There was a woman. She had faded pink hair, and wore either a black suit or black dress; which, I can't recall. She looked rather like Makima from Chainsaw Man, although more enigmatic in personality, less motherly. She was a handler. You had a mission. I recall that she was the only point of contact with the spy network, and you never received orders from or interacted with anybody else in the agency, nor had any evidence that it ever existed.
All I really remember is the ending; after completing several other levels, your next assignment was to assassinate someone close to it, but the phytologist was already so entrenched in the world of espionage, its conviction so immense, its faith in the agency so pure, that it did it unquestioningly, but after it did so, it became overwhelmingly tired, as though a burden had been taken unto it.
The game concludes with the handler driving you to a grass-covered cliff overlooking the ocean; not very high, as you could see the sand below. The game ends on a near top-down angle of it falling asleep in the handler's lap, as she slowly strokes your hair, and I recall the player feeling a striking sense of confusion, as you have no idea if the agency really is as esoteric and terrifying in its methods as the narrative has made it out to be, or if the handler is simply using you for her own mysterious, perhaps mentally damaged, ends.
It was so vivid.
Attached is an image I drew of the phytologist, although naturally this is it represented as a flesh homunculus in hell, rather than an agent of a spy network. What do you think?
Another thing I'm unsure of is what the game will be. Shooter? RPG? I only have experience with RPGMaker, and I like it a lot, but I'm not sure how one would go about making a "spy" sort of game in such a program. Any ideas?
I recall the colour palette being washed out and filtered with pastel greens, blues, and pinks, with pale orange washing through via the sunset over the end screen.
I'm not sure what to call the game. My current name is Carpet of Flowers, but that's another thing I would like advice on.
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