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/lit/ - Literature / Fanfic / Poetry

M-my hands are w-writing on their own~!

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Share em.

>Dagon - HP Lovecraft

One of lovecrafts first published works, and the earliest contribution to the Cthulhu mythos.

>A Hunger Artist - Franz Kafka

A man who fasts for the entertainment of the public sees a decline in appreciation for his craft.

>The Library of Babel - George Luis Borges

A universe composed of hexagonal rooms, each of which is home to four bookshelves filled with books that together hold every possible combination of 25 basic characters.
(The website hosting the story recreates the library digitally)

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You know you don't need an email to post right?


I never understood why people like Borges that much, he always writes so pretentiously. Do the translations carry all that bullshit or they are at least readable without a fucking dictionary?


The people who enjoy him usually don't need a dictionary while reading his stories.


Have you read borges in spanish? I don't have a problem with the words themselves, I have a problem with how he tries to sound too smart with the words and how he bends a simple phrase into something too esoteric and unnatural. Oh behold, I who for one among all mortals is capable of not only writing in such an exquisite prose but one who vaunts of besetting words with empyreal meanings seldom wrought by enthralled humans in the depths of the mire of destiny and creation… can I have my prize now?


No I read it in English like a pleb, sorry.

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Hi there.
I went from another IB with another language to tell you the great story written by our psychologist, writer, sister-lover and just a good guy. Why am I doing this? Just for lulz, I think.
So, enjoy your reading. Sorry if I break your rules.
Hope that the posting here is not too fast.

Author: Lain aka Al-Imgchani
Translator: Linalique aka Maslaw Kowalczek
Original language: Russian

Another graphomania ITT.
Hi there, sischans-alphachans. I will publish another one story in subject of this board (Siestrach of Null Chan, board about sisters and sister-loving. – Linalique). Storyteller-kun (Stotter-kun aka Siestralique, admin of Siestrach – Linalique.) inspired me to publish my story here in on-going mode by his copypaste.
This story can become truth right now, also it was partially published IMAFRAIDTOTELLYOUWHERE (at Ficbook, Russian fan fiction resource – Linalique).
Warning: this story can be full of 4chan-level chapters and tabloid humor.
I will point numbers of my posts in my next messages 'cause I have no permissions to erase trick versions of the story.
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Moscow, late evening – I can call it “night”. Catteus sits inside his little room and looks at the display with the concentration of a neurosurgeon. Black Empress of Computing clacks under the schoolboy's fingers. Clack-clack-clack. Misprints are quickly backspaced, coherent text is appearing in posting field.
“So, I'll tell you. There is one repeating story in my dreams. I'm going through snow-covered park. In real life I often walk there when I'm depressed and don't want to return to my flat from university…”
Catteus throws a look at his table littered with school textbooks. Chemistry is lying awry, spreading its covers like a whore and telling Catteus' sight about fuarrrking scheme of the thermal decomposition of the nitrogen and its compounds. He's a little ashamed for his lie but when have someone ever listened to scholars at Mailach (Mailach aka Sosach (Suckachan) – the biggest European imageboard – Linalique.)?
“Sometimes I walk in that park at night after my Martial Arts training's ending. It is calm and quiet at this time, especially I never had problems with chavs.”
Hunched schoolboy stretches at his armchair, thrown his lean stickarms that look like biological pieces from unrealistic mantis over his head. With edge of sight he notices frowned and disturbing spring night outside. Night shows him his face: disheveled hair, bulging eyes, femineity that can be evidently seen in his manners and gestures. Yeah, the ideal man, he thinks and turns to the computer.
“I can always see her in my dream. She stands near tree and shivers from the insufferable cold because she is absolutely naked. She asks me to warm her up and stretches her hands to me opening her breast of the perfect shape for my sight. I embrace her and she softly replies my kiss. I see that dream every day…”
Really it's not. The guy invented this dream when accidentally got a nocturnal emission half a year ago. That day he gave free rein to his imagination.
“There is only one problem. She is. My. Sister.”


