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/ig/ - RPGMaker / Gamedev

RPGMaker Help and Indie Game Development

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Since the beginning of the year I've been working on an indie game. I just released a first (short) version in early access mode on Steam. Please consider playing it and let me know about feedback for the final release (planned in spring).

The game is about a college student who gradually alienates from the social scene and ends up becoming consumed by his thoughts. His behavior becomes more and more erratic and in the end there is a climax.



Looks interesting OP, might take a loot at it.

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Hi, this drawing is an old concept art kinda inspires on Yume Nikki's ambience and Sluggish Morss Characters.

I wanted to realize it but I'm noob af trying to develop a game.Recently I'm doing new concept art so perhaps don't gomma be a problem. But I need tips for getting involved into software like RPG Maker and PixelArt. Also a way to get more clear ideas forbmy game.

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Hey everyone! So, I and a couple of my friends are deciding to make a short fangame. I'm making the tiles for the game since I have a bit of experience in pixel art. As I'm looking through Yume Nikki's game files to capture the style of the game and seeing through the tiles piece by piece, there's just one thing that really boggles me and that's with some of the tiles, mostly on the walls. I'm not asking as for how they were made but more on its textures. They use up a lot of colours and are spread very unevenly, yet, they all somehow manage to blend well together. I'd like to know if there's some sort of trick to get those results of texture done or do I really have to place each pixel manually and hope for similar results. The images below have arrows on them just to show what I mean. Thanks for reading!


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I'm not quite sure what you mean, but you mentioned images being "spread unevenly" so I'll hang on to that and you correct me if I misunderstood you.

I included screenshots of RPG maker (that's .flow, though) which should kind of explain this. Basically, you just copy and paste tiles from the sheet into the game. Each tile should have a specific size, then you just click the thing and click on the place you want to put it in.

So it doesn't matter how you spread them on the sheet.


He's talking about pixel placement when making tiles, not how to use tiles.

OP, the only cases in your pictures where I'm 100% sure it was done through some texture or algorithm are the walls (e.g the desert ones, mado's room, the wall where you get the ghost kerchief effect). Those more than likely had some "noise" added onto them and then filtered to get the resulting "texture" feeling, then one side got darkened to get a 3D feeling.

The floor wood boards and the book shelf on Mado's room, as the bricks in the skygarden are more than likely done by hand. Just practice a little.

I have my doubts about the sand in the desert. It seems done by hand but don't quote me on that.


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Also, 1000 GET!


Understood! Thank you, both. I'll see if I can figure it out.

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It is my pleasure to introduce a new project I have been working on for the past several days. The Uboachan Dream World MUD is a text-based, in-browser multiplayer game where the users create the content with in-game commands. The focus is exploration, but I plan to add some more dynamic kinds of features later on.

You can play the MUD in your browser at http://dream.uboachan.net/ or follow the link on the sidebar.

This thread is for comments and questions, and eventually I will collect my answers from this thread into a FAQ for new users. Some user guides will be very helpful in navigating the command system, so ask me whatever and I'll try to write some good posts.

I would also like feedback on how easy/difficult/pretty various aspects of the MUD are to use.

Github: https://github.com/seisatsu/Dennis
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Any plans to implement keys that multiple people can have soon?
I'm working on a new section, but my whole idea needs sharable keys to work.


Yes, see >>935. The feature will be called "duplify item".


Cool, I somehow looked over that post. Keep up the good work.


Added the (un)duplify item commands.
Tell me if they break.


Further discussion will take place on the new board.

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This is the trailer for a little walking game I have been doing in my spare time.

You explore a surreal world and slowly stumble upon your past memories that reveal the story. There will also be a climactic ending, etc.

I hope to release a complete version in April.
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I've been quite busy so I haven't had a chance to play much. I will say I'm still optimistic about the game and eager to play more when I can.

One thing I've noticed though is that it seems pretty huge so far. And without a central hub world, it gets really easy to lose yourself exploring, so if I have anything to criticize so far it's that. One area that frustrated me were some caves I found that were pretty repetitive and empty.



Thanks for the feedback!

It does get pretty big. The railroad is supposed to funtion as a sort of red thread that can be used as a starting point for exploration. I will try to improve upon the player guide sometime soon, with some pointers for the larger mazes.

