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/x/ - Paranormal / Occult

Only the madman is absolutely sure.

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Jesus can save you.
Satan will slave you.
The world is rhythm, frequency, repetitions and the Prince of air has authority over it all, everything is stacked against you and deigned to drive you further away from God
>But we’ve already been saved
no matter how much the wicked toil, scheme, and manipulate the forces of the world are powerless against God. Accept Christ and you accept new everlasting life.

>God loves you


skibadee skibadanger I am the rearranger

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1. open Google Earth
2. go to Great Lake, Tasmania, Australia
3. head to the east side
4. zoom in
5. shit brix
swarm 1000s of tiny "censor bar" rectangles.
Pic related isn't doing it justice, there are A LOT OF THEM
Each have the same size/shape/direction, but some bars overlap others.

Wouldn't be random or a glitch as:
> most are concentrated on the eastern side of the lake
> all of the censors are in water
> no other lakes have this
> for a few of the censors, there are visible trails on the water leading up to them

So far there is nothing about this online, uboachan you now have the curse of knowledge..and some activity on this board lel
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>The Australian government has decided that images of sensitive areas are not a risk, due to poor level of detail.

holy SHIT.

it's not aus gov.

it's not military.


As promised in >>1913 one of the vids:

In the meantime I found this reddit thread of a very similar thing happening in mainland Australia https://www.reddit.com/r/googlemapsshenanigans/comments/wnzu7l/if_you_search_up_limestone_coast_on_google_earth/
The images won't load to me thanks to reddit's VPN blocking but I suspect it's the same thing. One comment basically claims it's an image processing glitch with super bright/reflective light sources, which honestly seems the most sensible explanation, but I still want to believe.


Bump, very interesting. Google Earth Pro has a feature, where you can go back in time. Might try this and post about results later.


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On first glance there doesn't seem much going on and on second not much either. Just like >>1917 I'm inclinded to think it was just a bug, that got fixed.


well, if we've ruled out aus gov, and it's otherwise vanished, probably is just a glitch. Still doesn't explain the censoring of the houses in >>1846
, unless the roofs were super bright or whatever. I also wanna believe, anons.

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I'm hoping to talk to others about what they'd put in their own grimoire. I'm gonna be starting mine very soon and I want to hear the kind of stuff you'd lock in a magic book
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Just copy and paste random shit and claim its secret knowledge in hidden esoteric code and this way you can fill out your 30 page grimoire to well over 800+ pages and people will still fall for it.


Just copy paste stuff from other grimoires. Most famous grimoires recycle and summarize material from older books. Not sure why you’d want to make one anyway.


How do I can a fireball?


1) Conjure the fireball.
2) Prepare the can by boiling it in hot water.
3) Put the fireball into the can.
4) Seal the can.
4) Enjoy your canned fireball.


read the necronomicon.

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What are some texts related to "witchcraft theory" that you like?

This and other collections edited by Brian P. Levack are good. Stuart Clark's "Inversion, Misrule and the Meaning of Witchcraft" and larger book Thinking With Demons are also good. The latter also interprets witchcraft theory and demonology through a Foucaultian lens. The cultural anthropologist Willem de Blécourt's work is also good.


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>This and other collections edited by Brian P. Levack are good.
Also definitely read Arno Borst's "The Origin of the Witch-Craze in the Alps" in Witchcraft in Continental Europe


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>The cultural anthropologist Willem de Blécourt's work is also good.
* historical anthropologist


Witchcraft, Oracles, and Magic Among the Azande by Evans-Pritchard is pretty good albeit old.

>interprets witchcraft theory and demonology through a Foucaultian lens

This sounds good. I better check it out.


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Damn I wish this site was more active.

I liked this book on jinns in India. Not sure if it falls under witchraft but its an interesting read if your interested in esoteric stuff. There is a short version here


Liber Null and Psychonaut, a modern approach to magick. Basically THE manual for chaos magick, which teaches a non dogmatic results oriented school of thought.