Dorotheus and Theodora's names were a product of their mother's luxuriant imagination. In his thoughts Catteus (as he undersigned in the Internet, easily mixed his first name and surname) was glad that he wasn't christened as Akakios or Theopist. (Dorotheus and Theodora are names that aren't often used in Russia of nowadays 'cause of their obsolescence – Linalique.) Strangeness of the names is supplemented by surname that was glorified by the one fervent revolutionary – Kotowski. I can surely say that the story of Dorotheus' REVOLUTIONARY fervent desire began about half a year ago when his parents left home for Europe to build their business and entrusted care of adolescents to their aunt. Shortly party of Dora and Dora – as the aunt called our protagonists infuriating Dorotheus, - bored her, and after only a week she went to Goa, taking the teens' word of honor not to overuse drugs and not to organize too dirty orgies. Bank card was full of currency, utilities and net connection were paid for four years in advance. As classic poet said… “Soup in the pot, loaf on the board, water in the well, mind inside the shell… Live as you know and don't wait for me”. The one problem teens had was to make the order of cleaning and cooking. In fact – Theodora had a problem to make Dorotheus follow the actual order.

“Heard about maniac?” Dora's low voice made Catteus to pause the attempt to catch the word “FUCK” from the lines of soup keys. (Al-Imgchani says about pasta in the form of alphabet letters. – Linalique.)
Dora was sitting at the head of the long table choked up with dishes, pizza boxes and various electronic trash including a drone with broken propeller. That day, as always, sixteen-year-old girl opted for naturalness of her appearance: long and uncombed for eternity hair was packed to ponytail with a plastic clamp, the third eye of pimple shone at her forehead; the last fact could confuse Dorotheus but anyway he could never stop to dream about her body. Dora's blue eyes gazed straight and without unnecessary emotions, she frowned once again masticating piece of fried chicken.
“Yeah” Catteus caught the fat letter of U but at the last moment it burst and partly got into rich array of symbols making the guy swear mutely. “Eugene noticed him when he was returning from school. He titles him as ~ Weeweejiggle.”
Dora chuckled and raised lefPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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Tabloid sister-loving writers usually apply one stereotype: until some moment Character X treats Character Y like sister but not an object of his love. Despite this, Dorotheus began admire her since the day of his first single sexual practice (same as admiring his mother, later – aunt). Seventeen-year-old adolescent's libido is a complex of things; for the time being, thoughts in his head are only the thoughts. However, there also were no usual brotherly-sisterly feelings between them: the leading emotion that Theodora evoked in Dorotheus was an indescribable anger. Every trait of Theodora maddened him: her manners, her clothing style, her hobbies – instead of reading “Twilight” or doing handicrafts she read Knuth and assembled AVRs and Arduinos. In her turn, Theodora reciprocated – his visions annoyed her, she became frenzied about his pseudo-intellectualism and the fact he thought that his gender and birthright were an indulgence for any behavior including the most irrational. Dorotheus wondered why Theodora who spent so much time with him in childhood are such a stranger for him present day. “How curiosly” he thought washing a pan with adhered pieces of animal that suffered from its unbearable life at poultry farm less then a few weeks ago. The guy positioned himself as a vegan but really just positioned.

While Dorotheus was returning to his room, he habitually looked into the slit in the ajar door and saw Dora working. She hovered over the table with one of dozens of scattered microchips gripping switched-on soldering-iron in her hand and slowly soldered LED hookup biting her lips. A dribble heavily crossed her forehead, and Dorotheus who regarded technics and technicians with contempt couldn't take his eyes off of sister – every detail of her image represented something that human could hardly understood, that feeling that Dorotheus called as “observator of animated's joy”. After a half of awkward minute Dora turned her eyes to the aperture of door and saw over Dorotheus.
“I hope you washed all dishes.”
Cat mutely moved to his room feeling insane heartbeat and excitement – surprisingly not akin to sexual excitement. He locked the door. That moment he had the last method to relieve tension and fall asleep. Anonymism. He must do it again.
Catteus took already shabby but unbroken paper bag with holes for eyes (Oppressor Mask – paper bag with eye slots, symbol of the Anonymous Movement in Russia, picrelated. – Linalique.) out of bottoPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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What haven't you read that you feel like you really should have?

