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/lit/ - Literature / Fanfic / Poetry

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I just finished reading Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre a week or so ago, and I read "The Double" by Fyodor Dostoevsky out of a collection of some of his works that I bought; it seems that the next work of his in the collection is "White Nights," so I'll be reading that soon.

Additionally, I started reading A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn earlier today, as I'm rather ignorant of history in general and wish to learn more about it. I'm only one chapter in and I'm already fascinated.

What about you, Uboachan? What are you reading/have read recently? Recommendations are welcome.


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I'm currently reading American Psycho and loving it. I relate to Bateman in a very weird way(not the psychotic parts but more the ideals of that society) and the gore is quite wonderful too. The author really knows how to write in someones perspective without making it too boring or too flowery.

I finished Lolita before that and enjoyed it but felt it was a little longer than it needed to be.

My friend has been mentioning a lot of short stories to me recently also which I plan on reading. Also been reading some manga too which is unusual for me.

I have so many books to read thanks to a certain friend gifting me so many.


Catch-22. Still. Technically Crime and Punishment still too.
The last thing I read that was really compelling to me personally though was something I just finished a little while ago, In Cold Blood.
It is and was magnificent.
The better part is not the account, though technically that's all it is. The impressive part of it is an experiment he performed in writing it, to see if in writing essentially awful, pathological people well enough and sympathetically enough you can make them likable.
It was a resounding fucking success. It's also just great in general.
He really did something with Perry.

People's History is good in how it introduces you to events you wouldn't hear of otherwise. And yes, in many cases that would be because history is largely written by those on top. But to me it seems biased the same as most other selective histories would be, maybe even moreso, just in the opposite direction.
Not that that's an evil thing necessarily. But when it comes to history keep in mind that those writing it often do have a given agenda, and a lot of histories will be selective about what they include as a result. Not that that means what's there is lies, but because when you read history you assume on some level you then know all or most of what happened at a given time and place, and thus are given to dismissing on faith in the author the possibility of events that might contradict a given narrative.
tl;dr if you want to get into it reading widely different sources is a good idea, for roughly the same reason it is with news.

Lolita is long but I think that's because it's more something poetical and prose-y than just a novel. He was probably just having fun showing off in writing a lot of it, not that that was bad.

Doesn't he start hallucinating about cheerios talking and stuff?
I feel like vaporwave is a thing only because they are going to make another movie about that book some day and it will and should make up the entire soundtrack of it.


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In addition to the previously mentioned titles, I've also started reading through a collection of Montaigne's "Essays."
Doing all of this reading lately has made me painfully aware of how much my attention span has shrunken. As I am now, I find it difficult to read through one chapter of any given work without my mind starting to drift. I suppose that I'm making strides toward improving it by reading, at least.

I couldn't find a single goddamn picture of Kyoko reading a book. Maybe she's actually illiterate.

Ah, I don't have a copy of American Psycho; at least, I don't have one in the mounds of books that I've purchased. I'll scrounge around and see if I can't find a copy. Also, Lolita was one of the most excellently-written books I think I've ever read. It did seem to drag a little in the middle, but nonetheless I quite liked it. inb4 called a pedo

What short stories and manga might those be?

Catch-22 was superb. Interestingly, for all of the Dostoevsky I own, I don't have a copy of Crime and Punishment. In fact, I think I decided against buying it when I was at the bookstore buying all of that other Dostoevsky stuff because I didn't want to empty my bank account. I'll make a note to get it at some point, along with In Cold Blood – you've sold me on the latter.

You make a very valid point. In addition to A People's History of the United States, I'm planning on reading Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond, and maybe also Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin. Do you have any good history book recommendations for me (preferably covering stuff other than only US history)?


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My attention span is also really terrible. I've learned that not paying attention to how many pages I've been reading helps me read longer. I also just read for small amounts through out the day instead of long periods at a time.
Any one have tips to help with reading for longer times?

I would be careful with American Psycho. Not only is the gore extremely graphic but there are some eye parts you wouldn't particularly like.

The Manga I'm reading are Oyasumi Punpun, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and the Spin off of Oreimo. There was one by the author of Aku no Hana i'd like to check out too. For short stories I forgot exactly which one my friend had mentioned, but the other one is "A Good Man Is Hard To Find" by Flannery O'Connor. I've read it before but wanted to reread it.


