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/lit/ - Literature / Fanfic / Poetry

M-my hands are w-writing on their own~!

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HELLO THERE. It's your friendly neighborhood Writer, just here to leave a pile of rules to establish a level of standards for those who want to enjoy the board.

  • Division of shit from lit: No flimsy, short, barebones posts that are undeveloped and thoughtless. If you're going to write something, write something. Posting an outline of a story or some ideas and looking for critiques or advice is totally acceptable, though.
  • No smut: I had to think about this for some time. Tasteless fap material is not welcome in /lit/. This isn't your personal jerk-off board. Don't write stories that are sex-centric. Sex is a natural human act so it can enhance a story, but sex itself is never by any means a story. Although, if you must, post it in /ot/. If enough people post their smut there, hell, you might get your own smut board.
  • Content: What is/isn't allowed? The works posted do not have to be related directly to Yume Nikki, although a majority tends to me. I believe as far as writing/literature goes, most anything can find its way here. Talking about books and literature is encouraged, as well!
  • Labeling of NSFW material: Some people don't have strong stomachs or don't like sexual content to your writing. If a post or chapter of a story contains some, please label it as such.
  • Level of maturity: Sure, some writers may not have the technical finesse or prowess of people who have been writing for a while. Still, as long as the fledgling writer is trying their best, don't insult others and instead offer advice. Otherwise, posts will be deleted and you may be banned. Repeated offenses will incur increasing penalties.

That's basically it. Read, write, have fun. :D

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Poetry Thread

Find Poem,
Like Poem,
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Write poem:
Long poem,
Short Poem,
Good Poem,
Bad Poem.
Post poem.
Hate Poem,
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
16 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


oh, be forward.
we'll blotch the soul.
oh, cold to the touch,
the jewel shall be mine.


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>Following the Witch. A poem inspired by Yume Nikki.
Finished and much longer version of this.


stars played hide and seek in your hair
like a comet that ends its course, exhausted
sit down in the sky and rest breathless
draw with your hand a smile on the sun's face

you washed your head into the river
fishes hid out in your hair
they ate all the stars
now it's dark forever everywhere


Stars and jewels


Bring forth the tides,
the lust, the rhymes,
the manners we were taught,
the little thrills,
the haunts, the chills,
we sought,
whether beauty,
or betrayal;
is that beauty, not?
forever stay the light of day,
or ere for naught,
yet still I'd say,
bring forth next day,
the love, the loss, the rot,
not one of these, forgot.

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https://archive.org/details/christian-books-collection-pdf(The anal crusader was banned for this post.)


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wake up!! we are about to enter tribulation and the Christian church has completely mislead you, you need to repent so God doesn't pour his wrath out on you
we are required to keep the Sabbath (Isaiah 56, acts 13:42-44)
and to abstain from pork shrimp shellfish (Isaiah 66, acts 15)
Paul specified in Galatians 3:19 that sacrificial law ended meaning we are still bound by the holy covenants
we still have to keep the ten commandments Matthew 5:19
in Ephesians 2:12-13 it says we are grafted into Israel meaning the prophecy and covenants given to Israel still apply to us
and Isaiah 11:11-13 says that you are apart of the lost sheep of Israel
christmas easter halloween are unbiblical idolatry, christ wasn't even born in December and these celebrations come from paganism such as yule, saturnalia and ishtar
The trinity is an unbiblical idolatrous doctrine (numbers 23:19, mark 10:18, Matthew 26:39)
the messiah's name is Yeshua not Jesus read John 5:42-43 about this

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What is some advice or ways I can improve as an amateur poet?(written avlot of Shakespearean sonnets, one Italian styled one, a few haikus and Tankas, one acrostic, limerick, and villanelle) at least quality wise
16 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Also, someone (one of us) should write "Real Men Don't Write Pascal", but for C, with pointing out CVEs in Pust, bloat of LLVM, bloat of clang (and gcc sadly), shit that memelangs offer, "false features", etc.(USER WAS WARNED FOR DERAILING THREAD)


no, its like a famous 4chan screencap from the guy reporting in


it would have to read like a cartoon or the FDD manifesto.
we do have "Some Were Meant For C". i found it insanely good actually.
ugh, what do you think, what would it require to convince ${GLORIOUS_CULT_LEADER} to make an audio book version?
looking at him, because hes the only one who doesnt have an insanely thick accent(USER WAS WARNED FOR DERAILING THREAD)


In any case, I need to think about it more, and I do think we really, like really really, need our minimal C compiler.
I wouldn't want it to comply to any standard, fuck POSIX, fuck UNIX, fuck GNU, fuck WG14. Our own thing, without useless crap.

I'm back to writing XCB/Vk, this page is always opened in my browser, I check messages every 30-60 minutes.


Practice! Any time even a small piece of a line pops into your head and sounds good, write it down and try right there to grow it out like a seed. The few words sprouting through your subconscious are attached to some concept you can expand if you get right on top of it while it's fresh.

Other times I write down an idea and then ruminate on it for years before suddenly finishing it.

There is another time that while driving down the highway I took the names of a few different exits and used those words as the basis to grow out a poem, and I really liked how it turned out. You can pull ideas from anywhere.

The more you practice the more you will understand your personal sense of literary aesthetic and how to appeal to it more effectively.

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I just finished reading Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre a week or so ago, and I read "The Double" by Fyodor Dostoevsky out of a collection of some of his works that I bought; it seems that the next work of his in the collection is "White Nights," so I'll be reading that soon.

Additionally, I started reading A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn earlier today, as I'm rather ignorant of history in general and wish to learn more about it. I'm only one chapter in and I'm already fascinated.

