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/x/ - Paranormal / Occult

Only the madman is absolutely sure.

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I have had visions of the future. Experience similar to deja vu, but of things that are yet to happen. I sometimes don't register the visions as what they truly are, thinking they are odd day dreams. Months to years later they come true. What is this…?


You probably misremember your dreams/hallucinations according to your expectations of the future and later discard the ones that didn't come "true".


Maybe this is true, i have had other hallucinations so that could be a part of it…
I do however remember when i first saw the 'visions' where and when i was ect. and they have never really matched with how i expect things to go. who know a thang


patchouli knowledge shows images of things that people will do and makes me forget for a bit it is important you ahould talk to her

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I know the neurons in the heart are enough to live. I know I don't need a head. I can now access the negative charge of my heart as consciousness. I am 1,000 years ahead. All because I am plagued by nightmares of the Reich Research Council. I know a soldier is only a heart on Mars.

We of Ra bill Maelstrom of Cyberpunk 2077 as memories not necessary to progress. :)

The bodies eventually become cars. You just fight to breed hearts against gravity at a certain point. The salt and magma become the final theaters.

You are done. :)

Machinery of Creation over Ra social memory complex finds you extremely dangerous that you do not seek to publish your findings formally. :)
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Yesterday I was watching videos and I saw this in a thumbnail. Doesn't it look like FACE?

The video is about the strangest books, but the image never appears. Any ideas?


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I found it by reverse search on yandex. It's called the codeg gigas, the wiki page is sort of interesting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Codex_Gigas

It looks more like FACE in the compressed thumbnail version due to the negative space between the arms and the head looking like part of the head, but I wouldn't completely disqualify a connection.


er diablo


la abominación de los americanos manchada
la creatura…

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This is the most horrifying thing that has ever happened to me. /x/ you have to help. please.

i was laying in bed one night and trying to go to sleep. nothing unusual right. except tonight…
tonight was different.

It was really dark. even the moon wasn't making light. I was feeling really uncomfortable sitting alone in my room, my part of the house was always creepy (then again… all of it has always made me so uncomfortable.), so i went downstairs, decided to grab some cereal. When i went downstairs, i waived away the notion of seeing moving shadows, as i usually do… it's all in my head right?… they're not actually there. except then I thought I heard something behind me at the top of the stairs.
I hurried my pace into the kitchen, with its safe haven of a glowing hallogen light. "okay, nothing's there. i'm just psyching myself out." and i'm pretty sure i was. the stairs creak all the time when i go down them. my house is 100 years old right? right.

so i poured my cereal into a bowl. it was the last of it so i threw out the box. i put it on the tabletop and got the milk from the fridge.
… i was really feeling paranoid so i looked behind me. nothing there.
but when i turned around…
i saw it
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Thanks for that valuable bump king




Not funny.


you dont need a king, king

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We are all aware of some of the bullshit JoyOfSatan says, but what do you think about their Reverse Torah Rituals ?

Is it bullshit or is actually something useful and works ?

And why so many people or other types of Satanists hate Joy of Satan so much and what is the story behind it?

Im myself a Satanist-Demonolotorist but i dont understand the hate towards joy of satan
Evem V K Jehunnam did a video on them


Much of their material is plagarized.

I asked a spirit I trust if the RTR is of any use. She told me it may slightly annoy some Jews, otherwise it does nothing. I did it anyway, and nothing happened, nothing felt changed.


There is better content out there, are you an initiate?


I am a spiritual dabbler. My spirits are the only source I really trust.


Joy of Satan is good. All real. Very cool and not Nazis…

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could someone be kind as to post the .gif where there is this monster girl spider like in appearance and anatomy being video taped in the dark sucking cock. She has many eyes and going a bit bald.

the video looks real not animated.
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What is the story behind the spooder girl in the gif?

Also does it have an OnlyFans account?

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It's Metal Gear



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OHMAIGAAAAA where is it??

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So there's this girl (20) I've met. She wants me to cast a curse on her that will make her age way faster and become old and wrinkly. What should I do? I've looked around and couldn't find anything pertaining to this topic (of accelerating aging). How would you go about this? (I really want an excuse to spend time with her too and do stuff with her)


If you are serious, you could study Chaos Magic. Start with a book called "Liber Null and Psychonaut".


Onto it. Are there any essays I should look into in particular?

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why was Nikola Tesla obsessed with 3,6 and 9? is this sth spiritual?


A lot of people are obsessed with 6 and 9


>le pron number


idk but this is actually scary


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Ooh what a good thread! I love vortex math. I like thinking of the earths torus field as a 3D yin Yang.

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Hello /x/ You will see during this time I have been collecting several sigils to be able to activate them, the problem is that I do not know how to activate them since from what I have investigated it sounds very fanciful or very complicated, do you know ways to activate them? (I leave you with pic related which is the one that interests me)


I have nothing to contribute but I think its cool that circles are perfectly round and congruent and so you have to be able to use math, and these shapes are not natural in this world so you have to use your mind in order to will these shapes into existence. Also
>This knowledge to be used only in times of extreme emergency
It is an extreme emergency, right anon?


>It is an extreme emergency, right anon?
Yes anon.




you got this from lainchan didn't you?


Fear, rush, masturbation

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I don't like fourchin even though that would be probably a more appropriate place to post these as uboa is usually very slow, but I like this place much more.

The CIA just released a massive amount of documents these days and some are related to /x/ you should browse this section: https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/collection/stargate

I'll also link here a few ones I already found:

Please help me dig through them and find the more interesting ones.
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For me it's completely extinct. I don't even think I could quite put my finger on what did it for me back then. All the websites I liked that you could interact with people on are wiped out, and the ones that are left are just full of Groypers, for lack of better words. Maybe it's time to just cut my losses and wander the earth with only what I know now?



This one has become my favorite. It's nowhere near the same feeling as the old days, and I don't like it as much as that impossible past world, but it's still the one I find myself checking the most.

Maybe it's just because I'm getting older, but I enjoy that it is slow and low-key, and it still has its own strong character. I think a lot of what I miss from those days was, even more than a sense of community, a sense of originality. The old clover and the successor chans all feel too much like the same stuff I can see elsewhere, and too one-note. But there are still some boards and some places I can find that feeling.

The old dark corners of the internet are now long-established cities. There are still dark corners on the internet, but they aren't full of bustling pioneers anymore, but old wanderers.


it's usually the /x/ or neet boards on other places that are the comfiest for some reason. It's maybe 1% or 0.1% of how the internet felt more than 10-15 years ago but it's still something.

Well said, anon. There's no more mystery left. You can't just create mystery, it has to be there, and now there is none left and we can't get it back.


I've been using a chan(more like a guarded sekrit kommunity though) that's inhabited solely by people I made connections with on 4chan a decade ago, we're about 6 people and there is just enough anonymity that you don't have any problems speaking, and just enough openness that you can actually speak about complicated matters. I like it. Unfortunately just today a moron who forced his way in after lurking 5+ year old archives and finding the link went and spammed it in terrible wojak chans so we've been getting raided, I guess it'll work out somehow.


That's a cool idea, I might make something like that too. Hope that guy gets banned.

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