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/fg/ - Fangames


Password (For file deletion.)

The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

File: 1739822425429-0.png (5.16 KB, 488x524, 1660149010781.png)


Previous: >>11317


File: 1739822982211-0.jpg (268.46 KB, 811x1200, 1693920494298.jpg)

Not sure why posting attempt in the old thread was givig "your request looks automated, post discarded" error, but I figured creating a new one would most likely solve the issue.


File: 1739897480071-0.png (557.14 KB, 1039x1178, __urotsuki_yume_2kki_drawn….png)

File: 1739897480071-1.png (365.62 KB, 900x786, __urotsuki_yume_2kki_drawn….png)

urotsuki a cute!!


File: 1739912794355.png (103.93 KB, 250x188, uro.png)

Oh wow lol nice


File: 1739982173981-0.png (60.79 KB, 1280x960, RedBlackWorld1.png)

File: 1739982173981-1.png (7.51 KB, 320x240, Copper_Cube_Plains.png)

So, 710 returned and we're not talking about it? One of the best things to happen to 2kki as of late.

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