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/rec/ - Ex-NEET / Recovery

Board for recovering NEETs and Ex-NEETs who are trying to reintegrate.

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i dropped out of highschool due to extreme stress.. im now finally trying to get my ged but i keep procrastinating making calls. how do i get motivation? im not the best at math and i know its going to be a dreadful process


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firstly, big boss posting realness

Secondly, procrastination is a huge bitch. I’m still flaking on making some calls for surgery honestly, so you’re not alone. I’d suggest just taking them one at a time. Easier to motivate yourself for one than for like, five. Taking things slowly and at one’s own pace is what Highschool usually prevents, they expect you to work at everyone else’s level. If you’re working to your own pace now, then you can take things one at a time. That should make motivation easier.

Don’t quote me on that though, lol


you need to light a fire under your ass and realize how easily shitty your life could get or how easily good your life could be


hello,op here i finally did it and i started my classes. thank u kangel…


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K-angel poster here! glad to hear it! Just keep at it, make sure you put your needs first if other shit gets in the way and you’ll do something! Still haven’t made my own calls but I’ll get to them eventually. Getting motivation is still a bitch…. 🙏BLESS🙏

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The only true motivation for a NEET regarding his condition is to make him aware of the NEET-Homeless pipeline, if you are a NEET, have a NEET friend and make him aware of the extremely real possibility of him ending up in some walkway begging for scraps of food once his enablers (parents) die off or once he stops receiving money from the government, then you will end up with someone that will either kill himself or try everything in his power to change his situation in order to not end that way, sadly defeating the NEET ways is harder than you think, so even if you manage to leave NEET vices like anime or tranny porn behind you will still be rejected from a lot of places due to certain social quirks that you retain from your NEET days.


I come from this specific situation, So i will share my experiences with you.
A little background on me: I am a guy that was in a comma for some years, after returning to the world I found myself at odds with it, first and foremost I realized that most of my online communities have gone down the gutter or flat out dissipated, second I awoke to my parents being elderly and going through poverty due to medical bills, third and probably most redpilling experience out of them all: my friends have all moved on with their lives, once i tried reaching to them I was blocked by all of them except one dude which i eventually had a falling off due to my poverty, You kiddos better believe that when you go down hard, you go down alone, and if the people out there think that you are the bearer of the stone then they will gladly throw you down the lake with it.
Being a NEET serves no one and it will ultimately end up with your downfall into the most vicious trap of them all: Poverty.
Get this through your heads, if you are easily depressed then bear the weight of these words but don't look away from them:
You are a liability for them all, the only ones that refuse to think like that are your main enablers. But this blind refusal to acknowledging what we became is the perfect excuse for us to continue being worthless parasites, we literally have reasons to leech if we are allowed to, but once the host dies we die too, we are living off as literal parasites for the only people that refuse to give up hope on us, but at the same time they have so little trust in our capabilities that they accept our leeching ways.
For the ones outside our circle we are vermin to get rid off, for the ones inside we are little more than pet dogs; what a way to live, we lost our humanity in the eyes of everyone, and if we aren't made aware of our dehumanization then we will eventually come to accept our subhuman lives.
I refuse this, to go along with the plans of others means that we will all eventually end up being discarded, no matter our abilities, our intellect, our strength or our moral pathway, once we get branded as useless by our own society then all that follows is the progressive removal of each of our rights.
That's how they truly look at us, this is what they have done to me, if this is a question of rights then we must too fight for them, and we must fight against everyone that tries to take them away from us, we are divergent, but that doesn't mean thatPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


Had that realisation a few days ag and the fear and sadness is getting to unreal levels. But I think it's good for me. I'm barely 25, been working part time since I was 23 and e half (not every month, but most months), wasted 2 years on degrees I gave up on (it's free here so I didn't take it seriously, I took the second one seriously but had incredibly bad luck and just gave up after that experience a few months in). I'm taking it seriously again, turning that part time job into a full time one (I had full time and even overtime weeks with it, but most of the weeks were part time) and studying in advance to become an engineer. To me, it's more than just fear of homelessness. It's about redemption really. Turning things around from a situation that seems to be so brutally fucked it would be better to just give up on it completely. Something beautiful in it. I have very simple goals, to work and study, to take care of my health, get fit, then go go to college, crush it and possibly get a good or at least decent job. I don't even care about women, or anything anymore. Feel too broken for any of that. Maybe with time it will heal. But yes, you're right, the realization is what makes you wake up. Once you wake up you have a road, a very hard, but beautiful one. It's very hard to take so most people give up or sadly, an hero, but a few managed to turn it around. I just talked to a guy recently who managed to turn things around after 10 years of NEETdom, which is insane to me. Car, house, no debt, girlfriend, stable career, good pay, great physique, etc… Another case is a real life hermit named Dr. Gregory P Smith who basically experienced what you described but in a different way, and turning things around at 45 after a lifetime of just being a bum or in institutions. I'm scared but not hopeful. Sorry for the blogpost, you guys are the only people I relate to.

