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/ig/ - RPGMaker / Gamedev

RPGMaker Help and Indie Game Development

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i have rpgmaker xp and i want to make a short yume nikki fg, are there any resources to help me do this? no experience in coding or rpgmaker, by the way
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What kind of game are you trying to do?
It's kind of hard to give you advice on what could be potentially best for you with just what you said so far.


What can you do with wolf that you can't with RPGmaker?

I tried getting into RPGmaker myself last year, forgot which one I dl'd. I set myself a very small goal of making a game where you bake a cake by walking to all of the ingredients in a room then putting them in the bowl in order but I got stuck and gave up because I didn't know what exactly I was doing wrong, it was pretty frustrating. When these problems happen it's like being in math class as a kid again. I don't know if I give up too easily or if I'm not smart enough.


I don't know how much this information will help you anon, but it should be known Wolf come with a complete English manual which explains what the game engine can do along with, some troubleshooting, and other such helpful stuff.

(P.s if your going to get Wolf get the bundle it comes with a graphic synthesizer which is needed to make custom characters.)


I personally find Rpg Maker 2003 to be the most comfortable to use.

Wolf Rpg Maker has a messy interface while the Rpg Maker XP is more restricted when it comes to eventing and relies on scripting in Ruby.


i recently got rpgmaker mv and im looking to make a ymfg too i've been looking for tutorial on how to make a ymfg but i couldn't get to find something specific about it

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How are sound effects for YNFGs made? I've never worked with sound before so I'm totally confused. I just want to make my own simple sounds like footsteps and such, for my first YNFG but I'm not sure where to even start.


Break twigs
Hammer a watermelon
Slosh water
Bite a pepper
Toss a girl
Slam a door
Pull a snake
Bark at a dog
Kick out a table leg
Follow a cat
Climb a church in a thunderstorm
Take a radio to the desert
Tape a microphone to a paper plane
Slap toothpaste
Amplifier ouroborus
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i made a kind of dating sim in rpgmaker 2003. its a story i wrote with a few diferent endings. 2 good endings and a few bad ends. You are a guy named Billy in saerch of love. the game has a timeline 1 second to 1 minte and ends on the 5th day. you can basicaly do watever you want. and geting the end might take some trial and error. its not really long at all. im pretty happy with how complete it is. still technicaly a beta. maybe one day i will upadate it but its basicaly complete. <3 https://shithole.neocities.org/gggg.html


this looks interesting, i'll check it out sometime later this week


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your game crashed my computer


Probably not OPs fault


>rabble rabble rabble
Fucking weird but kinda funny in places, or at least when it's not trying too hard imho

i was not prepared for that sapphire vag-bomb tho. heads up playerz


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op here i recently finished this off so it is no longer beta!
also plays on web now!


r18+ nudity , drugs and course language. Guide Billy in his life searching for love. go to school, interact with the residents of the village, and find love! maybe.. Your choices will affect later events. Working time clock 1 sec is 1 min. game ends on the 5th day. the usual game flow goes like this: go to school in the morning, wait for it to get dark outside, then go to sleep in the bed, repeat until day 5.

Controls: Arroy keys to move. z is accept/interact. x is menu/cancel.

Bugs:-flying the airship over doors will get u stuck.
-dont press any directions during scripted events like the intro, u will get stuck.

update 2023:
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Post screenshots, pieces of tileset/character sets, code snippets of whatever you have been working on for now for people to marvel/laugh at/criticize/give tips.

Pictures related.
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Fairly decent. Not sure if it's intended but she looks yandere as fuck.


those are some creepy ass eyes


I'm glad it's not completely shit and yeah the intent was to make her look fucking crazy, since I'm aiming for some kind of war torn setting filled with broken people.


I like the design but maybe hire someone more skilled to draw it for you?



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what's some nice engine one can use to make games that is small

something like this but with more editing tools

also how to make rotating castle effect like castelian https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nebulus_(video_game)


depends what you want i guess
rpg maker is well the obvious uboachan choice for stuff like rpgs and stuff that doesn't require super complicated battle systems. You'd be better off in the long run learning a harder engine like godot, unity, unreal, etc since they have more transferable skills but if you really just want to stay simple you could use something like pixel game maker i suppose.


Seconding this recommendation. It's cross-platform, free and there is enough documentation.

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How's your game going anon?
Don't tell me you're not working on it
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just started the first draft script outline, i have no idea how half of this is gonna play out


can i read it?


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Use the "Set Move Route" event command, select "Player" as the event, then add the "Decrease Speed" command.

This is how it works in RPG Maker 200X but I believe you can do the same in other RPG Maker engines as well.


whats this


just started writing a demo for a vn i'm working on but i keep having to rewrite the script because i don't like how it reads :(

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just played around with rpgmaker



Well no way I'm downloading this, there's not even a legit screenshot, even the yt video is about something entirely different than the game.


zoom out on the page


Well, I played your weird ass shitty game. I have one question tho, are you a fan of the Q from the Book Club? There was a random reference to John Green and burning a babel tower.

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i fucked up the prices that the bartender has. ill fix that tomorrow. besides that its done
first rpg so b nic

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Hello all,

Hope it won’t be out of line if I post this here. I’ve been working on a kind of Yume Nikki derivative game which tries to apply that kind of wandering structure to loose and colourful collage worlds. It’s a little more compressed and lacks the effect system but I hope it will appeal to people who enjoy exploring strange digital rooms. It is a paid game alas and costs $6. You can find it here: http://harmonyzone.org/10BeautifulPostcards.html

Wishing you the best in your travels,



oh shit lol, so weird to see you postin in such a niche weirdo zone. I guess it makes sense. Your stuff is great, keep it up!


reminds me of something like LSD dream emulator. i love games where you explore otherworldly enviroments


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Are you inspired by Weirdo House at all?


I'm happy to have passed by you here Stephen, if not in the same time at least in the same space. I loved to read Harmony Zone some time ago. Thank you for all that you've put out into the world. You are one of the top grotto-sphere content creators as far as this poster is concerned. Happy travels

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Me and some other people are going to make a game featuring Monoe and Monoko. If that idea sounds cool to you and you have any game development skills, hit me up at https://discord.gg/CCp95wk
(We can always use more artists)

Game most likely will be an RPG.

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