For me:
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
Ulysses - James Joyce
History of the Peloponnesian War - Thucydides
The Tale of Genji - Murasaki Shikibu
The Canterbury Tales - Geoffrey Chaucer
Don Quixote - Miguel de Cervantes
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I'm still trying to trudge through
Lolita. While I enjoy reading it, I have to take a break at the most every hour or so. I also have a hard time getting back into it the next day so I'll take weeks in between sessions with it.


I understand you. For me, it got really boring starting part 2. While the narrative is splendid, the plot isn't so much and it gets hard to keep reading.


I'll get around to reading The Brothers of Karamazof one of these days.


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Let me add a gigantic milestone for you people:
You all ought to read Discworld.


Well, dang. I wonder how much I am missing by reading a translation.

Stumbled upon it in the library and started reading without giving it much thought. I suppose I should download an English pdf.

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I wrote a novel about the game, it's for sale under public domain on the kindle store. I was just interested in hearing what the community thinks.

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to my thread
i hope you enjoy what i happen to share here.
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I'm moving again
belongings like charms
though keeping so many's less good than harm

I won't go back
to any place
that isn't happy to see my face

I unpack these
my curs'ed charms
I let my brain sound all alarms

I heard it rang
through boxes thin
stacked so high, up to my chin
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Thank you all for your kind words over the years. Unsure if you all are still around but I do appreciate your sentiment. I hope you enjoy what I posted today.


have you finished your book?


Nope. lol

but really all it ever was going to be, was an autobiography. If I write something now, it would probably be a graphic novel series consisting of only portraits and other paintings/pictures with some text.
idk, it was never about the book. it was only ever about getting it out of my head and it existing and being seen. (I am certain that is apparent)

That comment about the negative parts about my journey being a driving force behind my work… (which I read as "the driving force behind my work" because it was) I thought a lot about that "lost but looking" dialogue, and a lot about it recently. For a while I worried that I would stop drawing because, once it wasn't so unbearable that I Just Had To Put It Out On Paper, I wouldn't have that uncontrollable urge to create forcing me to draw so often. And I was right, for a long time I stopped. But my recent experiences reminded me that I'm a person constantly challenging myself and never accepting what is, and therefore am a challenging person and may not be accepting of what is around me, and I am ok with that. I can use that new form of "lost but looking" to drive my creative process now. I can be lost in myself but looking for ways to let what is, be. And not worry about being a perfectionist so much to change it and make it as perfect and efficient and shiny as possible.

I never really considered myself a writer, and I never really liked my art when I forced it, anyway. A lot of my writing felt forced. I want my art to be more lenient and expressive. This will definitely mean less writing, but maybe not so much less story/journey-telling. But more important than that, I want it to be sincere. so I am going to practice letting it exist as whatever comes to me, in whichever medium, in however long it takes to complete. That is how I let that poem happen yesterday.

I think this is the best approach.

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UBOA THREAD for my ongoing project…

> http://a.co/fleNkGA


No. What is it about? Why is it relevant to Uboachan? F for effort. Read rule 12 and try again.

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Hello /lit/!
What is your opinion on literate roleplaying?

Picture unrelated.
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Understandable, it's certainly a different writing style required, and reading it out as though it was one big segment would really flow weirdly, especially if it isn't wrote in the same tense from both authors.
I view Roleplaying as 'Co-authoring' in a certain sense, just written from two different perspectives.


Well, I love literate RP, and…

I agree with >>186 for the most part, but I've had RP partners I grew up writing with whose styles never evolved or improved. There was one who I enjoyed roleplaying with when I was 10, but when I picked up writing with him at 19 his style hadn't changed at all. He was still writing the same stuff in the same fashion he did when he was 11.

For me the most important thing is knowing the people you write with well enough to be able to come to agreements and have brainstorms together even when there's criticism. Of course, on the other hand that can create problems. My current RP partner (of six years) and I know each other so well and have such a huge established canon that it's really, really hard to introduce anyone into it even when we want to. Just introducing newcomers to our canon requires an massive encyclopedic overview of the story so far, the lexicon, the universe plus an overview of how it might relate to their established character… which often means that they say "fuck this" and it ends up being the two of us as usual.

I've noticed that this can happen to a lot of literate RPers who pair or group together. They end up with such a long story or canon that it's incredibly difficult for them to bring anyone else into it. This is even prevalent on message boards where cliques form. Sometimes it gets to a point where these groups don't even WANT newcomers to their story, which can lead to larger groups being inaccessible and sometimes downright unfriendly.

