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/rec/ - Ex-NEET / Recovery

Board for recovering NEETs and Ex-NEETs who are trying to reintegrate.

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For five years I've been slowly decaying: I've lost my health, dropped University, twice, and my relationships with my family is in shatters. Also what bothers me is that people I knew (I don't have any contacts left) now have good jobs, some of them their own families, while I still simply just run away from all problems I encounter.

I tried to do something with it so many times, but it never really worked out. I'm not sure whether anything can be done now, but I can try one more time.

To change the pace I will go to a local library tomorrow, so I can be closer to other people, will spend some time learning (or doing) something actually useful and will try to build up courage to make up with my family.
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> What are you working as?

Software engineer in a local IT company. The coolest thing is that I'm writing code in the language I like, and that's why I even applied.

> Are you doing the same exercises as before?

Nope! I actually read up on it a bit and now are doing an amalgamation of exercises from this video. There are some other exercises as well (mostly for my buttocks) and I had to skip on some exercises after which my legs and my damaged arm hurt too much. But in general the idea is this. If you have some other exercises I might want to try, I would be very glad to hear them too, and I might try to incorporate them into my daily regimen!
I'm not doing those too intensively though, as I don't really like exercises and do not plan or want to build any muscle, just want to keep my body in shape.

> Even though it is kinda strange to walk around with no idea what is going on.

I had no idea what was going on in my country for the most of my life. But now it is actually quite hard to miss on those, and I fail myself and do read them quite frequently anyway. Even though I do try to limit it.

> I am struggling lately.

What happened?


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Sounds great, I am glad to hear that you like it. So you are working and going to university at the same time? Certainly a lot to do. I assume the degree you picked up again is programming engineering?

Interesting video, I never looked into all the things you can do without any tools at all. Just 3 weeks ago I decided not to go to the gym anymore, because I just couldn't stand the noise there any longer, radio running the entire time, a lot of people around, even a tv with sports turned on. I changed to working out at home again, but searched for new exercises as well. Right now I am trying out exercising with dumbbells, there is a lot of variety too.
Any reason why you are training buttocks especially hard? I do that too for my back, because I now it is not in a good shape.

This was exactly the other way around for me, I followed very closely what is going on but stopped somewhere in 2018 because it was always only negative, sad, frustrating and so on. I just didn't want to read all of that negativity anymore. I have to say that I do feel better since I don't know anything about all the happenings anymore.

Last time we talked I quit my job and was trying out new things like mailman. After all the different ideas didn't appeal to me at the end, I applied for accounting again. Unfortunately I landed the worst job I had so far. The organization and communication is equals zero, the traffic agonizing, the work boring and tedious, the industrial sector a lot of stress, the company owned by a larger one that dictated everything and doesn't listen to anything, the list goes on and on. My mental health once again went downhill very fast and so hard that I take antidepressants again. Luckily the job is dated to end on the 31.12.2021, they wanted to keep me but I said no.
I truly fear that I only can get better if I don't work in an office anymore, next year I will try out something else once again, I have a good feeling about it this time.


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Kind of scary to read what I was writing here before. (But maybe I will find something in me to do it later).

Very-very-very-very-very sorry! For not responding. I knew that I should, but for some reason I was running away from many things (this one including), even though they were constantly on my mind!

Right now I am at a point (notwithstanding it being 4AM) where things are not very good. But I will manage, I will recover and hopefully I will share parts of it here.


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Take your time, I am still here. Just glad to see that you are alive. Thought you went to a prostest and vanished because of that.


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I'm working. On what might calling, a "Selfed Improvements". Im staredr Playing ultrakill, and now I keep trying to get an S Rank on Time for all the Things I Do. LLike. Showering Or Getting Dresed.. I need those points. Also trying TO computer and reading In 10 minute intervals. Maximising my knowledge of our earths Lore and worldbuilding by reading politics Book. You could Sqay Im LOcked IN !!!! ! Hello hi

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Just got a job today. I'm probably going to quit or get fired again, but, let's see how this goes

I will try to keep this thread up as a "journal" in hopes of helping or motivation another anon to do as I did today
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I should mention, I was also really anxious on the first time I asked for a job at a computer store. Remember to collect yourselves before doing stuff like this, I got too excited and didn't think of it. Maybe I would've gotten the job perhaps? But that's not what I'll think of right now. I can't control everything and that's fine.

