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/media/ - Music / Uploads


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ITT we post great animation shorts.

自主制作アニメーション「 Anemone 」 Independent Animation "Anemone"

Out of Sight
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Hm why nobody post here? Is peculiar. Here's a few of my favorites

The Happiest Monster


Hot Cross Bunnies

I Lived on the Moon


I hope type of animation and subject matter isn't important.

Grindin' -wooden block stopmotion

The Third & the Seventh -CGI

True Loves (Cereal Spiller Remix) -yeah it's Cyriak

The Backwater Gospel -only thing I have with a story


Some nice stuff so far.

I've got lots to add as well.

Kung Fu Love
English subs, but worse video quality:
German subs, better video quality:

Global Asteroliner Gou

End of the World
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What music do you feel gives of a dreamy sound? Yume Nikki's OST is full of music that gives me that feeling, but what other songs can you think of like that?

The one song that comes to my mind is Deltitnu by Aydio. It has an almost meditative quality to it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIGkICeZa-Q . Any genre is good, I'm just looking for that dreamy sound. Though I can't really put it into words, I feel like you would know what I mean.

Thanks for any suggstions!
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Dreamy music is lovely.

Cocteau Twins - Fifty-Fifty Clown
A.R. Kane - Butterfly Collector
Cranes - Paris and Rome
Durutti Column - Sketch for Summer
Faye Wong - Where
Julee Cruise - Movin' In On You
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>Too Bad I Have To Destroy You Now by Kid Cudi
(If you don't mind some rapping.)

>Somewhere Tonight by Beach House


>Space Song by Beach House


>Cruisin' by Jimmy Whoo



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Everything by Earth, particularly post-hiatus Earth. It's like southern rock, heavier and slowed down. Slow repetition and weight gives me a noticeable head high.


All I Have To Do Is Dream - Everly Brothers


Mittsies - Epitomize (Sinner's VIP)

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Everything I've seen written about this album describes it in a mostly negative light, but I find the Madotsuki Gamer Rap to be absolutely transfixing. Not a day goes by where I am not thankful for having heard this strange, strange work of art.


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If nothing else, さかさまのゆめ was and still is really enjoyable.


I used to listen this while finishing up community college and liked it a lot. Lost a lot of my music collection somehow and poked around here to see if I could find some of what I had lost. The rap was sort of out there but was pretty fun to listen to every time. Has some very strong sing/chant along parts. さかさまのゆめ and マイ・ワールド・ドローン are also pretty memorable and enjoyable. I can sort of see some people not liking it if they don't like vocals in their YN inspired songs but it seems odd that other people think negatively on the album. Super glad I ever found it and found it again.

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Hi. I'm looking for a girl who can sing in spanish and scream (optional) to collab on a track i'm making.
If you like it and want to participate here's the link of the demo:https://soundcloud.com/hekki-pujol/emerging-fatal-internal-error-final
If you want to participate just send me a vocaroo with you singing and if i see fit we'll be in touch.
>also changes can be made that's why its a demo
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Wouldn't you be better asking on a spanish language website?


It's rare that someone uses this type of page in the hispanic community, let alone a girl. And most of them prefer english boards, since the spanish ones are shitty.


At least i can fuck that chicken.


Wired-7 might help you


that pic is a pic

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Can someon please reupload all the Saya-Chan files? The links doesn't work animore.
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doesn't use Windows


>dual boot win partition because wine sucks


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Just a heads-up, this pack is missing the "flower.WAV" sound file.

Also, the header on the family game menu has been left untranslated.


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These links are dead again, would anyone be willing to reupload or share on soulseek?

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Does anyone have the LCD DEM 0.025 OST?

All I've found is the old one.

The lcd dem wikia has it, but I haven't found a way to download it all at once instead of manually clicking on the links for all the tracks. Also tried to download the whole site, no luck.

Pic related, I love the music on this map


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File has expired and does not exist anymore on this server


RIP Chie, Little princess.


Does anyone have a DL link for the OST?


tons of DLs and info here, thread is still active too

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I'm in the process of making a Yume Nikki remix album go to this deviantART page for details: http://ecks-acksis.deviantart.com/art/Yume-Nikki-Sai-Hatsumei-273537835
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Just the maze pattern from the main menu of Yume Nikki.

One song done so far, by the way.


I would have to say the same as the others. Im about a minute into the first track on the list and its atmospheric. I'll do my best to share this.


Thank you very much, it means a lot. :D


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I'm not dead, I swear! Here's the new album art, as well as a list of songs that are going to be in the complete edition of Yume Nikki Reimagined!



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Yume Nikki forever!


Halloween song I made!! It's still sorta rough, but I'm working on it!!


Cool song, bro.


Sounds like something you'd hear in Super Meat boy. I like it.



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