What about you, Uboachan? What are you reading/have read recently? Recommendations are welcome.
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>there's some brilliant philosophical insight
It's likely that you've already heard it before in other forms, as other movies and books and media copied what he came up with. Justine: Good Conduct Properly Chastised is supposed to be his seminal book. I read that one start to finish. I thought it was risque, but then I'm a prude and don't watch anything but softcore porn. And yea, that old style English is fucking hard to read.


ananisikeyimtüccar is the nickname, idk if you still control this thread or not but here goes nothing, we can talk or smth if you answer.


So I went ahead and read Justine and actually liked it a lot. The orgies with the priests were hot. But I still think De Sade is tame compared to other authors, even older ones too. The philosophy he peddles in his books is just garbage. The only redeeming interpretation is to see him as a degenerate troll mocking the bankruptcy of Enlightenment moral philosophy but I'm not entirely convinced by this. I've seen one guy claim De Sade wasn't an atheist but actually a secret Christian gnostic. This is not very believable but probably the most fun and interesting interpretation so let's go with that.

I still think De Sade is overrated and gets more attention than he really deserves.


i finished the brothers karamazov not too long ago and now im reading savage detectives by bolaño. the first third ish of it is diary entry style, and then it switches to interviews for the back 2/3rds. im enjoying it, but now that im at the interviews it's kind of dragging on. ill definitely finish it, but its taking me a lot longer than i thought it would based on how interested i was in the first part.
i see people in this thread discussing dostoyevsky, what would yall recommend for my 2nd dostoyevsky book? i loved brothers karamazov and need to read more of him. planning to scour through used bookstores in my area to see if i can find some there, i was blessed enough to find brothers karamazov in a free bookstore but i don't know if ill be that lucky again lol.
the top of my list after savage detectives is probably the plague by camus since i loved the stranger, and my friends have recommended mistborn by brandon sanderson and diaspora by greg egan but they both feel like such a commitment. if anyone has read, are they worth it? i felt way too dumb reading the first chapter of diaspora to keep going ;;


I wish I could say I finished a book but I almost never finish them

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I started uploading my story as a webtoon project and I'm sharing it with you Ubuu.

It's about a princess of an evil empire that exterminates anyone who opposes them or practices a different religion, she sees this as normal as she was raised that way, but one day she meets a girl preaching a different gospel who recklessly challenges her views.
The situation is closely monitored by a powerful spirit of revenge and death who travels through time trying to keep others from becoming like her.

If you think this sounds interesting to you, chapter 1 and 2 are up!



What a deeply Christian clunky story. But yeah funny head spin. Despite the joking, you did good, thanks!




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ty both for checking it out! I started production of Chapter 3


Its a bit rough but a fun read anyway. I liked the religious themes. Definitely clunky like that other anon said.


I wish I could do something like this but I can’t draw for shit.

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I am an anon that writes poetry. It's only 2.99 for ebook and 4.99 paperback they are comedy and just my collected thoughts and ramblings about the world. Check me out! Pic unrelated

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Yeah sorry about the cringe, I've gotten better at this sort of thing with practice. Here are free copies




No problem man, you've got to make money. I remember you, people probly just didn't know you were from here. Though posting amazon links on ubuu probably isn't the best monetization strategy lol.


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I'm glad you are understanding of it. A bunch of mods just ban and get all pissy about it. Not everyone has money and can afford to spend money on advertising

Oh I just requested a ban. Was spending way too much time there and need to focus on IRL stuff more. A lot of the oldheads have left there by now, sadly. BasedVamp left the other day :((( he was my favorite poster


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>Oh I just requested a ban.
RIP, also epic GET.

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PROPHECY- The Punishment Of My Evil Elites

"The WEF has got to go, My son. It is evil. I will eradicate it from the Earth. Its leaders are evil; they want to destroy the planet. I will eradicate them. I will destroy them all. The evil elite will be destroyed from off the face of the Earth. I will destroy all who want to destroy humanity. They are evil. Expect their elimination. Tell all they will be destroyed. I will depopulate them from off the planet. They have to go. Tell all that they will fail in their attempt to start World War 3; I will destroy them; they have got to go. A blight they are, destroying humanity with evil drugs, vaccines, and all manner of wickedness. Their technology will not go far; I will destroy them. Their AI machines will fail their objectives; all the works of Satan will fail. They give themselves unto the Devil; destroy them I will. Their wealth will fail them in the end, fail to rescue them from the evil calamities coming. The LORD has spoken. Amen and amen. Distribute far and wide."

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how to write interesting fic/doujin that will maybe appeal to uh


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People often talk about how the Yume Nikki manga was horrible but no one seems to talk about the light novel. Is it any good?
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Can anybody give a PDF file of this book.


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>Poniko is the main protagonist of the novel adaptation of Yume Nikki. At first, she acts solely as the narrator to Madotsuki's progress through the dream world, but soon after she meets up with her, the focus shifts to her quest to discover the reason behind her presence in Madotsuki's dream, as well as how to escape it and to help Madotsuki get over whatever trauma is causing those dreams.

>However, it is revealed later on that Madotsuki isn't the dreamer, but just another dream character in Poniko's own dreams. She takes the central stage in her dreams as she is Poniko's shadow, but the only true being is Poniko. Specifically, Madotsuki is the representation of Poniko's expected child. The true nature of the real world is never seen, but it is implied that Poniko's worry over her child's safety created the dream world she is trapped in.



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Untranslated version? I do wonder how much of the criticism in this thread is merely as a result of a poor translation or not…


You forget, little exiles of four, that the original video game is also very monotonous and repetitive if you only play it for a couple of minutes, so I see no reason to reject this novel.

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