It's also really hard for me to find RP partners because I fear I might be an elitist fuck and I have VERY specific interests as genre and fandom goes, but that's my own fault. Also, I can be kind of a flake and tend to disappear on RPs if they don't engage me enough. It's a shitty habit I'm trying to break. But I really do love an engaging RP.

I would love a new RP partner or two to group with sometime. Just sayin'.


I'll role-play anything if my partner has a strong grasp of English and a good imagination. Unfortunately, however, I tend to become bored rather quickly when waiting for them to mull over details. I'm sure they find the duration it takes me to continue an in-depth scenario rather tedious as well.


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you sound exactly like my RP partner

anyone new would just throw off the feel of the setting and the party, so fuck it.


Only do it via e-mail and don't expect instant gratification.

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hey while we're talking about books: anyone else read this shit
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How bout the rest of you all? :D


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Oh here is where I saw that book
I started reading it when I saw it mentioned here, thought "why not", for fast learning and learning new stuff are my only positive qualities that I know of.
Anyway, I didn't read through because it brought out my Go autism (I don't play chess). It is written by a professional chess player, so that's why.
Anyway, the book is kind of well written, as in the text is clear and he transmits a definite idea in each paragraph and not just fodder.
But he spends too much time talking about his own experience: how he started playing chess, what he had to go through, how he found out about tai chi, etc.
He does it to convey some ideas about learning and such. But on the long run he does spend too much time talking about himself.
I read about half of it before I realized it was just triggering my autism and I wasn't really learning anything new

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As for me:
Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World - Haruki Murakami
The Trial - Franz Kafka
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? - P. K. Dick
Slaughterhouse 5 - Kurt Vonnegut
A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess
Infinity Welcomes Careful Drives - Grant Naylor
Waiting for Godot - Samuel Beckett
A Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snickett (I don't like it now, but that series was my entire childhood)
Metro 2033 _ Dmitry Glukhovsky
Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas - Hunter S. Thompson
Das Boot - Lothar-Günther Buchheim
The Plague - Albert Camus
Breakfast of Champions - Kurt Vonnegut
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The Master and Margarita - Mikhail Bulgakov (honestly surprised nobody else has mentioned this already)
The Good Angel of Death - Andrey Kurkov
In the Miso Soup - Ryu Murakami
The Night Watch - Sarah Waters
A Handful of Dust - Evelyn Waugh
When God Was a Rabbit - Sarah Winman
John Dies at the End series - David Wong
Out - Natsuo Kirino
Nation - Terry Pratchett
Discworld series - Terry Pratchett
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Mark Haddon


>underland chronicles

muh nigga


Not that anon. Norwegian Wood is definitely worth the read. IMO his best is Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, which you might like given that you enjoyed Hardboiled Wonderland.

>Out - Natsuo Kirino
This has been sitting on my shelf unread since I picked it up from a library sale a while back. Time to read it I think.



seconding wind-up bird as his best. i read it at least once a year when i feel like i need to. always find something different.

hurray for this thread and all the recommendations.


>Time to read it I think.
I did read this not long after posting this. It starts off well enough, reminding me quite a lot of black comedy films. When it all unravels and especially at the end it became tough reading, sad and brutal. I would still recommend it though.

polite sage.

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Any of you guys read fantasy? I'm reading Fool's Quest by Robin Hobb at the moment. I was making a list of the fantasy books I've read and realised I've forgotten a fair few of the books I've read and struggled to recall a few series which I loved. Now that I've gotten around to thinking about it I might just go digging up some old books. Anything up with you guys?


I'm on the third book of the lord of the rings right now. It's damn good honestly, each paragraph is so intricately fleshed out to create this world is great.
Plus, I've totally developed a hard on for ancient european culture and my own ancestry.


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I switched genres somehwere around 20, but back in my school days I read boatloads of fantasy - LOTR never did much for me but I loved the fuck out of Dragonlance and the Pern saga.

Thanks to the (shitty) tv series I picked up he Shannara books I was missing - Ilse Witch onward - and they're surprisingly solid. Most of them, at least. Grianne Ohmsford is one of the best, most rounded characters I have read in any genre.

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