The wires of the beast of our creation run far and deep. Through endless miles of pulsing lights and oscillating copper, a network is born.
The weakest of spirits, trapped in concrete/ferrite spires. For the strongest into every home a gateway, into every city a railway system to easy targets for subjugation.
The truth is it was never intended to form a prison for the dead. It was simply met to connect the living.
Yet, if you anger the dark spirits with even an internet comment, you awaken a path into your home. In seconds, a wight across the world awakens to the indignation, and through this endless web of light and heat a pulse is sent… Inevitable, unstoppable. Through the wires we built, through the towers we arise, a path opens.
The pharoahs of old in their tombs below the Monoliths, the Ziggurats, the stepped temples could not have imagined such an easy tool for dispersal, for subjugation.
It was not until the nazi occult programmes that the true power was realised. Until in those dark halls of ceramic tile below the concentration camps gave rise to a new type necromantic power, that it was truly realised.
To simply speak is to invite into your walls that which does not lay dead.
To simply share the horror we have lived under is to have your mind invaded, catalogued, by the shades of SS, Stasi, mafia…..
Every tweet, every comment, every email, every text a perfect traceable path to the one who sent it.
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