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I thought it would be good to have a general thread about this. People who have diagnoses, how did you get them and how has it helped/hurt you? People who are undiagnosed and want to be (assuming you are fucked in the head), why and what's stopping you?
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How did they feel from when you began to now, how long were you on them and what are you taking? I don't know what they dish out these days and didn't care to as it always leads to inner death. SSRIs or some of them are 20% fluoride so I reckon it just eases the stressed and depressed parts of your brain by killing it and further use leads to the emotional death and zombie state of mind that many users have before they come down hard and go batshit for whatever period of time. A friend of mine took Prozac for a couple months because they were so depressed they were forgetting things along the lines of how to tie their shoes, and they're really not the same anymore even after that short period of time like their personal strand of darkness has been locked up and they express their feelings in a more generic way.

In comparison ADHD meds aren't that bad but I realized retrospectively that roughly during the period I was on Vyvanse I was barely having any fucking dreams, that it's like my thoughts are topped out and I can only go so far to develop an idea, and the width of what I visualize in my head fucking shrank so there's probably not much difference between it and SSRIs. I'm beginning to ramble but if you have any questions about it feel free to ask.


My diagnoses was updated, i no longer have to fight against crazy people for food nor do I have to be chained to a bedroom in order to be sedated, i can now display agressive behavior at will as well as restrain it with enough effort, i have resumed my lenguage learning courses and started studying some online course about materials, i still feel the need to lash out sometimes but a gym was useful in quenching that need, i can't go to the gym right now so managing my anger issues have become increasingly difficult, i lost all my files countless times and i am far too jaded to download them again, so i just gave my CV to some russian mail provider, I hope this time i don't get accused of being a russian spy by the homosexual charlatans, but if i do i hope i get to fly out of here and leave this horrid country behind.


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I've been taking Zoloft for about 5 months, and it'll probably take me an additional month or two to taper off them. I only started taking them as a temporary measure to get me back on track after my OCD relapsed, but it's reached the point where the negatives far outweigh the benefits. I feel like I've been lobotomized at times, and the emotional numbness feels almost as miserable as the OCD itself does. It's been fucking up my short term memory as well; I often forget things right after I started thinking about them, kinda like what happened with your friend. I just hope the effects aren't longlasting.

I stopped taking the Vyvanse a while ago, and I probably won't be trying any other stimulants anytime soon. I feel like my OCD makes me incompatible with them.


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I'm pretty certain that I have OCD, BPD and maybe ADHD. I've tried to come out and explain to my parents about this but they were quite dismissive, and I also live in a place with poor mental health awareness so I'm not diagnosed but I wish I were.

I can manage by BPD but my OCD can be debilitating at times, and I've experienced almost every type of OCD that's there from thinking about jumping from rooftops, being afraid of urine, feces or spit, worrying if I have colon cancer, or even worrying if I were a P. An important way I cope with my OCD is by avoiding everything. Sometimes I even avoid going out. I also avoid watching anime, and sometimes even the internet, because seeing lolis trigger my POCD.


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itd likely help but im scared of going to any kind of doctor or whatever. ive physical complications as well that i really probably should get checked out but i just cant bring myself to

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Currently undergoing possibly the biggest change of my life. I’m moving out of my current house soon without my family, and I’m moving in with a different relative. I know it’s going to be much better for me, quieter, more peaceful, in a better area and I’ll have more to myself. Plus, I’ll be getting away from who is essentially an abuser. However, my autism makes it so I’m stuck in this obligation to stay in this home, that everything will go Haywire if I leave and things need to be as they are or I don’t know, I fucking die of autism or something. That, with my added on tensions and habits of being half a hikki where I don’t leave my room much, don’t talk to my family and stay in my room online so I can ignore the fact that I’m living with someone I despise, means it’s INCREDIBLY hard to break out of the ‘if I leave this structure I fucking die’ mentality.

But, I also can’t stay here, because each day I remember more and more how this household has ruined me mentally. I need to be out and I need to be somewhere safe. My abuser has done horrible horrible things to us and around us and I can’t stand it anymore. There’s only so much ‘look at the computer and hope the paranoia doesn’t take you’ I can do before I lose it.

