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/media/ - Music / Uploads


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Battle (Da'at) - Shin Megami Tensei V


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Lately I've been listening to music from years ago with more natural and calmer harmonies, in this case some Japanese songs. There are many more, but I would like to share one with you. Enjoy it.


Very fun song! It's giving me Cardcaptor Sakura vibes. Thank you for sharing.


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Whenever you want I can share more songs, they are all very good.


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File: 1732797141789-1.mp3 (4.6 MB, Lisa - Demon slayer.mp3)

File: 1732797141789-2.mp3 (3.82 MB, Twilight - Bay city.mp3)

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i recently found out about an ex-uboachan user became a semi successful underground rapper, just wanna know if any more members are into cloud rap music or any kind of rap music.

it seems kind of weird that yume nikki of all things would have people like this here
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You can be unknown underground and you can be known underground, that's being successful
If you become as popular as your genre allows you, you're successful



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I ended up being able to get tickets and it was great! Was a lot louder than I expected it to be though, even with earplugs in


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god is forgiving

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In this thread, you post your favorite song of all time.



ooh gracious this takes some sifting

sentimentally speaking, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-8nQw-oV5o



Dragonland - The Black Mare




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September - Leonid & Friends (Earth, Wind & Fire cover)

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Xela - Tangled Wool
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are you doing ok?


im fine just working onto a crazy assumption right now. bye


are you alright?


it's a weird feeling but i think it's best to be pessimistic and assume it's just some 'weird' anon until proven otherwise

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Here's another great composer I know about. His name is Paul Goldstein. He lives in Norway and he developed a revolutionary new system of notation. Instead of written music, he just looks at a single sheet of, "instructions", and a picture for inspiration. Here's a little taste.
Before he evolved past traditional notation, in his early primordial state of artistry, he composed his greatest piece to date Wild Daydream. You have to watch it start to finish to fully understand it. The beginning is a bit slow, but trust me, it pays off.
What do you think he's dreaming about?


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>What do you think he's dreaming about?


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[BOFU2015] Wavetapper [BGA]



bms of fighters has such cool stuff


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I've been collecting these for a couple of months now. Wanted to posted them here for a while, especially since some people here seem to know about this kind of thing.

Rusty (PC-98) - Red Sunset
Return of the Jedi Theme [Amiga]
Necronomicon (PC-98) - The Deep One
A Ressha De Ikou IV / A列車で行こう4 - PC-98
Metal Gear OST (MSX) - 3. Red Alert
YU-NO - Impatience (PC-98)

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Rip & Tear until it is done!


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2024 Anno Domino and it still works.

We Didn't Start the Fire (Bardcore | Medieval/Renaissance Style Cover)
Hildegard von Blingin'



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I compose BGM for my yume nikki fangame and i wanted to upload also some of them, to critique them, I know how much you like to critique :B

Ballad world

Horror Church

Clock World

Titel screen (?)

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This old posts about people sharing their work years ago feels special. Time go so freaking fast, makes me wonder where anon is nowadays or his project is still up on a long hiatus or directly scratched. Hope life is going well, far away strangers.

Happy ᵃˡᵐᵒˢᵗ 2012!


Also, "Ballad world" sounds simple and nice

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