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/media/ - Music / Uploads


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File: 1372439449081.jpg (29.63 KB, 400x352, 9726.jpg)


Can someon please reupload all the Saya-Chan files? The links doesn't work animore.



Those links abandoned the vomitive shithole uboachan is and they are not going to be uploaded now.




>not recognizing an internal joke
How new are you?


File: 1372440955417.jpg (33.69 KB, 223x261, summer12.jpg)

ITT: summerfags.


When can they be reupladed?


And i'm new


I don't think anyone has all of them, so they can't be reuploaded.

Say what you want specifically, maybe?


-Yume Nikki OST
-.Flow OST


File: 1372496176895.gif (186.67 KB, 240x168, 1339682223099.gif)


File: 1372498254081.jpg (140.46 KB, 987x768, happy-life-wallpaper.jpg)

Thank You baby!


Escuse me again,but can you upload the complete version of the Yume Nikki's OST, that with all the BGM?


I found this. Should have most of everything.



Thank you much. This is better, the only songs are missing are the speed modified BGM.


If you feel, you put the folder with all the BGM, the ones with the speed changed, please?


I don't have it. Look for it yourself, or just mess with the actual bgm in audacity or something.


Is there someone else here on Uboachan that can do this?


File: 1372691307572.jpg (50.43 KB, 383x383, cover.jpg)

Yume Nikki Unofficial Soundtrack (Kikiyama) - (2004) [GameRip].zip (68.1 MB)


File: 1372697615067.jpg (448.31 KB, 1280x864, Yume.Nikki.full.741250.jpg)

I love you Anon, they're perfect!


Just a last flavor…Can you upload .Flow BGM please(possibly Saya-Chan version)?


File: 1372702145144.jpg (253.61 KB, 1037x778, luisitozerda.jpg)

>can you this for me?
>can you do that for me?
>can you do
>can you

Why on the earth you don't just use google and search it by yourself or do it by yourself? are you autistic?


File: 1372702441196.jpg (870.23 KB, 1239x1753, 1353576257238.jpg)

This, pretty much. Just look for it yourself. I have found the links I posted by searching for 3 minutes via google. It's not our job to spoonfeed you, you know. If people had the links/files, they would be here already. They're not, which means they have to look for them just like you would if you actually took the time to do so. Go on.


ITT: General Cyber maid.




File: 1372747303914.png (202.16 KB, 500x285, well.png)

Hey guys what's goin' on in this threa–


File: 1372752254655.jpg (12.99 KB, 242x347, 1344204458046.jpg)

Bless this thread.


ohh boy


File: 1372783794473.jpg (61.62 KB, 600x600, 1372214654236.jpg)

It seems you guys are having fun here.


File: 1372785134094.jpg (42.51 KB, 336x250, 1367332299668.jpg)

ur autism is killin me.


File: 1372785542189.png (240.95 KB, 512x384, OCARINA_OF_UBUU.png)

This thread is now complete


File: 1372785665009.jpg (31.11 KB, 463x334, luisitosefuedeputas.jpg)



i hate you guys


I hate to interrupt, but…

…for some reason, these files aren't extracting properly for me. Anyone else having this issue, or is just something on my end?


File: 1376595122070.jpg (57.03 KB, 339x351, 1345269650899.jpg)

Fix the problem yourself. I have fixed many problems by searching for 3 minutes via google. It's not our job to spoonfeed you, you know. If people had the fixes/answers, they would be here already. They're not, which means they have to look for them just like you would if you actually took the time to do so.
Why on the earth you don't just use google and search it by yourself or do it by yourself? are you autistic?


Redownload it. If that doesn't work try another extractor.

Calm the fuck down.


christ what are you a summerfag


this entire thread is summer


File: 1376596760156.jpg (23.6 KB, 704x400, wmplayer-2008-02-15-21-57-….jpg)

>mfw this thread


File: 1376600447693.jpg (46.39 KB, 300x400, infinitesummer.jpg)

You're just mad you can't feel the sun's warm rays in your hiki hidey hole.



I might get on it now that I have an account at MEGA (was kinda waiting for this to happen after I stopped using mediacrapfire)


'nyway, I'm still preparing things around here.