Also, it is on Steam now:



I'm really enjoying this so far. One thing I've noticed is that there seem to be a lot of tiles that are walkable that I don't think are supposed to be, mainly decorations on walls like pipes and signs, in some cases you can go out of bounds.
Seems from reading other replies and other threads that "one thing I've noticed" is code for "I like it, but fix this". Weird that everyone meaning that makes the same language choices. I couldn't think of a way to reword it myself that sounded okay.


the game is ok. the desing is nice and the gloomy aspect is well done and music is fine but not remarkable.
I don't really like the fact that some paths are acutaly low res pics, but thats a minor aspect and might chance my opinion on it. Also encountered many walkable areas which are not suposed to be (walls, sky, sliping out of the path, usually corners with a 45º turn.
And maybe I am wrong but I think the conection between areas are way too far from each other. so far so like 8 memories while it is an exploration game without map (and the point is to explore) I have the feeling one can spend hours walking the same areas and missing a whole area that the only acces was right at the start.
Maybe more connections between areas would help. Maybe.



Thanks for all the feedback! I have been releasing some updates that fix many of the passability issues. (Being able to walk through walls.) If you still find any remaining let me know and I will patch them.

All in all I liked this project, but I think it was a bit too big to really make it good. I have started building a new game that will be smaller and more polished in the end.

Also the OST for railroad tracks is out now:


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(this is the first time ive ever used an image board in my life oop)

ive had a fangame as a pet project for about a million years now, ive been working on it on/off for several years for a variety of reasons, but now that i can safetly say its 1% towards completion, ive been more motivated to work on this thing. issue is, tho… is it just me, or is rpg maker 2k3 the glitchiest thing ever? it gives me horrific flashbacks of getting sloppy games to work on game maker 8.0, some things appear to just not work for no apparent reason when the logic makes sense

the specific thing that has finally driven me to posting is one specific bug im running into with an effect. its a weapon, and you can change "stance" with the shift button; it basically works just like the weapon effect in .flow. ive made progress, but mine is still broken in a couple ways

1) if you do the shift action while the character is moving, the character will face a different direction mid-animation without any apparent rhyme or reason. it either happens before the animation ir mid-animation, but in both cases, it seems like the move event thats facilitating the animation starts over. if theres a blue moon and all of the planets are aligned, the character will just spin in place as though the move event forgot to change the sprite
2) theres a switch to denote which stance the player is in, so that the proper animation will play. when you attack something, the switch doesnt get toggled even though the event explicitly calls for it, and its like nothing ever happened

attached is the unadulterated common event. i can provide other things if i gotta

its driving me totally bonkers. i went and downloaded .flow in the hopes that i could use it as a reference (since most of my stuff is developed based on how i imagine they worked in that game), but all the variable/switch/event names are true gibberish (garbled alt codes) that have stands that function as a 2nd "name" that the program likes to refer to them as and i cant even open two rpg maker windows at once and olksltjdbgs (hole in girl, tho. i should play .flow again)

i really do unironically wish i could code this stuff by hand. that said, if ive been going about things the wrong way this entire time, i would love to know

pls respond
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Having a fangame that will be released as a full game will be so nice, that's so rare. And your other games sound interesting. Do you have a blog or site of some sort where I can follow progress of your games?


>And your other games sound interesting

oh no , lel. i WISH i had something to do with UNIEL or NMS. look them up if you wish, theyre both pretty cool specimens

all of the more well known fangames still being in this incomplete phase has always been pretty weird to me, but i cant really judge since theyre such amazing games despite being in the 0.1s. i just dont wanna do that, tho. if (and maybe when) i set Coda free, itll definitely be /finished/


Don't die dev. please make it happen, I love the looks of it.


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im back with other issues that have been driving me nuts for a while now

to begin with… all the yume nikkis are doing it, and thats those things that make NPCs walk away from you backwards. seems simple enough, have a reversed charset so they appear to be walking backwards. when you interact with any event, though, it turns to face you. this means that such an NPC would turn its back to me when i interact with them. id make it so their sprite changes to the normal one so that they face me properly, but since i cant just do that in advance, they just twitch whenever i interact with them

does anyone know how this phenomena is pulled off effectively in the other games? i dissected .flow, but it didnt help much. attached is my crappy event page thats defective and bad

the other thing i reeeaaally need help with is this stupid issue im getting with my crowbar effect, where its unable to use the proper animation to change from the standard state to the hiding state and vice versa. im using a variable to denote whether or not "hiding" is active, and that should be enough to determine which animation to use, but its just not working. the event junk for this is attached as well. whats wrong with my logic osfdhjbvg, is there something else i could be doing thats more effective?


Maybe you could make a parallel event that checks the distance of the main character relative to the npc, and when you are directly near it, it activates a switch that changes the npc to a page with the regular sprite and that doesn't run away. This would also create and interesting effect where the npc would turn around when the player comes close.

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(Firstly, sorry if I should be posting this on another place)
Hello, anons. So, for some time, I have been thinking about a Yume Nikki fangame that would be a hybrid between Yume Nikki and No Man's Sky. The basic concepts would be:

>You start off on your room, you have a balcony and stuff, like always, the bed wouldn't do nothing. Once you go out off your room, you would be treated to a transition of your character getting into a spaceship and then a countdown happens, after the countdown, you're "dreaming", I would like the transition to be fast but comprehensible.