Spider 'gain, lost my trip.
>Guns Germs and Steel
You could do a bit better.
Scarcity played a role but I think it's a little silly to think that was the absolute defining factor of how civilizations involved. That's an argument for another time and place though.

It depends on what you're interested in. I'm mostly just into niche shit myself. If you're into Japanese history but don't want to just read textbooks about it, James Clavell's novels seem pretty good. If you don't know much about revolutionary Russia and want to know about it, Ten Days that Shook the World is biased as all hell but is well worth reading. If you like the other extreme, Rise and Fall of the Third Reich is actually pretty damn readable.
If you DO like American history, David McCullough is pretty good.

There are tons of different directions you could go, and it's easy enough to guess bias in a basic way and avoid stuff that's mostly rhetoric or revisionist or whateverthehell.
Not that this necessarily fits here but there are also a lot of good documentary series. Ken Burns' The Civil War is pretty close to my heart, even though watching it now the production is pretty cheesy.

Never read American Psycho but this talk of actually being able to identify with Bateman a little is reminding me of how I felt the first time I read Clockwork Orange. I genuinely loved Alex. He was so vital, so full of will, so fun-loving. He was vile but triumphantly vile. I legitimately loved him.
Maybe it helped that I was 14, but yeah.


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I actually worded the part about relating wrong. It's not Bateman as a person but the entire society he's in. I dislike Bateman a lot. He's interesting and fun to read, but is really dislikable. All of them are but the society is something I wish i could be apart of.


Weird, I remember considering the whole environment of it hellish. To the point that when people theorize that the reason he's never caught and nothing ever changes is that he's actually in hell, it makes sense.


well i'm only half way through the book, so its possible.


The Sun Also Rises By Ernest Hemingway. I really enjoy his writing style and I'm excited to read his more well-known novels.


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I'm reading Middlesex by Jeffery Eugenides. I really like his writing style - it feels very smart, but natural and not so stuffy. I'm only about 10% through with it though, but it's a long one, so it's going to be interesting to see where it goes.

Wanted to read The Virgin Suicides by the same author, but I was so grossed out by the descriptions of blood that I had to put it down, which is a shame because it wasn't like I was offended, I was actually impressed by how detailed and unsettling it was.


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I downloaded all of Agatha Christe's books that I still couldn't read (because there are no physical copies around), and Arthur Machen.
Quite good, both, specially Arthur since he's pretty underrated and kinda obscure.


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I've always hated his style. Feel it's so simple anyone could write it.


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Finished recently:
The complete illustrated novels of Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle
The User Illusion, Tor Nørretranders
Halfway through:
The Fountainhead, Ayn Rand
Deathly Hallows (I bought the entire bloomsbury set for [meaningful and complicated reasons])
I don't even know:
Les Fleurs Du Mal, somewhere around Spleen, Charles Baudelaire


Journey to the End of the Night.
Best thing since In Cold Blood.
Honestly going on the list of favorites and I'm not even through it.


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In the past month I read Blindsight and Echopraxia by Peter Watts. I read them back to back, and I really couldn't put them down. I would highly recommend them if you are into hard science fiction.

Blindsight really fascinated me, the way Watts touches on different types of consciousness really drew me in (the gang, Jukka, Rorscach etc). The portions where they are trying to talk and reason with Rorschach reminded me of Sphere by Michael Crichton (the book not the shit film). Watts' take on vampirism seemed kind of silly at first but I have to say his hard sci-fi justifications for the phenomenon really make you want to believe.

Echopraxia while not really as fresh and gripping as blindsight was nevertheless quite entertaining if not only for the meticulously detailed depiction of The Crown of Thorns spacecraft. Other aspects I found particularly captivating include Bruks' conversations with his wife in Heaven, Smart Paint, and of course Valerie, I was satisfied to see her background fleshed out to some extent.

Recently picked up a copy of Borges' Labyrinths. Just started reading today. Some of Borges' writing feels almost Lovecraftian in the way he describes fantasy settings. The Library of Babel has to be my favorite, followed by Funes the Memorious


How'd you like Nausea? When I was reading it it felt like a chore, the prose especially. But I seem to think about the book often, for some reason, so maybe it's worth a reread.

