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/x/ - Paranormal / Occult

Only the madman is absolutely sure.

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Anyone know what happened to the person that kept posting that they were seeing Masada while awake?
It was a pretty interesting read and they stopped just when it was getting good.
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i was there for that mess, and i dont think op admitted anything. someone was posting claiming to be op's sister and they admitted shortly after that they just wanted in on the attention op was getting.


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it was such a mess.
someone came in and claimed to be op's sister, then I think thye claimed they were faking, THEN someone claimed to be the police and they found OP dead in their room with their thread on uboachan up on the screen of their laptop, and THEN I think that person admitted they were faking too.

so many fakers.


I took a hallucingenic pill my friend gave me once, I kept my eyes closed for a long time and it felt like I was falling through the landscapes, different creatures looking at me. Probably unrelated but I thought it was very cool.


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I haven't seen that gif in years and it's my favorite one


hurray I did something

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and aliean too duh

this video is long but CRAZY


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go go go share documenataries about this!



Abducsions plz go

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You're welcome.
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>mfw this thread


I'm making a tulpa during my downtime at work.
Which is all the time.
Going's really slow, though.


Is it actually working?

I mean, is this tulpa stuff actually a real thing and not fake?


Well, the process involves obscene amounts of mental concentration and drug use to form a separate, sapient, sentient individual (a tulpa) with its own beliefs and aspirations. And not only that, the tulpa will have it's own form that you can interact with! Only the tulpa exists nowhere but inside of your head.
It just seems like taking the idea of an imaginary friend *WAY* too far. I just don't see the appeal of going through all of this time and effort just to have a pseudo-person live in your brain.

What's even the point? One of the tulpa.info guides says that a tulpa entails "autonomous thinking, decision making skills, the tulpa having its own set of likes, dislikes, pleasures and emotions, the tulpa having different thoughts from you, and the like. The tulpa will be able to talk and function on its own." So you're not making some random character in your head to sound off to. You're making another conscious, an individual who resides within you but otherwise could be totally different.
But here's the thing: we have those already. They're called "people", and there are over 7 billion of them on this planet. So why should someone put forth all of this time and effort to form what is ultimately a hallucination, when there are premade humans you can interact with all over the place?



Because dealing with real people doesn't make you a unique and special snowflake. Oh, and real people are real, and reality is big and scary (and you have to go OUTSIDE!).

Also, a mushroom trip gave me the motivation to turn my life around. Hell, one time they convinced me to go to college.

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Maybe there was already a thread for this, but, I just browsed through them and nothing appeared to be one, just ignore this thread if I missed it though. Anyways, have you ever had something that seemed like a haunting or something? When I was little, I had gotten a fairy decoration for my birthday, and, I would leave it in the exact same spot, yet sometimes, when I went back to check on it, it would have moved, or sometimes be completely knocked over.
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the birthday massacre


Well, only two things have happened in my life that were strange, and I'm almost completely sure that one of them didn't happen. Anyway, when I was eleven me and my dad were just coming back from the grocery store, back to his home in a development with woods surrounding it. Me being all strong and stuff, I carried more of the bags than he did, and he told me to just go upstairs and wait for him. I did as I was told, put the bags on the counter, and then sat down on the couch to rest and wait for him to join me. The house had a couple of ceiling windows and I just happened to look up at the one closest to me.

Now, recently, I had just become obsessed with creepypasta, Marble Hornets, Tribe Twelve, and all the rest of that kind of stuff. So I have no idea if that has something to do with it.

Anyhow, I just happened to look up at the closest ceiling windows, and there he was. Staring at me through the window was a faceless, white skinned guy in a black suit and tie, looking down through the window. My heart felt achy, and I did everything from close my eyes and shake my head to look elsewhere and then back. But he was still there. I yelled for my dad, and (Stupidly) ran to get him. When I came back, it was gone. I have no idea where the hell he is, or if he is going to come back. I really hope not.


Shortly after my Grandmother died, doors in the house would mysteriously open and close. The activity didn't get past that, and stopped after a couple weeks.

When I was a little kid my mother bought a bunch of brownies and placed it by the dinner table. My sister and I were hungry one night so we decided to get some. Right after we left the dining area, one of the chairs moved out on its own. I know it wasn't due to a sudden quake because the quake to make it move out so far would have to have been pretty strong, and neither of us felt anything.


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Well I myself haven't had that much going on in the way of paranormal. My brother's the one that sucks spirits in like a fucking magnet.