>When the transition ends, you will now be on a place full of planets(Maybe only 12), this place will be the Nexus, the planets will be the dream worlds.

>The effects would be called "Upgrades" They would be for your spaceship.

So, what do you think about it?
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Maybe I should just delete this thread for now, if there's even a way how. I'll come back here with some screenshots of the progress, so this won't happen again. Sorry.


Out of respect for the mods i'll stop fucking with you, but I've got to say i'm disappointed. Figured the Frodo pic would make it obvious, but you were too dense to get it. Not only that, but you kept replying to me and getting more and more pissed off.
Op, giving you the benefit of the doubt, this idea is bad on every level. A lot of the initial appeal of no man's sky was the visuals and randomization. The actual game that came out was extremely sub-par and disappointing. If you want to make a space themed YN game, that's fine, but unless it includes randomization, which I don't even know is possible on rpg maker 2003, especially on that level, there's basically no connection. Also, no matter what site you're on, you should know better than to expect people to take you seriously with a thread picture like that. If you've already made a game, post pics of that.


I would really prefer harsh constructive criticism to trolling in this board. More >>934 less frodoposting.


Since frodoposter gave you his objective two cents, after leaving another passive agressive remark, I think it's fair to give you mine.

I know it's perfectly possible to achieve it though, it would be long and distressing for you and I'd pick VX Ace or MV for a little more of freedom, just a little. Motivation is important for these games to be finished and this idea would drain all of it for you.

The fact it's possible doesn't mean it's a good idea though, I would go for something like Miserere with some more randomization and you could focus on planets and exploration, but not at a massive level, ambition is the enemy of RPG Maker.


I wasn't actually planning to make the planets to be random, I was just wanting a space themed Yume Nikki fan game actually, I just didn't said that on the post that started the thread. The idea just came to me when I was seeing gameplay of No Man's Sky.

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I decided to see if it were possible to create a Yume Nikki MMO. I noticed various issues while creating it which may help others when making their own.

* Scalability: the rooms in Yume Nikki are small so fitting a lot of people in one room would require servers or duplicate rooms. This mainly happens in Madotsuki's room where only about 40~60 people can fit (unless you allow players walk on top of each other). You can solve this by making custom rooms or by isolating players.

* Isolation: Yume Nikki as a game evokes the feeling of isolation throughout the gameplay. This mood will obviously be destroyed if it becomes a MMO. This again could be solved by making specific rooms only for one player. By this I mean the room can be accessed by multiple users but the user will only see themselves in the room and not the other users.

* Identification: I initially intended on creating a chat system for other users to talk but then I realized that a method for identifying other users would require some kind of Identification. Like a name tag or something below their character. To create something like this you would either have to make a tiny font which would be barely legible. Or break the pixel rule and put an actual font in. This often breaks the aesthetics, here's an example: https://i.imgur.com/sjeJH1S.png

While other parts like making all the rooms and events work properly are difficult they are difficult in the sense that they are a tedious task rather than a technical difficulty. These were all the issues I could see.


Aside from being potentially detrimental to the feel of the game, another important thing to consider is user interactivity. The backbone of any mom is how users can actually interact, otherwise, there's no point. This seems like a novel idea that a few people will try for awhile beforehand getting bored and abandoning it; that result seems hardly worth the effort. The chat could just anonymous. If you do go through with this, here's two suggestions. Make the color of the other users look different than the made the player Is controlling. A race type of feature could also be used where at a given starting point, every user tries to beat the game as quickly as possible by triggering events and collecting effect. Being able to see the progress of other players during this would increase the tension. Other than that, I can't think of anything else you would be able to do with the idea.


Fuckin spell check.


I don't think the "feel" of the game is all that important here, considering that the very nature of this project's multiplayer gameplay is transformative.

I say it's okay to break the feel of Yume Nikki a bit. If I wanna play Yume Nikki as originally intended, I already have a copy of the original.


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Whirled.com once exercised a similar concept.
BYOND, perhaps?

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What do you guys think about the RPG Maker community?
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They should just try Steam, tons of exposure and anyone can get there, here is no such thing as quality control, there are tons of games that are pure RTP with terrible mapping and grammar.

Just check this out, the FIRST result while browsing the RPGM tag is a commercial game in RTP.

No wonder Steam hates RPGM games.


Yeah but no one's gonna want to pay $100 to put it up there.


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Lmao, just outta curiosity, are you by any chance refering to that one post about Ilya Kuvshinov?


That too and the sakimichan one which had the exact same vein.

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