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/ig/ - RPGMaker / Gamedev

RPGMaker Help and Indie Game Development

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Me and some other people are going to make a game featuring Monoe and Monoko. If that idea sounds cool to you and you have any game development skills, hit me up at https://discord.gg/CCp95wk
(We can always use more artists)

Game most likely will be an RPG.

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Two years ago I made a game in RPGmaker 2003, only recently uploaded it to itchio. It is a simple surreal adventure. I made it just for the sake of completing an RPGmaker game, but I think it stands alone fairly well. It's called Magic Unfolding and it is about a cat-creature who finds an indescribable object of infinite power with the same name as the game title.

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Oh wow, this looks sick. Kind of reminds me of Hylics if you don't mind me making a comparison.


Great work OP, the game feels like a competent package so far. I've gotten past the three demon bosses and I'll have to wait a few more days until I can beat the game.

I'll try and post a more detailed review once I'm done.


Done, here are my overall thoughts.

The game conveys a lonely sense of atmosphere very well. I like how varied the maps and locations are.
I never understood what the weird number stuff was for and just assumed it was fluff, and I beat the game without it.

Combat is the biggest downside, it was pretty repetitive and the bosses weren't very interesting. Enemy design in general was hit and miss, with some clever designs but mostly being some variation of 'weird face'.

Overall I enjoyed the game, looking forward to what else you do!


Thanks for the feedback, that helps! I struggled to make the combat interesting in RPGmaker 2003, but in future projects I'll try to experiment and see what I can do within the limited framework. The numbers started as an afterthought but if you collect them all and input them in the Clown Village it's a bonus area, so yeah it's not necessary to beat the game.


I'd really love to see another RPGmaker game from you.

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Which is the best RPG Maker I could use to make my game?
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I’m very sorry, I don’t know the exact terms, all I know is that for scripting in xp, vx and ace it is used ruby, and in Mv is javascript, and in 95, 2k, and 2k3 you can’t script. Those differences can influence some people’s choice of which they prefer to use. What is a better term for it in English then, scripting language?


RPGmaker works on eventing, which is closer to pseudo-code than anything at all, and it's baby-tier. All engines handle the same eventing system, except small modifications; but they're essentially the same thing.
The scripts are done by interpreter, and they're not related to the core of game making at all. You can do a game without even touching that.
The difference in scripting languages is that Mv is thought for retarded shit like smartphones while the other engines are thought to be used in a real computer, but it doesn't really affect the making of the game unless you want something really specific which isn't natively supported by the engine. It doesn't seem to be OP's case anyway.


Oh, I know that, but thank you anyway. I just had forgotten what name was most commonly used for it. I know three languages and sometimes when writing my mind gets a bit messy and I forget words or terms and try to get away with using something that seems like a synonym, or at least understandable to readers.

>It doesn't seem to be OP's case anyway.

Probably not but decided to say it anyway as I’ve seen some people make a choice based on that.


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>I know three languages and sometimes when writing my mind gets a bit messy and I forget words or terms and try to get away with using something that seems like a synonym, or at least understandable to readers.
You're talking with someone who handles 3 languages constantly too (4 soon, maybe more one day). The best you can do is to translate the word you don't remember from your native tongue with google or something.

>Probably not but decided to say it anyway as I've seen some people make a choice based on that.

I mostly pointed it out because there are legit faggots out there who call eventing "programming" and think each engine is different on that level, when it fucking isn't. I remember when there existed some kind of fashion to say how harder XP=> engines where compared to 2k3=<.


There's a big difference between versions of RPG maker pre- and post-XP. RPG maker XP introduced scripting, which despite what >>53 will tell you, gives you a lot more leverage over the engine.

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This is Realm Walk of Soul, a YNFG-Like game, where you you play as Iris, a short haired pale girl exploring dreamy worlds, interact with weird NPCs, experience surreal events and solve puzzles, in development since 2013.

This is Iris.Fall, a YNFG-Like game, where you play as Iris a short haired pale girl exploring explore dreamy worlds, interact with weird NPCs, experience surreal events and solve puzzles, in development since march 2018.

Have you found games that look way too similar in the Yume Nikki/RPG Maker&Misc circles? What do you do when this happens to your game?
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So, is realm dead?


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Its not dead at all believe me, but dayjobs are so time consuming and energy draining we had barely little time to work on it, (we need the bucks to eat and have a floor to sleep).

Also many stuff changin in both creative and administrative things have turned lot of stuffs upside down, but we managed to find a way.

But as of today, I can assure you, ubuu people, that REalM is close to completion.


I don't know if you are reading this or not but you I'm responding to you in 2021.

Perhaps you guys bit more than you could chew? You've been completely silent in social media too, zero communication with the people who supported your game, am I missing something? Who is to blame for this disaster?


Aaaaaaaand it's coming out.

At the end of the month.



That's exciting, I know it's been like a million years but at least you guys deliver, just that makes you better than 99.9% of the YNFG & misc. tumblr "developers" who say they will make a game, years pass and all they do is roleplay as their OCs and cry about drama.

Don't expect free praise though, the gloves are off.


Been working on this RPG in Unity for a while now, it's heavily inspired by Yume Nikki and Japanese adventure games from the Dreamcast era.
I'd love to hear what you guys think.


