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I for myself really enjoy Fail Emotions & Enter Shikari.

Fail Emotions is a clusterfuck. If i could define them with one single phrase "russian metal trance djent clusterfuck" it wouldn't even cut it.

Their first album has some good songs there and there but the formula is still rough so its a kind of cringefest.

Their 2 EP's, Gravity & Speed of Light smoothens out the cringey vague english lyrics a bit and adapts a better sound.

Their most recent album, Renaissance, just says, "fuck it" and goes for a way more metal / djent approach compared to Transfornation & Speed of Light/Gravity. It has a way more metal sound, with electronic elements still there and there.
Overall i consider it the best album of them, and i would reccomend it to a first time-listener.

Then there is Enter Shikari, which is a really good band. They (like Fail Emotions) combine Metal with Electronic aspects, although not to the same extremes as the former.
Take to the Skies is really great.
Common Dreads is a gem.
Flash Flood of Colour is also amazing.
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Arcturus combine Avant-garde with Black Metal to create a futuristic or post-apocalyptic space setting with great atmosphere and a broad variety of facets.

Absolutely mesmerizing.



Unironically one of the worst things I've had the displeasure to hear in my whole life. Just terrible.


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I imagine there's already a lot of fans here but I fucking love The Depreciation Guild, especially this album. They mixed nostalgic chiptunes with colorful shoegaze and listening to it makes me incredibly happy

I also like Populous With Short Stories which is a combo of '00s indie pop and IDM and achieves a feeling of being dark yet comfy


the angelic process immediately comes in mind for me, a unique and monolithic blend of shoegaze and drone metal. I've yet to find another drone metal album i like as much as this release

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Does anyone else like this band? I think its cool that they pretty much reinvented their music for their last two albums, Spirit of Eden and Laughing Stock. Their earlier work is also good.


Love em


they really were a one of a kind group, laughing stock is one of the most beautiful albums I've ever heard

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dis_cord_._ gg/SBdYJeV

Psychic Development Guidance
Server for guided awakening/enlightenment.

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What do you listen when you feel nostalgic, /n/?
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Same here. Other games with soundtracks that stick out in my mind are the Ace Attorney games, Hotel Dusk, OFF and the Mother games (especially Mother 3).

As for conventional music, Nine Inch Nails brings me back pretty hard to the 8th grade, as does Simon & Garfunkel. Jefferson Airplane and Andrew Jackson Jihad remind me of more recent years. Tool is probably what got me into music, I adored Opiate as a kid.

Oh, also, pic related.


The old (classic), the new, or the remastered one, Spidey? Because I absolutely ADORE the remastered version. It has almost all of the original's sound, but performed in high quality, and with an additional layer or two added on top. It sounds both modern and retro.

Anyway, I'm writing here because I'm 6313 and it's funny, but I decided to go on a nostalgia trip. Right now I'm uncovering the abandoned InvisionFree forums I once attended. Whoo boy, that was 6 or 7 years ago. I was 16/15 then. They were made by people my age (always the same group of guys), devoted to nothing in particular, mostly created to kill some time. They had a lifespan of mere weeks, maybe a month or two tops. One day I sort of left that group and never looked back… until today.

These forums feel so nice. They are completely empty.
And just because earlier today I listened to the entire Cave Story+ remastered soundtrack, "White" chose to begin to play in my head and now I'm listening to it:

The track sounds rather pleasant but also has a very faint bit of sadness to it, if you consider whose theme this track is. In my head, it fits the mood of those places perfectly.

Cave Story is a seriously magical game, too. But I digress.


I've actually only ever played the freeware original, but I've been wanting to play the remakes for about as long as they've been out.



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I'm looking for pack of YN tabs - they were posted on uboachan some time ago and now I'm not able to find them :c please please help.
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Around 2012/13 - thank you anon in advance!


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I had finals yesterday so I couldn't reply before.
I'm the anon that made the tabs, you're lucky I still check the site.

Original readme was:

>I made some tabs, and other/s anon/s did the rest.

>I hope you enjoy our transcriptions.
>Remember that NOT all the songs in yume nikki are here, for two reasons: Some CANNOT be played on guitar, and others weren't transcribed.

These are the pdfs:

And the guitar tab files (gp5, no idea if newer versions can open them without problems)
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also wow, that old internet slang didn't age well…


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OMG - I love you anon :3. Best YN guitar tabs ever created c:


Also - repeat until you die.. <3<3<3 So excited right now :3

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New CXWX album by CLXCKWXRK [with first 3 releases containing multiple Yume Nikki samples]. One of the tracks on this new release contains a .flow sample.

You can stream/download the album here: http://blackchalk.bandcamp.com/album/cxwx


I absolutely LOVE that third song! Keep up the great work.


The bandcamp doesn't seem to feature the albums…
does anyone still have this guy's albums?

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some music i had planned for dddp, don't think i'll use it, but i might sample it in some other track. it was intended to be in some kind of "club world" just a little midi file.

the original midi samples sounded way better in my opinion.

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Here are some underrated bands if you like rock/metal/cyber/djent etc.

Korea - The Delirium Suite
Poets of the fall
Deadheaven - АнтNреальность
Black bile
T.A.N.K - Symbiosis
Times of grace
One last hero
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Here's some gloomy music. A lot like Slint if you have heard of them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huXbM7ZfffM


This has a really nice, gloomy mood to it: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Tempers/Live_on_WFMUs_Dark_Night_of_the_Soul_with_Julie_Aug_4_2015/

I personally prefer these live recordings to the released album and + it's free, so schway


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hypothermia (start with kaffe och blod or go straight to veins)
shining (the eerie cold is a good place to start)
lifelover (dekadens)
boris (specifically feedbacker and flood)
>specific songs


This whole album is rough sit, but you're abraded smooth.


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Sunsoft is revered for the great console video game bgm they produced in the 80s and 90s, but from what I could find, they produced just one PC-98 game: Photo Genic. It's not even listed on its wikipedia page. The problem is that all of the music is boring, samey shit for the most part. Why? Is it just me? Am I going crazy? None of this adds up. Please give me a second opinion.
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>Does that site have fdi and hdi file downloads, because that's what i'm talking about
No, only radio and reviews.

>Are their copyright laws really that strong?

Depends on the company. Some are uptight assholes, and others are completely dead so their games are practically abandonware.

>How is it that there's a great Chinese site for that, but not a Japanese one?

Japanese are smart and keep neat, simple torrents that appear here and there, or collections organized by titles and companies. I don't want to spread them openly just in case they get too much attention, so of you're interested send a message to the only mail address in the "about" of our scans page and I'll send you the biggest I currently have here.


I sent you a mail.


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V.G. - 2 Rising Sun (Cheemol)


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>Anyway, both gimmic and hebereke are from before 1995 (the golden age of sunsoft) while Photogenic is from 1997 and distributed by zero, so the composer is probably from their team.
What this guy said, Sunsoft really lost their touch during the 16-bit era and kept trying to tap into the "anthropomorphic animal mascot platformer" fad with Aero the Acrobat and kept making shitty licensed games. Really the only games they've made after that were anything beyond decent were their fighting games. Sucks how they're just making garbage mobile games now.


>Aero the Acrobat

if I remember correctly that wasn't really made by Sunsoft. But TRAG: Mission of Mercy was, for the Playstation, and it was PRETTY dire.

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