut and Marut. But the two angels do not teach anyone unless they say, "We are a trial, so do not disbelieve [by practicing magic]." And [yet] they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife. But they do not harm anyone through it except by permission of Allah . And the people learn what harms them and does not benefit them. But the Children of Israel certainly knew that whoever purchased the magic would not have in the Hereafter any share. And wretched is that for which they sold themselves, if they only knew.
Sura 2:102


So, can I pact with angels?

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i wanna believe so give me a simple ritual or whatever to do magic or something that i cant explain


Get a tattoo.

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Who else here enjoys reading sites on spirituality, the esoteric, meditations, and the Occult? Pic related, what I'm reading now.
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it's not necessarily occult, but i really enjoy this website. http://www.exitmundi.nl/exitmundi.htm


Inconsistent, and you have to search around within, but there's a lot of occult concepts at these places:


I've learned how to sustain myself only on bones by visiting this site every day for a week straight.
Therapeutic (but is it occult? Hmm, don't know).


Second this, was just trawling old threads and was surprised to see it mentioned here


I used to use Joy of Satan all the freakin time…i like the list of demons

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If there are such things as ghosts how come there are no dinosaur ghosts around?
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There are some legends of dinosaur cryptids (that might be ghosts) on the Amazonic jungle and the Australian desert, but it's just that, legends.


…they are. If you're psychically sensitive, then old battlefields, prisons, hospitals etc. are haunted as shit.


More like about a millennia as the karmic energies making up its existence slowly fades while they wait and wait for an appropriate (for their karma) womb to find rebirth until they cease to exist as a human spirit, only to be reborn– perhaps as another human, or an animal, or in one of the heavens or the many hells.




Maybe there are, and it just happens that they’ve existed so long before us and were lifeforms so very different from us that we’ve just developed into believing their traces are just part of everyday nature and don’t question any of what they do as we would if we saw a shape reading a book or singing.

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I've been having a morbid thought very often lately. How much is human life really worth and can it be quantified? Is one person worth more than another? If I could exchange certain living people for a dead one being brought back, I would. Every time I hear about a person I like dying or already being dead, I just can't but think, why them? One million Stephanie Meyers aren't worth as much as Ray Bradbury. Three million Kristen Stewarts aren't worth as much as Harold Ramis. One billion Keshas aren't worth as much as Ryu Umemoto. Is this callous of me, or is it normal? If you could exchange people like that, would you?
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>they are philosophically unsound, therefore insignificant.
>I don't like your ideas, so i'm just going to pretend that they have zero validity and don't warrant discussion
If that's your idea of a response, I doubt you would have much to say about a, "philosophically sound", concept.


Why are we measuring it in the first place?


Because people I like die while people I don't like don't.


With a soul exchange, you could bring people like Tesla and Newton back to change the world.


That’s the burden of living

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On october 5, 2012 I tried to kill myself. I would collect and stashpile cocktails of drugs for this very moment. I took 250mg of hydrocodone, 1080mg of carisoprodol, 200mg Valium, 10mg Xanax, and that was enough to kill me. In case it wasn't, I had about twice that amount stashed anyway.

I ate them all and used takka to chase it. Then just put some iced tea into a cup, and was stipping iced tea by the computerside writing my note. It started kicking in and i dont think i even started writing. However, I DID try to lock my door, but the door is wierd so you have to lift it with about two tonnes of force to get the lock to click, and so i fucked that up.

About two hours later, i woke up in the ER die. All i remember was tunnel vision and a few things being passed around me. "We got him" "Should have left him dead [in clearly my stepdads voice] crying and i bent over to the doctor and muttered "naloxone"?

Now imagine a blink of a second.

I was now in my moms room, thirteen people surrounding me, my arms folded as I laid there, totally fucked up. They were all there to see if I was alive. Wbich I was. But Im so sure I died.
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Several times. Once from drug overdose and once when I was a child from an deadly illness where I laid unconscious in a fridge and my heartbeat was a straight line for a short time. I have no memory of it at all as I was too young but I heard many stories about how there was a great storm and when it stopped a rainbow appeared and everyone prayed and at that moment I healed from the brink of death, some would say this makes me a shaman in some cultures.

The one from drug overdose I remember vividly. August 2012. It began when I took too much 2c-t-7 and after intense psychedelic colorful patterns took over my field of vision delirium set in, imaginary flies everywhere around me. I believed I was dead already and a ghost. In the ER I battled imaginary demons and spoke in tongues repeating letters and digits, saw a demon with the head of a man, a cat, and a frog. Sounds began to echo loudly and darkness took over as I went through a tunnel seeing past lives and traumas all come together as one. I saw the other side, brighter than anything I have ever seen, beneath the sky a cat like being looking down at me with love. Suddenly I got pulled back in to my old body and found myself being injected with stuff. I recall wishing I had stayed there.