I don’t know, I think I just needed a rant. Anyone else struggling with this kind of change? Needing to get out but your disabilities and Hikki mentality forcing you to try to stick to routine to be safe? I’ve not been a full hikki in a few years but old habits die so so so hard. I think I need to know if and how I can cope with moving out of something that defined my life so strongly. It’s been a rough few months haha


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anon here. small update.

in about two weeks I’ll be out of here.

Despite a lot of shit going down the past couple days, I am starting to feel more safe and loved.

hopefully the move will go smoothly and I will be happy.

thank you for letting me rant


good luck.


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Op here. The move took forever, but I’m here now. Tomorrow, I’ll be out and hopefully my new life can begin. I’m nervous, but excited, somewhat feeling like I’ll finally be safe and happy. Maybe I won’t be, but it’s worth a shot.

Hope all of you are well


i hope things go well for you in this new stage in life :) something i heard from a friend is that one new years, they try to do all the kinds of things they want to do for the year (ie: read more, go to library; be healthier, go to gym etc) i think this is a great time to try that! make ur first day special :)


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that's really cool. I hope today went alright for you, you're doing something to actually change your life which is more than what most of /hikki/ can say at any point.
this wasn't the image I was looking for but it's fitting, hopefully

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I have decided on my path. Thank you internet. Thank you to everyone who helped guide me and thank you to those who showed me the error of my ways.

I deeply apologize for any actions caused untoward due to my carelessness and stupidity.


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I don't know what to say about this but i hope you manage to finally do something with your life, this comming from a guy that not only lived like this but will probably return to live like this.
Also fuck women and their tricks.

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Does anyone have issues with executive function? Like not being able to remember stuff, spacing out, being generally unable to get stuff done, poor hygiene, inability to focus on stuff but at the same time often hyper focusing on a single thing to the point of spacing out and being unable to ignore everything else?
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Oh yeah anon, i deal with my fair amount of forgetfulness, compulsive daydreaming.
Overall I feel that cognition has dulled.
I don't know if it's due to the fact that i'm nearing 30 of age, or due to social isolation, or maybe it's a mixture of both.

I often have to reread the same sentence multiple times to grasp its meaning.

Anyway, if you ever find a solution, don't forget to update this thread.


psych wards are abuse festivals for the unqualified to help ppl who need it. haven't known anyone who has gotten out of there with their trauma worsened or faking to be better to get out of there asap.

contact a doctor and talk about your symptomps. bring with you a notebook with a written timeline of your life with the most important emotional events with specific months. look out for, besides depression which you probably def have, derealization or dissociative disorders which might cause compulsive daydreaming because your mind might need escapism from something in your life.

look up and ask a doctor about the difference between randomly spacing out and involuntarily dissociating for no apparent reason.

autism diagnosis are given to ppl with other buried beneath issues because it's easier to label someone as an autist than a traumatized person. i talk from experience.


Could it be internet addiction? My mind is always floating off day dreaming about stuff I'm doing online. I need access to the wired everyday all the time and can't function without it. It's impossible to break free too becsuae the internet is everywhere.


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I have plenty of problems with this. My mother used to call me "the absent minded professor" when I was a kid because I consistently forgot stuff, lost stuff, left stuff sitting places, went into rooms without knowing why I was there, etc. As I got older I got it just a little more under control, but it's still pretty bad. I've self-diagnosed with Dyspraxia, which presents with poor coordination and physical ability, particularly in childhood (I couldn't hit a baseball off a tee until I was 9) and a solid ability to remember information, but a horrible working memory. It fits me perfectly.

I remember many things very well - for instance, I can easily list all Soviet premiers and party chairmen in order, including the obscure fellas between Kruschev and Brezhnev, and I can likely recall the plot beats and elements of any story I find interesting in detail, even years later. I forgot to get my parents to sign my progress reports in school about 95% of the time. I realize I can't start my car because I forgot the keys about 70% of the time. When I have to go to a new place, I usually recite the directions to myself the whole time, otherwise I will forget them. I had a phase in my teens where my parents would have to notify me that I've been showering too long, because while in there I would lose perception of time and have no idea that I had been in there for two hours.