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I have had visions of the future. Experience similar to deja vu, but of things that are yet to happen. I sometimes don't register the visions as what they truly are, thinking they are odd day dreams. Months to years later they come true. What is this…?


You probably misremember your dreams/hallucinations according to your expectations of the future and later discard the ones that didn't come "true".


Maybe this is true, i have had other hallucinations so that could be a part of it…
I do however remember when i first saw the 'visions' where and when i was ect. and they have never really matched with how i expect things to go. who know a thang


patchouli knowledge shows images of things that people will do and makes me forget for a bit it is important you ahould talk to her

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I know the neurons in the heart are enough to live. I know I don't need a head. I can now access the negative charge of my heart as consciousness. I am 1,000 years ahead. All because I am plagued by nightmares of the Reich Research Council. I know a soldier is only a heart on Mars.

We of Ra bill Maelstrom of Cyberpunk 2077 as memories not necessary to progress. :)

The bodies eventually become cars. You just fight to breed hearts against gravity at a certain point. The salt and magma become the final theaters.

You are done. :)

Machinery of Creation over Ra social memory complex finds you extremely dangerous that you do not seek to publish your findings formally. :)
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Yesterday I was watching videos and I saw this in a thumbnail. Doesn't it look like FACE?

The video is about the strangest books, but the image never appears. Any ideas?


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I found it by reverse search on yandex. It's called the codeg gigas, the wiki page is sort of interesting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Codex_Gigas

It looks more like FACE in the compressed thumbnail version due to the negative space between the arms and the head looking like part of the head, but I wouldn't completely disqualify a connection.


er diablo


la abominación de los americanos manchada
la creatura…

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This is the most horrifying thing that has ever happened to me. /x/ you have to help. please.

i was laying in bed one night and trying to go to sleep. nothing unusual right. except tonight…
tonight was different.

It was really dark. even the moon wasn't making light. I was feeling really uncomfortable sitting alone in my room, my part of the house was always creepy (then again… all of it has always made me so uncomfortable.), so i went downstairs, decided to grab some cereal. When i went downstairs, i waived away the notion of seeing moving shadows, as i usually do… it's all in my head right?… they're not actually there. except then I thought I heard something behind me at the top of the stairs.
I hurried my pace into the kitchen, with its safe haven of a glowing hallogen light. "okay, nothing's there. i'm just psyching myself out." and i'm pretty sure i was. the stairs creak all the time when i go down them. my house is 100 years old right? right.

so i poured my cereal into a bowl. it was the last of it so i threw out the box. i put it on the tabletop and got the milk from the fridge.
… i was really feeling paranoid so i looked behind me. nothing there.
but when i turned around…
i saw it
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Thanks for that valuable bump king




Not funny.


you dont need a king, king

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We are all aware of some of the bullshit JoyOfSatan says, but what do you think about their Reverse Torah Rituals ?

Is it bullshit or is actually something useful and works ?

And why so many people or other types of Satanists hate Joy of Satan so much and what is the story behind it?

Im myself a Satanist-Demonolotorist but i dont understand the hate towards joy of satan
Evem V K Jehunnam did a video on them


Much of their material is plagarized.

I asked a spirit I trust if the RTR is of any use. She told me it may slightly annoy some Jews, otherwise it does nothing. I did it anyway, and nothing happened, nothing felt changed.


There is better content out there, are you an initiate?


I am a spiritual dabbler. My spirits are the only source I really trust.


Joy of Satan is good. All real. Very cool and not Nazis…

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could someone be kind as to post the .gif where there is this monster girl spider like in appearance and anatomy being video taped in the dark sucking cock. She has many eyes and going a bit bald.

the video looks real not animated.
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What is the story behind the spooder girl in the gif?

Also does it have an OnlyFans account?

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It's Metal Gear



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OHMAIGAAAAA where is it??

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