I'm currently reading, and really enjoying, Moby Dick.

Before this I read The Master of Go.


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Working my way through some classics recommended to me by a close (internet) friend.
I just finished The Waves, just starting Absalom! Absalom!, and then straight into The Master and Margarita
The same goes for abstract expressionism.
>anyone could write it
But anyone didn't, Hemingway did


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anyone could draw this dick but i did it! does it make me a good artist?


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No, because that's a terribly drawn dick. I'm a little disappointed in you.
Hemingway produced easily-consumed literature that was worthwhile and well-written. You produced a sloppy cock that has no more value than a picture of a smug anime girl.

My point is that "too simple, my kid could've done that" is not a valid criticism. You should not let the complexity (or lack thereof) impact your opinion of art.


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>has no more value than a picture of a smug anime girl.
Are you that dense fuck that complains about anime in a weeaboo imageboard on every occassion?

>You should not let the complexity (or lack thereof) impact your opinion of art.

Then why are you saying that that dick is not well drawn? It's a perfect example of super deformed art, moreover, that anon went as far as to emulate how a child would draw a dick, making it even more pure; the epitome of simplicity. Your opinion was biased on your evaluation of the complexity of the drawing, oh, なんて事!


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>Then why are you saying that that dick is not well drawn?
I wasn't complaining about the simplicity of the dick, I was referring to the overall hasty and reactionary nature of the dick.
The mediums are also entirely different but my initial gripe still stands.

Hemingway's simple writing is easily absorbed but carries heavier meaning. Before post-modernist trash flinging, said meaning in art was realized and reflected inside of the consumer. It was not imposed by the artist.

Points for trying though.


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>more value than a picture of a smug anime girl.
You're always the same person aren't u


>I wasn't complaining about the simplicity of the dick, I was referring to the overall hasty and reactionary nature of the dick.
>No, because that's a terribly drawn dick.
Sure. Also, there's art in doing it hastly, my point is still valid.

In any case, if we go by arguments, the "anyone could, but Hemmingway did" is just as stupid as "anyone could do it" in my eyes, no idea what are you guy even trying to prove with all of this. Specially considering those arguments are pretty subjetive and can't make room for a settlement in each side; it's more like you are trying to prove who's got the longest dick here or who's got the deepest abstraction on this.


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>You should not let the complexity (or lack thereof) impact your opinion of art.
So I shouldn't let part of the art impact my opinion of said art? That makes no sense. Not to mention the "Well it was Hemingway so that makes it okay." So if someone else wrote all these novels and was a completely different person they could suck? The author shouldn't impact the view of the art in that big of a way. Art is about the art. I found all his works boring to get through. Just because an author is famous and well received doesn't mean everyone should think they're good. Trash is commonly popular. Hemingway just wrote something anyone could get into when really it was just the level of a 5th grade kid style wise. Sure the ideas behind it are much more deep then his style shows but not by much imo. As far as I'm concerned there's two things an author needs to do, 1) Make the structure/style/grammer/etc interesting and well written 2) Have a good story with meaning behind it. Hemingway doesn't do number one for me at all which makes it impossible for me to appreciate any meaning behind it.


When not poring over my copy of the Unix and Linux System Administration Handbook, I've been reading some of the short stories written by the French Decadents.

I read "The Garden of Forking Paths" not too long ago, and I very much enjoyed it. I'm thinking of getting a collection of his works once I've reduced the size of my disgustingly large backlog of books.

>Les Fleurs Du Mal
I like your taste. Perhaps you'll enjoy this:


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Currently reading “The night circus”, lend by a friend, and “Les fleurs du mal”, to improve my french (and it’s working) and because I love symbolism. Next is a massive book, a compilation of Edgar Poe’s works I received last Christmas.


author/ edition? Interested.



Sorry, of the linux one.



ya but I saw the cover and figured it wasn't it


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I wanted to take a picture but can't find my batteries…
Usually bringing three books with myself nowadays, a Chomsky (Language and problems of knowledge) and a Watts/Bennett (Theory and practice of psychiatric rehabilitation). Third one is a local magazine thing that I kind of count as a book as it's close to 200 pages usually.


recently finished:
The Vegetarian by Han Kang (translated by Deborah Smith). I bought this on the back of it winning the 2016 Man Booker International Prize and I was not disappointed. Essentially the decent of a young woman into madness told through the eyes of members of her family. Beautifully dark.

