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/o/ - Art / Oekaki

Oekaki is back!!!

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File: 1318599706318.png (217.88 KB, 795x1649, blini.png)


new board, new start?
have some fail gijinkas of stuff.
42 posts and 21 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


thank you, i mean i hope this is a positive comment, it sounds like one! and colourscolourscolours was my intention!


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SirGemini asked me to give making textures a shot. I made some faces! these are the ones im most proud of. Hopefully he can upload them to the worlds server soon.


File: 1333805827438.png (1.6 MB, 806x1420, safetypinday.png)

and i cry out "anyone miss me"


File: 1333806029036.png (482.59 KB, 862x813, chchdgdj.png)

and the board whispers


This is a cool one :) if you're still around here, could you make some more teeth artsies?

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something i drew for the board
10 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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is that an arm or a really prominent boner


your head



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i finally learned how to make straight, crisp, clean lines in sai


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here is the prototype of that image that i drew in november 2010

getting better at drawing is awesome i should try it more often

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I'll just leave a cat effect madotsuki here…may post more later.


Cute. The eyes seem off to me but I'm no artist. Good job!

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Shameless Homestuck rip-off of mine, that i'm working on in my spare time. Feel free to check out.


File: 1326536089117.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.49 MB, 364x242, 015asian_hentaigif.net.gif)

Love you so much. <3


Bump because of update. Also perhaps this should go into /co/…

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Is it okay if I have an art thread, or a place to post my shitty musing I call art?

(Are sprites considered art?)

I guess first thing I should begin with is whatever this is. A friend was drawing whatever came to mind when he thought of me, and ended up being some kind of floating maned lizard thing with a spiral belly. So I tried to do my own spin on it. I might try to sprite this later, if sprites are considered artwork here.

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Favourite Artist Thread?
Favourite artist thread.

My personal favourite is CatySummer. http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=111823
6 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Some people from tumblr.


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Model-Magic Requests!

Any reason why it says you have to add a image?
That is why the picture is unrelated.


well its an IMAGE BOARD that's just kinda the way it goes
that's why you always see a bunch of posts saying 'picture unrelated'


That's so that we are encouraged to put more pictures.
Also, I'm pretty sure this would probably go in /sugg/

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Post drawings you made of Yume Nikki characters in human form. Obviously, I mean the ones that don't look human at all.


File: 1330327470844.png (16.36 KB, 523x404, kyuutokuo.png)

I also made this, but, that's all of the human Yume Nikki stuff I've made so far. I hope some other people on here have made cool Yume Nikki human art.

File: 1329605762251.png (1.63 MB, 1605x2097, Yume Nikki adventure time.png)


something outta boredom

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