I come from this specific situation, So i will share my experiences with you.
A little background on me: I am a guy that was in a comma for some years, after returning to the world I found myself at odds with it, first and foremost I realized that most of my online communities have gone down the gutter or flat out dissipated, second I awoke to my parents being elderly and going through poverty due to medical bills, third and probably most redpilling experience out of them all: my friends have all moved on with their lives, once i tried reaching to them I was blocked by all of them except one dude which i eventually had a falling off due to my poverty, You kiddos better believe that when you go down hard, you go down alone, and if the people out there think that you are the bearer of the stone then they will gladly throw you down the lake with it.
Being a NEET serves no one and it will ultimately end up with your downfall into the most vicious trap of them all: Poverty.
Get this through your heads, if you are easily depressed then bear the weight of these words but don't look away from them:
You are a liability for them all, the only ones that refuse to think like that are your main enablers. But this blind refusal to acknowledging what we became is the perfect excuse for us to continue being worthless parasites, we literally have reasons to leech if we are allowed to, but once the host dies we die too, we are living off as literal parasites for the only people that refuse to give up hope on us, but at the same time they have so little trust in our capabilities that they accept our leeching ways.
For the ones outside our circle we are vermin to get rid off, for the ones inside we are little more than pet dogs; what a way to live, we lost our humanity in the eyes of everyone, and if we aren't made aware of our dehumanization then we will eventually come to accept our subhuman lives.
I refuse this, to go along with the plans of others means that we will all eventually end up being discarded, no matter our abilities, our intellect, our strength or our moral pathway, once we get branded as useless by our own society then all that follows is the progressive removal of each of our rights.
That's how they truly look at us, this is what they have done to me, if this is a question of rights then we must too fight for them, and we must fight against everyone that tries to take them away from us, we are divergent, but that doesn't mean that
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