The Wisdom Of Insecurity: A Message For An Age Of Anxiety by Alan Watts. This is a good book but it was preaching to the converted. I suppose if you were someone who is quite anxious then there might be some helpful advice. I still love the authors' The Way Of Zen.

The Investigation by Phillipe Claudel. Kafkaesque is the word. Reads like a bad nightmare without ever letting up. Not recommended at all.

currently on:
Overcomplicated: Technology At The Limits Of Comprehension by Samuel Arbesman. Popsci intro to Complexity Theory. I'm punching above the weight of this book so it's been tough keeping focus during the lengthy gaps between points of interest. However it is also very short so it won't be long before I move on.

waiting to be read:
Where The Dead Pause And The Japanese Say Goodbye by Marie Mutsuki Mockett
Ours To Hack And To Own: The Rise Of Platform Cooperatirvism, A New Vision For The Future Of Work And A Fairer Internet edited by Trebor Scholz and Nathan Schneider

big up to whoever mentioned Montaigne.


I'm currently reading The Well of Loneliness by Hall.
Pretty gay, but interesting story and perspective of a girl in the 1920s

Also reading Anthem by Ayn Rand because I like memes uwu


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currently rereading


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舌の上の君 was my last book. I went into it not knowing much, simply picking it based on the recommendation of a peer and しおん's wonderful cover art. In the end, I came out enjoying it a lot. It uses cannibalism as its main theme, a subject which I haven't read or seen in much media. 地球少女アルジュナ touches something on the subject of the relationship people have with what they eat, so I used it as a point of reference while reading for how I wanted to digest the book. Right now, I think it's my favorite thing I've read, but then, I haven't read much.
I'll try to finish キノの旅's first volume this week. It adopts a very simple and easy to understand style of writing, which has made for a nice break from being shelled with rare food and ingredients vocab.


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What level of Japanese reading would you place yourself at?
That book sounds interesting but probably way above my reading skills


Dead Souls, by Nikolai Gogol


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Right now I'm reading Alexandre Kojève - Kandinsky: Incarnating Beauty

>A compilation of esoteric musings, Kandinsky: Incarnating Beauty explores Alexandre Kojève’s philosophical approach to the relationship between art and beauty.

>A teacher to Jacques Lacan, André Breton, and Albert Camus, Kojève defined art as the act of extracting the beautiful from objective reality. His poetic text, “The Concrete Paintings of Kandinsky,” endorses nonrepresentational art as uniquely manifesting beauty. Taking the paintings of his renowned uncle, Wassily Kandinsky, as his inspiration, Kojève suggests that in creating (rather than replicating) beauty, the paintings are themselves complete universes as concrete as the natural world. Kojève’s text considers the utility and necessity of beauty in life, and ultimately poses the involuted question: What is beauty?

>Including personal letters between Kandinsky and his nephew, this book further elaborates the unique relationship between artist and philosopher. An introduction by Boris Groys contextualizes Kojève’s life and writings.

Tl;dr it's a short philosophy/art theory book on beauty in art by Kojève, a Russian-French philosopher with a focus on William Kandinsky who was Kojève's uncle. It's pretty good if you're into art, theory or philosophy.


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Man Against Mass Society, Gabriel Marcel. People are rapidly losing their humanity and they have been ever since the modern technological revolution.


kino taste
if you liked that I'd rec checking out his plays (perspectives on the broken world good one to start)/on the ontological mystery and Discourse on thinking/what is called thinking by heidegger they jive together really well.


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i just finished rereading blood meridian. it was my favorite book when i was 17 and proabably it still is. next i might read a hangman's diary: the journal of master franz schmidt, public executioner of nuremberg, 1573-1617, but my stack grows and grows… probably there are few people that come back to this thread, but if there are any frens that wanna chat about literature and films and comfy nothings, please reply with your discord handle…



Send me an email with your handle to this email address, if you want, I would love talking with you.




Oh, well!