Some stuff is definitely up with my executive function abilities. I still struggle slightly, though only slightly, with basic coordination. It might sound like ridiculous advice, but I really recommend exercise. Exercise has helped me think better and stay more sane by keeping me more in touch with my body. I only got started as a way to work out my frustrations, but it has helped me feel more real and less confused. I like these methods because I don't have to actually interact with people, and there isn't really a standard for success or failure. I run at night. Sometimes I just do wallsits and pushups and don't even leave my room. Yoga is probably a good starting place. These ideas can easily just be more overwhelming things you don't want to do, so for me, it's easiest if I just think of them as similar to a game or a movie - they're just some new bullshit I'm trying because I'm bored and miserable.

There's probably a lot more to it, but having something that keeps your attention builds up your attention. It's hard, though. I like exercise because it's almost lPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


It could be. I started using computers when I was a kid and since I was a loner I'd spend all my days web surfing, using IRC, or posting on forums. Lo and behold I developed severe executive function problems and a fucked up attention span.

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What kind of goals do normal people have? A few months into a part-time job and nothing feels fundamentally different from NEETdom. I don't know what I'm supposed to be toiling over.


Normal people usually have goals related to their daily lives. A lot of them are really boring.

My advice would be to create goals for yourself at work. If you hate the job, think about what aspects of it are getting to you and try to look at them in a different way.

You can also create projects for yourself to work on. See how fast you can organize these items, try talking to at least three coworkers, bring a notebook and draw in it, etc. Make a game out of this, which will pass the time quicker.


Goals don't necessarily have anything to do with working, you may or may not work, that doesn't change your goal of becoming the greatest Minecraft youtuber in the world Anon.

…one day


>What kind of goals do normal people have? A few months into a part-time job and nothing feels fundamentally different from NEETdom. I don't know what I'm supposed to be toiling over.
Normal people have some sort of instinct that makes being a wageslave drone fun. You don't have that, I don't have it either. But having money is still necessary, so you have to adapt. Work should never feel like a good thing. Work is simply necessary


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Wonder if it's dependent on finding the right job or wageslaving will always be like this. I've been "allowing" myself new purchases with the extra money but it's a lot less gratifying than I was imagining.

I think I was expecting too much from getting a job.


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They stopped renewing my contract last month, back to NEETing. Learned that I'm really bad at juggling work, commuting, and personal interests. Can understand the people who say they don't have hobbies now. Getting older, running out of time.

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Who else is in this situation? Or maybe you used to be, but you got out? I'd really like your story if you did. This is the recovery board so let's help each other and formulate escape plans. If you like you can use this thread to share lessons/tutorials our parents didn't teach us too.

I know what I should do, I should get on a train and disappear into the world. But I don't have the cruelty to do that to them and I'll never muster it just by sitting here thinking.

Let's you and me learn what it's like to ride a train alone.
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I'm most interested in games and literature. Video games are the only medium I can think in with any sort of flow, thinking in coherent sentences is really difficult (that's why it takes me so long to respond, sorry again about that). I think literature is a much better way of interacting with reality through art, my thinking on video games is usually either generating realities or exploring within the medium (they do have a unique ability for placing the player in liminal spaces though which is a very interesting way of interfacing with reality). Games' disadvantage is that they're overtly art, there's less possibility for "is this real?" in them than there is in writing (there are examples though when it comes to authorship and the story surrounding it's creation. Sad Satan is like that. The Beginner's Guide is a very interesting one. I've wanted to make games that touch this mode of thinking too, and I'm sort of convincing myself now that I'm wrong to suggest they're less powerful than literature for it, but there are things writing is just better for. Language is true by default, that's what it was developed for, while games are fiction by default and you have to try very hard to touch the player's idea of truth. When I'm free I want to explore the world, and I'll probably make a blog or something of stories from my travels, partly for the sake of communication but partly as a medium of creation. I'd invent characters and places and warp the aesthetics of occurrences and myself, not to convince people of a lie (I wouldn't care if people knew or not) but as a way of crystalising ideas and altering my way of experiencing reality. All communication breeds aesthetic, topological and factual parasites in the speaker and the receiver, what I want to do is be aware of and engineer those parasites to be forces for good.

Sorry for not closing that parenthesis by the way, the more I continued that line of thought the more dumber it felt to put a ) at the end.