(also, correction I meant to reply to 424 on the second reply. to clear confusion)


>but we all get better with practice right?

Yes we do. I'm glad I know this first hand. I hope I've helped or motivated some of you to do so as well


Hope life is going well for you textile anon


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It couldn't be going worse anon


Wanna talk about it friend?


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Got a part time job that is very decent and things seem to be going in the right direction. I have to deal with my parents asking me to get started on my drivers license, not gonna do that until my mind is stable enough.

Months ago I fell in love with someone online but we cant date because of distance, it is quite difficult having to accept that i can only be friends with them but this relationship is too precious to lose and if I tried to get them out of my life I would lose my only my social circle.

While adult life is scary and the future feels unpredictable I encourauge all of you anons to keep going step by step, I promise you that we can find happiness.

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I'm a bit embarrassed to make this post, but I've been lurking for a long time and was hoping to hear from other people who have had the same issue, or know how to get out of it and stuff.

My issue is is that I use the computer too much, and I've been using it for 10+ hours a day nearly every day for the past 6 years. I've been a NEET and a hikki for most of that time, and I really really hate that I do that. I feel like I've not grown much as a person, and I feel as though I've become boring and hollow and skill-less as a direct result of my overuse of the internet/computer. I rarely do anything I can feel proud of, and the anxiety of having wasted my life permeates every waking second. I have terrible time management skills. Currently, I'm doing a course thats the equivalent of highschool in my country as I dropped out after completing year 10 due to issues around social anxiety and depression. I'm only just barely managing to pass because I wait until the last second to do anything, and I'm terrified I've permanently fucked my brain through habitual overuse of the computer. I'm currently 21. I'm also scared I'll never be able to learn the social skills needed to make close friends, which is absolutely terrifying, as my main motivation for getting out of neet-dom the past few years has been deep loneliness.

I'm sorry for throwing a pity-party, I really want to be proud of myself and turn myself into someone I can be happy being. I'd really love to hear from someone else who has dealt with a similar-ish issue (and hopefully solved it!), I've been feeling a lot of self doubt and fear recently, and I'd love to find someone to relate to. If this post is too self centered and just shitting up the board, feel free to delete it.

Another question for people who've got hobbies: what might be a good one with a low skill ceiling to take up for someone who freaks out over being bad at everything? I've heard a hobby is a really good way to kickstart self esteem.


The brain can be is a master in let you think you suck on everything you tried to do (because is tend to happen to me.. A LOT). Even on dumb things like videogames, I feel everyone play anything way better than me effortless, or in case of drawing, everyone draw just perfectly with almost no practice but me. Don't know if your experienced similar thoughs.

What you mayorily consume on those 10+ hours while being in the computer? There you may find a hobby on things you feel interested. But remember to not burnout yourself and know when to rest and slowdown.


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try not to define yourself on normalfag terms, or let your sense of self-worth be defined by their backwards "standards".

-keep a journal
-write stories
-anything art related is not only productive but gives one a sense of accomplishment
-learn more about computers
-research the human condition philosophy, psychology
-do what you love


I have this overwhelming feeling that to be loved and appreciated you need to have value. In today's capitalist economy value means having a productive skill useful to employers or having some kind of talent or charm that makes people like you. The only things I'm good at are not productive and don't impress people. So I am worthless and I cannot compete. Why would anyone waste their time on me? Why would anyone want to be my friend or hold me and comfort me? I want to learn something and be talented so people will be impressed and respect me. I wonder if that's a really selfish and stupid reason to learn anything. Can I really master an instrument or a sport when I'm nearly 30 and behind everyone in skill and experience? Yet if I don't do this I feel like I'll die alone.


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I really recommend the journal thing.
Being on the internet is so dopamine rushing, just doomscrolling an all, but only you can break this cycle.
What stuff do you used to like to do that now you don't do anymore? I'm really picking up into drawing again, and i want to learn how to grow some plants.
You're 21, but you're never to late to keep learning and growing.
Personally high school for me was pure hell, but to this day i'm glad i'm not seeing those fuckers anymore, currently surivivng college, even with my poor ass social skills, i've managed to find people who understand me and i realized people are more than what the internet or social media paints it to be. Humans are meant to socialize, you'll be ok. You'll find lots of good people.


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>Why would anyone waste their time on me? Why would anyone want to be my friend or hold me and comfort me?