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just give him your discord @ retard, there arent that many active posters on the board idk why youre making it difficult for him, worst case youll have to ask a follow up question "did you and i talk about X"


Because I am autistic - and also I don't want my handle to be public; but that said, I can give you my "probe" account.



no patrick autism is not a get out of jail free card



I don't know what Spongebob has to do with any of this, nor what jail you're talking about.


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I'll be sure to.


I recently finished Murakami's Tokio Blues was… okay, I been reading it while on uni and took me the whole semester (I was reading manga too) and I find it nice, just some times there was more sex than needed but overall was enjoyable.

Now I'm trying both Kawakami Suisei and Sanderson Mistborn.

And from the manga I finished Kanojo ni Naritai Kimi to Boku, was really good but the ending wasn't as I desired, also I been starting Otonari Complex which I had in list from years ago.


"Norwegian Wood" was beautiful and made me tear up in places. Great book


I remember the cirno post you ruined 10 years ago


the other day i ordered the essential wallerstein so i can be more annoying when people talk about global politics


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google drive easy to use interface


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theres no way you read all of that.


i only read books by women. what does everyone recommend


Books by men


you're right! they do do that.


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I read Ethnography #9. Its about ghosts, numbers, and the development of capitalism in Thailand. Its an experimental anthropology book and the whole aim is to attack secular materialism and realism as the default worldview we're all more or less brainwashed into. Its a mix up of fiction and non-fiction, social science and horror, numerology, photography, the occult, and includes things like the biography of a young ghost, spirit consultations and gambling. Confusing but genius. I don't think I understood all of it but I liked it anyway.


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Last thing I finished was the Acéphale magazine compilation. Right now I'm reading The Birth of Tragedy by Nietzsche and a introduction to Wittgenstein


>the great replacement
>the fucking turner diaries

holy larp batman!


I tried reading De Sade but got bored. The ye olde prose was annoying and the sex seemed pretty tame compared to what I'm used to. 120 Days of Sodom is a slog of a read and I just ended up quitting. I'm told there's some brilliant philosophical insight in his books but I don't see much beyond some creepy old dude's fap material.


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Finished reading The Naked Sun recently. I've seen people complain that Asimov "is too dry" or "he doesn't do characterization". The crux of this entire series is based on understanding the characters as people, it's complete nonsense.
Anyway, can't recommend it or Caves of Steel enough, some of my favorites now. Classic novels.


>there's some brilliant philosophical insight
It's likely that you've already heard it before in other forms, as other movies and books and media copied what he came up with. Justine: Good Conduct Properly Chastised is supposed to be his seminal book. I read that one start to finish. I thought it was risque, but then I'm a prude and don't watch anything but softcore porn. And yea, that old style English is fucking hard to read.


ananisikeyimtüccar is the nickname, idk if you still control this thread or not but here goes nothing, we can talk or smth if you answer.


So I went ahead and read Justine and actually liked it a lot. The orgies with the priests were hot. But I still think De Sade is tame compared to other authors, even older ones too. The philosophy he peddles in his books is just garbage. The only redeeming interpretation is to see him as a degenerate troll mocking the bankruptcy of Enlightenment moral philosophy but I'm not entirely convinced by this. I've seen one guy claim De Sade wasn't an atheist but actually a secret Christian gnostic. This is not very believable but probably the most fun and interesting interpretation so let's go with that.

I still think De Sade is overrated and gets more attention than he really deserves.


i finished the brothers karamazov not too long ago and now im reading savage detectives by bolaño. the first third ish of it is diary entry style, and then it switches to interviews for the back 2/3rds. im enjoying it, but now that im at the interviews it's kind of dragging on. ill definitely finish it, but its taking me a lot longer than i thought it would based on how interested i was in the first part.
i see people in this thread discussing dostoyevsky, what would yall recommend for my 2nd dostoyevsky book? i loved brothers karamazov and need to read more of him. planning to scour through used bookstores in my area to see if i can find some there, i was blessed enough to find brothers karamazov in a free bookstore but i don't know if ill be that lucky again lol.
the top of my list after savage detectives is probably the plague by camus since i loved the stranger, and my friends have recommended mistborn by brandon sanderson and diaspora by greg egan but they both feel like such a commitment. if anyone has read, are they worth it? i felt way too dumb reading the first chapter of diaspora to keep going ;;


I wish I could say I finished a book but I almost never finish them

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