>What I really need is to physically get away from my family, and at that point whether they want to accept stuff or not isn't my problem, but I'm not capable of working a proper job so I don't know how I'll ever do that
bro if i'm reading this correctly she's helping you from becoming a homeless drug addict yet you want to move out despite not having an income. you need a good smack on the head for being ungrateful. get a job THEN start thinking about moving out


I don't want to get into an argument about this but I'll address it because what I sound like to you is probably how everyone with the same problem sounds to those with different experience. Yes my parents are the reason I'm not homeless or dead or something. They're also the reason why without them I WOULD be homeless. From day 1 I was conditioned to be incapable. There's so much shit from the past which I thought was just unfortunate at the time but looking back is extremely abnormal and bad. You can say oh it's easy to blame your parents, but they're your entire reality from when your brain is hot playdough until you start going to school, and after that they stay about half of it. It took me a long time to understand how much that means. I'm really trying to get stronger, grow the bits that didn't grow and change the bits that went wrong, but it's not easy at all, and I know I won't be able to do enough while I'm living here. You're asking me to be grateful for being forced to someone's mercy.


You're right, this happened to me, my mother raised me to dependant and ineffectual, it's a terriblee thing to do to a child.


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do y'all ever have trouble discerning if you are actually making progress towards being the person you want to be or if you're just spinning your wheels doing things that are good/helpful but avoiding the truely nessecary steps you need to take to change your life?

everyone around me (which admittedly aren't many) tells me that I've "come so far" and that maybe I "just need to give [myself] time" and I know I have made enormous progress in some areas but I feel like I'm avoiding the areas that will involve the most interaction with other people. in my isolation I've lost what social skills I previously had and the steps involved in obtaining the human connection that I so desperately want feels insurmountably unpleasant in comparison to passing my time alone in my shitty apartment…

I'm sorry if this was more of a rant than a question. I'm just feeling incredibly hopeless at the moment


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I've come to find I will always feel like I'm just running in place. In a lot of fields I actually am, and in some I'm even running backwards, but nonetheless I try run at the same pace time marches. Keep running.


aw, hug


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I often feel the same. When I feel less hopeless, I can tell myself that there is no shame in spinning your wheels. So long as you yourself feel like an attempt is being made it actually matters very little where progress is or isn't being made. Maybe a few more weeks of effort will reap a reward… but when it gets bad, it is hard to believe in anything at all. The only way to keep the hope alive is to keep on trying, and to keep making a push.
IMO, the best thing you can do is to think about how you can achieve sociability in stages. You need only push out of your comfort zone a little at a time to give yourself a chance, to make progress - and that too might feel like being stuck in place at first. Don't know what social skills you feel you lack, but your post is coherent and emotional, so maybe look into talking in VC online, undergoing remote therapy, or having yourself go outside with those people who are around you and get them to give you that push to interacting with people outside. I am in that latter phase right now, and am desperately hoping to be able to talk to strangers without someone else present soon.
Just a few suggestions. Disregard if I am assuming too much. Best of luck, anon. You're on the way there.


When people tell me I've come so far I assume they are just being polite. They don't want to point to obvious glaring problems so they try to talk positive but can't find anything specific to mention. It's why I hate those words becuase people are just trying to make you feel better when really they see you as a piece of shit.

I've literally failed in life. I never made friends in high school or college, I can't hold down a job and I hate leaving my home. I was fired for being too quiet. I even suck at being a weeb.

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officially diagnosed with c-ptsd after a whole teenhood of misdiagnosis, wrong meds and unalive planned attempts failed because if i did the religious child adoption shelter would've closed down after my death and i'd mess up innocent kids' lives even more after being saved too like me from worse fates. a hikk for years, now finding myself out there, barely adulting, smiling through the emptiness and trying to think positively. had some shitty jobs, i don't trust easily, quit professional school because of younger kids (like 3-4 years older) bullying me again like in high school. my grades dropped, my depression worsened. i feel useless as people my age i know ever since childhood just finished uni and are having "real" jobs. i feel so much envy for their easier lives. but i cheer them up too. despite my inferiority complex and thinking i will never be good enough despite, according to others, being "so kind", "resilient", "stronger than anyone". that doesn't save oneself. from oneself and their environments.

i decided i want to use my shit life to help others who will go through the same things as me in this shit of a world. if you want a reason to keep going on or avoid the hikk life, it's the only valid reason that gives meaning to my meaningless life. people need doctors and psychologists who can truly relate, not somebody who's there nodding and misdiagnosing you because they truly don't care. i do care because i've walked hell, too.

i will be real honest here. study online. this is the only way for many of us to get some quality education. especially if you're shy or people has a tendency to prey on your kindness. grades over people, you don't need your classmates. you only need yourself and some saved up money.

uboachan gives me so much nostalgia i end up always coming back to it, somehow. i hope this reaches someone. i know many ppl here are also struggling. you don't know who i am, but i'm proud you're still here.

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