Because you also deserve happiness and to enjoy life.
Because you can also still learning and expand your horizons, because you can do things some people may be unable to do.
You're not behind everyone, that is what nowadays social media wants you to believe, even if, in the case that you are. The only thing you can do is keep moving foward, right?
Enjoy human life in the way you like

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if you go to drug/alcohol rehab you can transition to 3.1 housing which is free for six months and they'll help you get a job. it's all covered under medicaid, you don't need any income to do this, in fact no income is better. then after that you can go to a halfway house where rent is like less than $200 a month and they'll keep providing you with transportation to work n shit. in a year of doing this you can easily save up 20 grand since your expenses will be almost nonexistent. think about how much of a difference that money would make to you. all you gotta do is pretend to be an addict (and most of you probably wouldn't even be pretending)
if you got nothing better going for you, you should consider it. some places will even send a guy to pick you up from your house and take you there if you don't have a car
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hell yeah congrats on going thru with it and getting sober too!!! that's a huge step foward!!
I'm the same person who posted about going thru the system before, that's awesome that it's so easy in your state! have you considered applying for section 8 or other housing programs? a lot of states fast track ppl in halfway houses and similar programs… it'll make that 20k go wayy farther.
good luck on your job search!!


thank you friend. little update, i've started work, just a shitty part-time retail job, but it's easy and low-stress and i get to put basically 100% of what i earn in savings so the shit pay doesn't matter much. probably won't apply for section 8 since dealing with social services is aggravating and i try to avoid it unless i truly need it. i got a gym membership and exercise every day, my health is the best it's been in years, life is good all around. once i get a couple more checks i should be able to extrapolate how much money i'll be able to leave this place with and start planning for my future. really can't stress enough how strongly i recommend this route to anyone here who has any kind of substance issue


So I got forced out of the NEET life after people committed identity fraud on me. Place has gone to the dogs. I did everything right. Did everything that was asked by welfare and I still got fucked over for it. Ultimately at the end of the day, that’s life. It wasn’t going to be pristine perfect forever. It’d be impossible to get a job here without ID, robotics have taken over the farming industry so no chance to backpack and make money there, tech has pretty much crushed any chance of getting work. No way would anyone here give me work after all the shit that’s happened. Unless it’s something incredibly degrading. I’m basically untouchable by jobs now. I’m guessing the only jobs I could work in are either mental health related or disability related, but no way would they let me near that. I guess that’s what happens when you get cancelled. Bunch of people didn’t like the fact I was NEET for so long, bunch of people didn’t like me being driven to suicidal ideations, so they fucked me over something fierce. I’m not even sure how I’m going to get out of this. People really hate me here so I’m guessing if I die it’ll be because of public opinion and my own stupidity.

I know what it’s like to be bullied because believe me I’ve copped a fuckload of it all my life. Everywhere I go. I wasn’t even aware of what’s happening until recently. So yeah, bunch of people scammed me took me for a ride and I got the shit kicked out of me. Like serious shit. Best to stay quiet, never socialise with anyone no matter how hard they make it. I’d go live the hermit life if I could but someone will find me. They always do nowadays. If you’re a nerd like a lot of us are, the world ain’t kind to you.


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Its blackpill inducing knowing that addicts get help while autists like myself have to rot

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>start lifting
>quit discord
>get an intership
>get hired
>drop out of college
>since I'm no longer going to college I have more free time
>also I have money
>lose my v-card
>life has never been better
I'm still a shitty person but I don't care, I just want to enjoy life while I can


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Congrats dear stranger. Enjoy it

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Did anyone else escape NEET life and now just finds it even more lonely and isolating? I honestly haven't posted here or on any other chans in years. After nearly decade of being a NEET from 16 to 24, I did manage to get my life together. I have a job and am in a good university working towards my PHD, I'm what people would consider a "success" in that regards but its just lonely.

I can't relate to normal people, they don't have the same shared experience of growing up a NEET and being fucked in the head for so long. I can't make any connection with these people that has any meaning beyond the superficial. Meanwhile internet culture has completely left me behind and is weird and foreign to me, and honestly not interested in getting involved in most of whatever people are angry about.