I haven't, but that page from Nemo (which is fantastic btw) reminds me of HP Lovecraft's Dreamquest to Unknown Kadath, which is a must-read for anyone into mystic stuff. It's honestly far better than his cthulu mythos, it's just not as memeable.


Not yet but I hope I die this month.


'ya dead yet?


Aunt OD'd last summer. She was lifeless on the floor, until she got narcan up the nose and she was restored back to life.

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Can we have a creepy vids thread?
Bonus points if it's recent (<3 y/o) or hasn't been reposted ad nauseam.
One of my favourites.
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This looks like some student project.


I saw a video like couple of years ago where a russian guy sprayed graffitis on abandoned trains.Do any have that?


Something evil in his videos. You may be followed by misfortune if you indulge.



They had a lot of cool flash movies. Unfortunately, japanese geocities died earlier this year and they couldn't move them over to neocities.


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I knew about the photo for a while, thought i'd post it here because why not.

A random picture i took of a tree in front of a house, but after looking at it noticed a figure in the window. ( you can draw your own conclusion)

Basiclly creeped me out for a day or two then left it alone for a while.
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The horse in question. Image didn't post properly the first time.


Congrats, you're being haunted by the rape horse


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Roy would like to know its location (bronnen).


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you were probably looking at his waifu t-shirt


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Which your back.
PS Do you that guy?
By the way why are you there anyways.

good luck

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This is literally my first time on this board. I came here because I've been doing some pretty in-depth research into what might be a secret occult society. But I know that if I saw some really obvious clue I wouldn't see it. Does anyone have large images of research on secret societies, satanism, magic, or other spiritual related things, please drop them, Thanks. image is an example
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Please keep religious debates primarily in the realm of analysis. In the first place, religion is off-topic here except in some narrow contexts, such as religious mysticism practices. Back on track please, reply to the opening post.

Also less shitposting, this is not /ot/.


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Not exactly cultism or spirituality, but it's a theory about a secret society. I'm sure most of you have seen this one.


>udaism in its more proper form did not even come to be until around the 6th century BC(E) and was a polytheistic religion before instead.
>Judaism in its more proper form did not even come to be until around the 6th century BC(E) and was a polytheistic religion before instead.
Really? Source?


Ritual abuse is probably real. It's mind control via torture and forcing the victim to commit torture, mixed or interspersed with sex, drugs, and/or periods of extreme reassurance and ego building - for various reasons, this makes a person scared to leave the torturer or cult that does it, and allows the creation of programmed split personalities.


The manner in which Jerico, Ai, and other whole cities were treated. Full on genocide that would make Papa Addy proud, not calling it a 'sacrifice' is a small gesture. The entire abrahamic morality is a perverse mess of placing weakness, passive aggression, deceit, and mass killing of entire opposing cultures on a pedestal, while projecting their own vile nature onto the very culture they destroy. Additionally, if you have put any effort into reading to the talmudic literature you might realize that what the pagans are accused of is Amateur hour in terms of depravity.


Mind over matter can most simply be defined as the use of willpower or thought to overcome physical problems. Some examples would be Tibetan Monks, who can dry soaked, ice cold rags placed on them by heating up their body temperature during meditation. They can also drastically decrease their heart rate and slow their metabolism down as well. One man learned to stop the flow of blood to certain areas to keep from bleeding while in a concentration camp. Another man played imaginary golf games for nearly a decade while in a Vietnamese prison cell during the war. He just paced around with a stick, acting out games and even having pretend conversations with people he knew. When he got back home, his golf game was better than before. That last one isn't quite the same as the others, but there's no point in being too specific.

With massive dedication, or under extreme circumstances, any person can seemingly develop these powers. Even without those, the placebo effect can have remarkably positive and negative effects on people. It's not what people usually think of as paranormal, but scientists aren't fully capable of explaining it yet.

Post any personal experiences you've had with this or anything interesting you've read.


just because i rarely ever see someone appreciating this topic i will share a little experience i had.
i was able to concentrate on my left and right cheeks one night and produced a very acute feeling of pain/itch on both and maintained it till i got bored. i never read or looked into any techniques about this, all i do currently is meditation.

by the way, i think even more impressive than what you mentioned is how swami rama(yogi) was able to maintain a difference of 10C in two adjacent tissues of his hand, they can control arteries/veins individually. he could also stop his heart and lungs for 17 seconds. i read somewhere about another yogi doing it for a solid 3 minutes.
this seems all but a scratch on the surface of what we can do.


Might not be the "superpowers" you're looking for but if anyone's interested in practical and mundane yet transformative meditations here's a good place to start:



>mundane meditations
meditation is the basis of what i mentioned earlier
far far far more important is what is done mentally than just possessing some impressive trick.

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