Since my ban might be updated to my new IP (obviously) I guess I won't be able to post the links once the files are set up, so you could just drop me a line at my general purpose email (UBXMaster at gmail dot com) and I'll notify you once I've uploaded everything.


File: 1385777738344.jpg (32.41 KB, 460x228, truck.jpg)

Don't worry, you can stay on the vomitville shithole. At least until the next dramastorm. You have sei's blessing.


but why


Why not? Do you want to be banned?



File: 1395073619975.jpg (24.71 KB, 311x459, 1387100410762.jpg)


Hey Marisa, are you ever planning to do an updated version of the .flow OST with the new music added in versions 0.17 and 0.18?

Also, I believe the areas the Kaibutsu trap you in have slowed down versions of songs that aren't on the OST – maybe add those too? Oh, and bgm5 isn't unused – it plays in the house of the robot girl in the monochrome world, just so you know.


File: 1405358494922.png (32.41 KB, 320x240, plcnts.png)


Why don't you do it yourself? I mean, seriously, it's not that hard.



You're forgetting the music that plays in the broken elevators as well.


File: 1405873316773.png (312.3 KB, 389x386, 1393283290225.png)

I don't do community services anymore, sorry


Hey Marisa, could you upload your Saya no Uta release?


File: 1426448397787.png (155.96 KB, 476x412, 1424978591586.png)

Don't tell me OP in this thread is actually the ponyfag we've been dealing with the past months?


File: 1429886301450.png (197.98 KB, 500x500, _saya.png)


File: 1433509375153.jpg (12.05 KB, 169x162, 1397469793098.jpg)

.flow OST updated with new stuff from 0.17-0.192

Remaining tracks will be added eventually.

I am aware of the fact someone else made their own "unofficial soundtrack" too, and honestly, I don't care.



Why make the bloody room and hole-faced girl SFX into tracks?




Marisa can you make me a sandwich?


File: 1438967615861.jpg (291.57 KB, 1200x675, you too can be my bitch.jpg)

marisa, can you suck my dick and bring me milk too


Please stop.


Marisa can you do my homework?


File: 1439147625762.jpg (24.88 KB, 278x278, highlyresponsivotoprayers.jpg)

Marisa, can you sort my pictures folder (7k files) in a way that everything is organized neatly and rename every image with descriptive tags too?


Marisa can you make mai waifu real


File: 1439173869092.png (305.46 KB, 538x765, 484449b1299010aa7d03695ee9….png)

marisa, can you wipe my butt


Marisa can you be mod?


Marisa can you level up my characters in MMO?


File: 1439314922460.gif (2.63 MB, 512x384, marisa, can you install ge….gif)


File: 1439439979899.jpg (437.98 KB, 1008x1600, 1435043194670.jpg)

Marisa, can you lend me 15k U$D?


Marisa, can you link to your Yume Nikki game pack?


File: 1439469043933.png (92.22 KB, 433x551, 1409847233079.png)

Is this a new epic meme

It's uploading


File: 1439469199153.png (23.62 KB, 347x345, 2015-08-13-143242_347x345_….png)

>7k files


File: 1439470214077.gif (124.87 KB, 168x225, 02169c4aeae305d49736898a74….gif)


File: 1439472165118.gif (1017.82 KB, 480x270, 1438306413404.gif)

Thank you, Marisa.


Can you tell us why you've returned to this vomitive shithole and why you continue to associate with these people if they can even be called that?


Because your mom is a whore


File: 1439489186037.png (750 B, 301x74, actually, almost 9k.png)

So this in't a problem, then?
When are you starting? Remember, the tags need to be as descriptive as possible.


File: 1439499742195.png (335.84 KB, 449x397, 1397085619525.png)

>uses Windows


File: 1439500003897.jpg (105.25 KB, 492x661, 1439296171721.jpg)

Oh hey it's Marisa, long time no see. Also…Windows isn't that bad!


File: 1439502102229.png (701.03 KB, 449x397, 143949.png)

doesn't use Windows


>dual boot win partition because wine sucks


File: 1513363258456.wav (588.21 KB, flower.WAV)

Just a heads-up, this pack is missing the "flower.WAV" sound file.

Also, the header on the family game menu has been left untranslated.


File: 1605173369683.jpg (47.87 KB, 736x939, yz2mtg.jpg)



These links are dead again, would anyone be willing to reupload or share on soulseek?

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