I miss those days of feeling connected to others through the screen. At least I had others who understood back then.
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i feel it too, i hate modern memes the most these days. so much stupidity yet values itself so highly, you can tell the people that make them think very highly of themselves while being utter garbage. Social media created an entire generation of entitled brats who think they are the victim or more morally righteous person. I wish I could say they'd get a heavy dose of reality coming towards them, but it seems like reality is bending to their whims. We're dealing with baby boomers 2.0 with gen Z, and its just when we thought we were out of the woodwork. They will never know just how precious some things were to people, and just desecrate without care. I am so tired of gen Z, and I was born in-between gen z and millennials. I wish I could apologize for how my gen z side destroys, but I also wish I could apologize my millennial side for not doing enough to prevent that.


>i hate modern memes
>gen [a-zA-Z]*
please stop it


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I think your view is narrow minded, and involves you projecting a bit. I live in a big city, and with all the gen z people I've interacted with, whether extremely poor, suburbanite, wealthy, normie, neckbeard, violent, etc, I can say there is a strong sense of struggle resonating between all of them, besides maybe the wealthy ones. Have faith, the good ones out there I've noticed baarely use social media, or if they do stay on small independent sites/communities.


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I have no malice in my heart towards gen alpha and think they are shaping up to be a much better generation than gen z

I too live in a big city, and interact with gen z daily. have many friends who are gen z, as am I a member of gen z. That doesn't mean I don't see the issues that surround the generation. In fact, a lot of my views on the generation have to deal with my lived experience with them. Also how can you just go >projecting when you don't even know me? Is one post on an imageboard venting my frustration at the overall attitude of a generation from my point of view somehow means you know my whole life story and what behaviors I'm projecting on to others? I agree its narrowminded to generalize everyone in a whole generation but that doesn't mean you can't point out problems. I also agree you find much better representatives of quality people in a generation on smaller communities. I really don't get why people bend over backwards to defend gen z. There is a mutual sense of struggle within gen z, but covering up the inherent problems of a generation or flat out ignoring the problems exist isn't going to help us. There's always been a "This younger generation sucks" mentality for every generation too, but I think there are inherent problems to gen z that can't be handwaved with that.


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I don’t want anything getting in the way of my light, depressive brooding!

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i read through the recent thread about getting diagnosed and it resonated with me a lot, since i am unmedicated (talking to therapist, we both agree something is wrong with my brain) and currently just a complete failure in college due to my executive dysfunction. just bombed the first test of the course, and it dawned on me that staying like this is not sustainable in the slightest (not that i was ever under the impression it was), so i want to change this while i am still just starting out, before it's too late. i have tried sheer-willpower-ing and it has not worked well at all, my brain is shockingly easy to distract.
so i'd like to ask, what are some tips/tricks/methods/whatever you find useful that helps you get things done despite having executive dysfunction?


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Counting tends to help me. Very short countdowns that are constant. So like, if I’m procrastinating I shower, sometimes I count myself to stand up, then I count again to start walking, count to turn on the shower, etc. no real pressure, just ‘three two one’ and I stand up. Doing the steps towards the actual tasks like this makes it a bit easier for me to get to the task. It isn’t foolproof though, unfortunately.


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keeping track of things seems to really help me. if theres a way you can throw all of your to-do stuff in one (or several centralized) lists it makes it easier to know what it is that needs to be done and what can be prioritized. using a personal discord server for just that has helped a lot of people i know, and goblin.tools seems like a good place to start if youre stuck on where to start on a task. >>529 is very good advice too. ive also heard "just do 5 minutes" of a thing and you'll either get engrossed in the task and just do it, or you'll have 5 minutes of work done which is better than nothing


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hii, op here. a lot has happened since when i first made this post and i just wanted to give an update of some kind i guess
firstly, >>529 and >>530 are genuinely really great pieces of advice, and did help me be a bit more productive. but at the end of the day they ended up not being enough on its own lol

i did however manage to get properly diagnosed with adhd after pursuing it for a few months, and was also able to get on adhd meds for the first time!
and holy shit the difference is shocking lol. it feels surreal to actually be able to do things at all, and at least for me there's a sense of relief knowing that i'm not just lazy like my parents used to say all the time
it does make me wonder how i was able to get anything done before i was on meds lmao, it's kinda jarring seeing how differently my brain is actually supposed to work

overall, getting diagnosed was a huge game changer, and i'm honestly feeling a little bit more hopeful about the future, oddly enough

idk why i wanted to give an update on this, but yeah, here it is
hope whoever's reading this has a great day! :)

