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Don't touch the lights!
Recent Posts (General) [descending]
>>/ot/27803: <imagepost>
>>/og/2850: >>6855 Never mind, I think I might have made it up.
>>/ot/27285: I shamefully admit I really like classic 9gag memes like trollface, rage guy, advice animals, a…
>>/ot/27830: sure, though I would place that date a few years earlier, around 2018? maybe even 2016 and yea…
>>/og/2850: >>2850 There's an RPG Maker based upon The Void, the russian game. Does anybody have it, I kno…
>>/lit/383: Bring forth the tides, the lust, the rhymes, the manners we were taught, the little thrills,…
>>/yndd/2625: I personally love when mado's room has rain outside. So cozy.
>>/media/2029: Definitely Nier, no game comes close.
>>/ot/27598: >>27814 Feeling the same thing, I miss how pure internet was, everything had more substance to…
>>/ot/27830: hate to be a complainer lol but internet is not fun anymore. so many cool chans dying like 420c…
>>/cc/492: the scenery feels wrong, like something bad happened there.
>>/x/1833: I think the thing that most connect people is their own ideas and minds, so I guess creating so…
>>/x/1850: Your neurosis and paranoia will give her curse more power, specially if you are already paranoi…
>>/og/2850: >>6760 Damn, thank you very much! Sadly it looks like they took down the links to Dark Necklof…
Recent Posts (NEET) [descending]
>>/hikki/7723: sounds like autism, but it isnt if you dont have much trouble with problem solving and navigati…
>>/hikki/8376: >>8942 Most of all I recommend not taking any of the supportive posts for granted
>>/hikki/8376: I'm not trans but as I age I've started losing my boyish androgynous features. But I've noticed…
>>/hikki/8376: >>8940 Honestly can't argue against this, not because you're right but because per site rules:…
>>/hikki/8376: >>8933 Everything is superficial in the 21st century. You also don't have to identify or prese…
>>/hikki/8376: >>8912 If it's just your face bothering you, there's a specific cream you can get that you can…
>>/hikki/8376: >>8929 i'm trans and i've never watched porn in my life
>>/hikki/8376: >>8930 Surgery + subsequent visits/antibiotics to keep the axe wound from closing or getting i…
>>/hikki/8376: sine according to government policy i was female at conception then i am female now so this mak…
>>/hikki/8376: >>8929 It's certainly not to be taken lightly, but how is it financially irresponsible? A year…
>>/hikki/8376: >>8927 Talking from experience? Maybe, probably. I just had the thoughts similar to yours 10+ …
>>/hikki/8376: >>8925 I want to try more crossdressing, so ill do that first before i give it a stop to test …
>>/hikki/8376: >>8924 Occupy yourself with as much activities as possible to have literally no time neither f…
>>/hikki/8376: >>8923 HOLY FUCKING SHIT i really hope you're right, i have trouble leaving porn but ill try m…
>>/hikki/8376: >>8912 This is just a phase, give it some time and you'll get through it. Distraction is a key…
Latest Scanlations by Patchy Illusion Team
At the depths of the unwakeable dream by Mitsuki Kuroaread or download04/19/2020
This dream, due to the frenzyby Mitsukoaread or download03/30/2020
Not-So-Secret Anti-Spam Weapon Completed — by seisatsu at 07/17/24 (Wed) 15:39:05
I have modified the software today to be able to block the actual endpoints of the shortened URLs usually included in CP spam. This should help a lot with slowing down the spam; the spammers have infinite URL shorteners but so far they all point to the same few places. We will start checking endpoints and adding them to the blocklist soon. Hopefully browsing will become less stressful.

This modification has also been submitted as a pull request to the main vichan repo. Hopefully they pick it up and other sites can start using it.
2022 U.S.A.G.I. Gamejam — by seisatsu at 03/23/22 (Wed) 10:38:39
Hello everyone! Our very first, 2022 U.S.A.G.I. Gamejam has ended with several people actually submitting projects, which is awesome and more than a lot of us expected.

I had really hoped to play all of these and write up some short blurbs to include with this newspost, but a messy work-life balance combined with problems getting some of these to run on my Linux machine have made that difficult, and I feel making a shorter newspost now is better than making a longer one in a few weeks.

A gigantic thank you to everyone who participated! Here are our four submissions, all made available on Itch.IO. They all look pretty awesome so please give them a try, and let the devs know what you think in their /usagi/ threads!

* Stabbing Game by IsNotAduck: https://isnotaduck.itch.io/stabbing-game
* Convulsion Shooter by korkskrew2000: https://korkskrew2000.itch.io/convulsion-shooter
* Metatron's Library by BotanikiDev: https://botaniki.itch.io/metatronslibrary
* BLOOM by team2weiser: https://team2weiser.itch.io/bloom
Very Late Birthday Newspost — by seisatsu at 03/11/21 (Thu) 07:36:57
Hello. It's good to see that some of you are still here. Apologies for the very late birthday post; losing my laptop may be a decent excuse but honestly I am just a little bit worn out. My birthday is about a month before Uboachan's, and I turned 30 this time! And I have a full time job now. So, I guess feeling tired is unsurprising. But, on to the real news.

So, what happened since my last newspost? Well, Uboacraft has been back online for a while, so that's neat. The Dream World MUD got some major updates last year, so check that out if you haven't already. And, there were also a few new scanlations, though activity has tapered off for the last while. Discord remains our most active community by far, though mostly entirely separate from the board community. And, I am still the only active board staff member. Thankfully there hasn't been much trouble lately.

I guess the biggest thing has been the rules update. I'm glad that went over as smoothly as it did, and I regret not doing it years ago. My sticky in /sugg/ has more to say about that. Still, I feel like it's too little too late, and we lost a lot of good members early on that aren't going to come back. But, there's only so much you can gain by looking backwards, so I try not to think about it too much, and to just be happy with the choices I've made more recently.

Also! Sushichan is doing really well. We took in another imageboard that shut down last year, and there's actually a lot of activity. So, that's worth checking out if you like comfy spaces.

Until next year, friends!

- Seisatsu
Happy Birthday Uboachan! (I can't believe we're actually still here edition) — by seisatsu at 01/07/20 (Tue) 19:59:12
Post Under Construction

Translated by Patchy Illusion Team
We're not dead yet. (Scanlations Update) — by Chesir at 01/25/19 (Fri) 01:42:54
Hello, good news at last. We've got a little present for ubuu in this anniversary. Seisatsu bought 10 doujin books and delivered them to me a few days ago, and lo! They're really wonderful. I'll be setting my scanner to work, once I fix an old computer I have with the needed parallel port to connect it. It makes me a little sad to think that they will suffer a bit once I put them in the scanner, but some sacrifices must be done for the greater cause.

I always amazed me how these have escaped the eye of the fandom for so long, so I'm very happy that we are finally able bring them to you. However, bear in mind that it will take me a while to scan, then transcribe and translate all of these, so I hope you guys will be able to bear with me for a while (although I promise to give you guys some taste of it before it's finished). After I set up everything here, I will prepare something in discord (since, sadly, and as much as it pains me, IRC is dead) for the people interested in helping me, either with the translation, image editing, pasting of text, or proofreading. Stay tuned.

Ubuu has been up and running for 10 years, delivering content related to Yume Nikki since then. We host the translation, we have seen the birth of successful fangames in our boards, and now we deliver translated doujinshi to the fandom. Who can tell what will come next?

Discussion Thread and Teaser Photos