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/o/ - Art / Oekaki

Oekaki is back!!!

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File: 1333936604922.png (144.31 KB, 600x600, Madotsuki Easter.png)


Happy Easter, everybody! Here's some of my art.

Oh, and, art thread for me I guess? Let's see if I have anything for a small dump.


File: 1333936678242.png (102.15 KB, 500x500, SSoH Fanart.png)

Here's some fanart of a guy who plays video games and makes a lot of videos of great quantity.


File: 1333936758506.png (753.91 KB, 835x2000, SleepoverClothes.png)

And here's some of my original characters in different outfits and also the first use of this style that I've grown fond of.


File: 1333936839359.png (73.45 KB, 2000x2000, Yume Nikki Bed Color1.png)

Oh yes here is one of my earlier Yume Nikki pieces that I believe I uploaded on the previous version of Uboachan.


File: 1333937222267.png (160.01 KB, 1366x768, Yarn and NyraDesktopA.png)

Oh yeah and here's some basic desktop thing I never really finished of the two main characters of a fangame I've been working on that will probably never have a playable demo because of my procrastinating.

Speaking of would anyone happen to have any idea of what gaming engine I should use to make a game with a camera limited in eight directions, and the character being a large 2D drawing, like the size of a character in some modern 3rd person gaming… game? Off topic but worth a shot to ask.

Also I suppose I'll end the dump now.


File: 1335763746035.png (2.83 MB, 1500x1000, SleepoverGritSmall.png)

Something I randomly arted over the past two days. It actually uses up negative space you have no idea how big a stepping stone this is for me.



i actually like this a lot idk why


File: 1340406626038.png (311.91 KB, 1024x1024, Fangame Hangout.png)

Oh yeah here's some fanart of some fangames I like. First time using Inkscape!

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