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Since I graduated from University in June I've been planning on going back to do a Master's or a PhD. For what it's worth, I graduated with (I think) the highest grade of my year from a pretty bad university, but I also did a community-related EC and was the recipient of a research scholarship in my second year.
I spent a few months putting together the best applications I could, but made the mistake of aiming too high and only applying for a few difficult to get in to universities. So far I've heard back from 2 of the places I applied, both were rejections, and I'm not feeling too confident about the other 3.
Right now I'm panicking, because it's become abundantly clear that I've wasted the last 8 months and several hundred dollars doing basically nothing. I told myself I'd get an article written but I've been completely unable to get anything done because of all the uncertainty.
In a last-ditch effort, I'm putting together a PhD application to send to places that are still accepting applicants and might be able to supervise it. But, again, I'm not too hopeful about this.
I really do not know what to do if this doesn't pan out. I can't find any jobs that I'm not either over or under qualified for.
Someone suggested I become an assistant language teacher, but I am not comfortable at all with living alone somewhere where I don't speak the language after being a recluse for over a year.
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I feel you too anon. I got into a top school but I just can't afford to go, no way for my broke ass to finance it. I should be applying to other more affordable places but I can't motivate myself to even get out of bed. All I do is browse the chans all day and try to ignore life. Just wish I could upload myself onto the internet and not deal with this shit.


>da office


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It's been another year so I may as well give another update.
After my contract ended in April 2023 I was a NEET again until last February. I somehow managed to get a bunch of interviews at some incredibly high-profile places but I think I was too autistic in the interview for all of them. Eventually I found another part-time research job in February, which has been pretty comfy (and way, way below the skillset they were asking for - a PhD was preferred for a role that has just been printing things off and proofing things for other people). So I can't really complain too much.
I've also been offered a spot on two doctoral programs. One is 4 years and offers a full scholarship with just enough of a stiped to live off but I'd have to move to Asia for it. I've not heard back on funding from the other one yet but it's only 3 years and has a (much) better reputation, so I'd prefer to go there. Either way I'm making progress. For the first time in a very long time I'm not worried about the future.


As someone who's considering doing a PhD, your post fills me with hope, anon


I'm glad you found this useful. If nothing else I want this thread to show that you can do stuff with enough ability, effort and patience.
Best of luck with your applications, and consider applying internationally, especially if you need the money. Anecdotally, I had two interviews for PhDs in the Netherlands last year and both paid very well. I understand Switzerland pays very well, too. The University of [spoler]Hong Kong[/spoiler] offers funding with every place but it's barely enough to live off, unless you get the big fellowship, in which case it pays very well.

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19 years old and i recently ditched the whole neet lifestyle and got myself a job. genuinely sucks so much and i thought it would change a lot for me but if anything it ruined my life.

my parents started making me pay rent a few months ago and since august my government income (which was around $400) has dropped down to $68 a month, absolutely nowhere near enough to pay rent.

she told me if i wanted to stay in the house i had to get a job. now i'm a cleaner at my old high school which is so embarrassing. and i feel like the kids at school stare at me and it's been pulling at my mental health

i stay up all night and play video games so i always sleep late. my shift starts at 3pm and ends at 6pm. by the time i get home it's already too late for me to want to eat, and since i've started working this has become a daily thing, where i only eat dinner on the weekends because i'm not away working

seriously want to quit this job and go back to the way i was living before, but i know it's not a healthy alternative at all… what do i do?


try and find a different job! that sounds like a fucking nightmare. there might be some programs for like welders or electricians who will train you and you can make decent money. you do have a lot of options right now and thats very scary. but sometimes you just gotta point yourself in a direction and see what happens. itll take a few tried to find a place that doesnt suck ass


Watch movies about janitors. I remember seeing this one about a girl who was Ivy league bound but ruined her life by drunk driving.


find a different job with more agreeable hours. already having a job actually makes getting a new one a lot easier. hell, you'll probably make more money too, it sounds like you only work three hours a day? seek elsewhere


have you thought of applying for NEETbux? (check the unle reimus guide).

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Every Hikki is secretly a cocoon. Some of our cocoons are bright yet brooding and just waiting to pop! Others are dark and gristled without much life left in them. Every cocoon can grow if left in peace long enough, though many are pushed and prodded in all the wrong ways and may never get the chance. I hope your cocoon pops uboaling, it's time to wake up if you can.
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good posts!


a hikki is a mans fingertips curled at the door



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