>Mister Rapeface
we don't have a better name for him, big bro named him that because he's an immature gamer, etc. bro said he looks and sounds like dad, or something. he just… does. he peeks into his room at like 2 am when dads fast asleep, and bro thinks its just our dad. it freaks him out sometimes. he also has dad's cough, apparently, and used to hang out in dads room in the old rental.
>Mr. Summers
this guy haunts our uncle and aunts house out in the outskirts of a small town. hes nice though, i think. he messes with a calculator and makes it glitch zeros and makes spaces, which isnt really possible for old calculators that thrive on sunlight(so says mom and my uncle). he counts his crops on the calculator, he used to be a farmer. we've caught audio of him making noises on my big bro's phone when nobody's there. unless the cat, harley, is a fatass or knocks things over like a fuckass.
another uncle, another house. this one was much bigger and we had to give it up recently. mom talked about living there before she met my dad and she had a peeping tom, but there were no ladders or anything for them to stand on. and my big sister said that when she was going to school like i used to some few years ago, she lived in the house. apparently the radio she was listening to from another room as she did her hair and makeup in the morning would shut off. i never actually experienced anything myself, however. my brother said he used to see people a lot and once got so scared he kept me up on a school night so he could sleep on the floor in me and my mother's room. she was at work at the time and i was trying to get some rest before the bus came to pick me up. no idea why i was the least favored one.

maybe i just didnt notice things though, after all i WAS fucking around on the computer like 24/7.

looking back on how often i was home alone in that house is actually sort of creepy to think about. but when it wasnt deader than a graveyard it was fucking chock full of people, whom i avoided like the plague because i was an angsty teenager with people issues.


Definite Nopperabou. :|
Look it up.

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Here's a idea, if they can do stuff like drain all the blood from a dog, then revive it 10 minutes later with little to no brain damage.

Then why don't we do this to a bunch of humans, and see what they have to say afterwards. We could confirm if there was a afterlife.

Would you do it if someone else went first and came out fine with no brain damage?


too many ethical issues involved for anyone to even begin. ie: what if the head continues to live afterwards, does it have a right to die again if it wants to? Or what if it was sparked back to life without ability to communicate, would there be consciousness in there? (there is already this going on with individuals who have locked in syndrome)


at what point does life end and 'death' begin? how can an experiment which intends to end life for a short period be ethically sound if you can't answer the first question?

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Anyone have more of this guy?
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I have this.


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Here you go


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Fuck I lol'd


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The meme is called Horrifying House-guest AKA Shadowlurker.

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Finally we're getting serious!


Pants were shitted.

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So I'm sure you guys know about the infamous "Lavender Town Effect" and how people supposedly get headaches from it.
But after I listened to some of the more disturbing Pokemon BGM (i.e. the Unown Radio Signal, Lavender Town [of course], the Drought theme) at 1 in the morning - which is a really fucking dumb thing to do and I'm never doing it again - I ended up getting horrible hallucinations, to the point where literally all I could hear was the Unown Radio Signal. I was completely deaf to anything else. My vision was all static-y and I felt like I was levitating, not to mention I kept seeing freaky ass shit everywhere and it wouldn't stop for like a good hour or so - I couldn't even hear myself crying. When the consequences of my asshattery ceased, I was so fucking scared I could barely breathe.

What the fuck happened to my brain, Ubuuchong? I've heard of placebo effects and just imagining symptoms, but how do you just sort of…imagine up a really bad trip complete with deafness? I know this sounds like a bad creepypasta and it's really dumb but it's completely true. Pic unrelated.
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Yes, because reading about a hallucination is the exact same thing as experiencing one. *Sarcasm*



That time in the back seat of the volkswagen? MEANT NOTHING TO ME! Plus, it was very uncomfortable.

Chill bro, it was a joke. I wouldn't actually try to torment someone who basically had the most terrifying experience of his life (something similar happened to me after playing Yume Nikki for the first time).


Ahhh, sorry for acting like you were serious. With some of the dicks and trolls I've seen on here, it's getting mildly hard to tell with who is joking and who is serious. D:


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Fuck. I'v been scared of the Lavender Town Effect, every time I even think of that sound I get irrationally nervous. It's kept me up for whole nights. Why did you have to post this?!


Once I literally experienced a sarcasm.

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Hey, I'm making a series of horror themed comics including many urban legends from scary stories including slenderman, the slit mouthed woman, etc. Any suggestions for creatures I should include?


Picture is unrelated



the ghost of an old man who sits in the corner of your bedroom at night fapping audiably.





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