It looks really good!
Can't wait until my laptop is fixed so I can try the demo- I'll report back when I've tried it
The android version isn't avaliable in my country ;_;


>If this gets 100 likes I'll actually make him say sussy baka in the game
kys zoomer


Yo this looks awesome! Can't wait to play!



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random pixels


>squints really hard

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I've been working on this since more than 6 years and switched engines multiple times, until it became an RPG Maker 2003 game.

It's a survival horror game set in the far future were all humans mutated into deformed monsters. You play a roboter with the mission to liberate them from their suffering by finding the ultimate weapon of mass destruction and exterminating everyone so a new world can be created.

On your way you find various weapons and tools that you can use both for fighting and solving puzzles. Enemies have a limited vision radius so you can either fight or try to sneek past them.

The game is based on various nightmares and real life experiences I had and is intended to be a criticism of the injustice of life itself and more or less serves as a way of dealing with the frustrations in my life.

I'm still working on a demo that I intend to release at the end of this month. The combat system and most of the weapons and the enemy AI are already functional, but I'm somewhat stuck with making the 3d models for the enemies and spend too much time drinking myself away.
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Install the 2003 RTP then.
Download it here:
If it doesn't work, download the Japanese version of RTP linked below. You probably need the English one, but try this if it doesn't work


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Okay it works with the english RTP. Everything seems to be working fine. Diagonal movement and/or strafing would be nice. Not sure if RPG maker supports mouse aiming, that would help.

It works, but I'm gonna need more gameplay before I can make a judgement about anything.


>Diagonal movement and/or strafing would be nice. Not sure if RPG maker supports mouse aiming, that would help.
The engine sadly doesn't support these out of the box. It's possible to do this in later RPGMaker versions through Ruby scripting, although very much a hassle.


Seeing people ask for this brings me back


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I didn't manage to get much done last year, and sadly not only when it comes to this game. However, this weekend I've felt somewhat motivated and added some new things.

The main thing that I accomplished is that I combined the Fist and Power Hammer so now it is possible to do different attacks depending on how long you press the attack button. You can either throw some quick punches, do a knockout punch, or by fully charging up the fist, catapult enemies through the room like with the Power Hammer. For this I also added a new element in the interface that displays the estimated power of the punch while you hold down the action button.

Additionally I added the possibility to change the equipped weapon quickly by using the number keys. And also fixed all bugs that I could find.

And finally, I created a page on itch.io for the game to have a place to comfortably post the latest version and whatever else.


I didn't get forward with making new enemies, levels or anything in that direction, but I hope to do that somewhere in February.

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Hey guys. I've been working on a projct for quite some time (since 2015 actually) and finally got the kickstarter campaign approved! So today, I'd like to present to you guys Birthright Cataclysm Zero.

The game is an RPG about a vampire huntress named Aria Selnades and the princess of vampires named Maia Etranzi.

Both races are caught in a never ending conflict that almost caused the end of the world.

The war has recently entered a phase called the Birthright Cataclysm. The new generation of warriors are being sent to the front lines to battle each other and conquer the opposing forces.

To prevent my game from being 'yet another Kickstarter game', let me explain why I'm kickstarting this.

I've played games like Yume Nikki and .flow for a long time, I even recently became a speed runner for Yume Nikki, I'm very passionate about that game because it was very, very different, original and unique, and while working on my game, I kept feeling something was missing, something that could help my game 'be something'. It definitely carries some 'silent inspirations' from Yume Nikki as some scenes in and stages in the game come straight from what I love so much as a Yume Nikki player.

For those who wonder, all the money made from the kickstarter campaign will go towards the creation of original material such as artwork, graphics, music and assets for the game. I want it to gain its own unique identity and I can achieve that by hiring the talents needed to make my vision come true.

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So why do you need a kickstarter for this game?


To get your money.


To get your money, we want your money.


Everything in this game looks like it came from the rpgmaker xp rpgrevolution forums.
Not going to lie.


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I'm currently figuring out some concept for a challenging boss battle for my game.
It's an exploration game similar to YN, so you don't really fight throughout the entire game, you dont gain exp, you dont increase stats, you just solve puzzles most of the time and collect effects. First i was thinking of some turn-based sans-like action but scrapped it, since the player might just be too weak to kill the boss with brute force. some bullet-hell dodging stuff ala omega-flowey sounds alright, but it needs some more of a catch.

Are there any amazing boss battles you remember that didn't require any grinding or leveling? I really dont want this stuff in my game. However I want a heckin painful boss battle with some out-of-the-box-thinking


chrono trigger bosses?

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They have a announced a new Rpg Maker

From what is known right now I'm not sure whether it will be worth getting it, as it seems to be mostly the same as RPG Maker MV, while being incompatible with its scripts/plugins (And I've changed engines already too often on all of my projects). On the other side it seems that it will offer more eventing options similiar to the old 2000/2003 versions and it is also claimed that there will be some big new feature that many wanted. Supposedly there are some leaks, but I have no idea where to find them.


Yeah I saw the news on the rpgmaker forums. I won't be getting it anytime soon that for sure. I got MV like about a year ago and just now I'm finally getting the hang of it. I don't see myself paying 80 bucks for a new rpg maker engine anytime soon, no matter what features it has.


Here's a 3 minute video covering all major changes between MV and MZ. Really not worth it.
You and me both. I bought around a year ago as well and have yet to figure everything out.

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