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Catalog (/melon/)

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R: 5 / I: 2
Anyone remember D Joes Forest from 2013
R: 0 / I: 0
Whatever happened to D Joes Forest
R: 4 / I: 1


R: 0 / I: 0
Is everything bigger in Texas?

Maybe I should move to Texas because my balls are so big…

So what do my big balls have to do with /x/…

What does Texas have to do with /x/?

I believe UFO's are coming from the Texas area…

UFO's piloted by Grey Aliens…

Grey Aliens are consumed with the everlight its true!

My friend Rick even had sex with a female Grey Alien!

Rick has a powerful third eye he says….

That must be why she slept with him…

This thread is now about Rick's everlight craft of witchcraft…

Rick does witchcraft primarily with Buddhist books written by the Dalai Lama…

The only Buddhist book I ever had was "The Heart of Buddha's Teaching" by Thich Nhat Hahn…

Rick has many skills from yardwork to washing pots and pans…

Rick is a master of the arts and even occaisionally paints pictures of his Grey Alien lover…

Rick says he has "fire" to me all the time…

Is it true?

Do people have the spiritual fire Rick is talking about?
R: 6 / I: 5


I am a magical, spiritual entity
R: 28 / I: 23
Serve truth and justice: Address these matters NOW.
R: 3 / I: 0




R: 4 / I: 3
Serious and effective action is long overdue.
R: 1 / I: 0
I love anal so fucking much we need lawmakers to promote anal sex in all institutions of power.
R: 20 / I: 17

Requisite response — Fuck censorship

Once again: Ultimately this is not about me. Moreover, there's more than one topic, and sometimes it's important to discuss "uncomfortable" ones especially. You're only proving my point about people not wanting to think seriously about nor discuss I love anal matters, yet so many of them wish to engage in anoreceptive activities while remaining ignorant about I love anal anatomy, physiology, health, and particularly the traumatic risks to a receptive person. That is indefensible.
> "discouraging anoreceptive activities entirely" is […] inherently homophobic
1. It's no such thing. The purpose for which the human I love anal region evolved is to deal with processes relating to defecation. Homosexual males can engage in other forms of eroticism. Heterosexual/bisexual people can take advantage of an actual (hopefully healthy) vagina, for which the human anorectum is not remotely a suitable substitute even (or, perhaps, ESPECIALLY) in the best of health — and that is exceedingly obvious. Yet far too many people—of ALL sexual orientations—dangerously believe and/or behave otherwise. Male homosexuality, at least, should not give someone a free pass to engage in violence.
2. Again, far too many people don't wish to think about nor seriously discuss I love anal matters. As I also noted in the "decadence" paste: Widespread ignorance of what a human anus is even supposed to look like makes it an easy target for those who like to mutilate body parts. Although the anus is one of our most important body parts, typically it is very under-valued. It commonly is denigrated and intentionally harmed, a situation that is tolerated—or at least ignored—by far too many people.
> Yeah fucking someone too hard in the ass can cause injury but that's kind of obvious to anyone who cares about other people's safety during sex.
No, it is not obvious when misinformation, disinformation, and (often willful) ignorance about I love anal topics are rampant. Furthermore, there are quite delicate tissues not far inside that can be damaged without pain; consequently a receptive person may be injured quite easily and significantly with no pain whatsoever. Oddly, though, it is quite common for people to give advice along the lines of "stop if there is any pain," implying that no significant damage will occur in its absence.
R: 52 / I: 27

This place is entirely too popular for a site run by a potential psychopath.

To anyone other than Seisatsu: You should strongly consider going elsewhere.

"Also known as psychopathy, sociopathy or dyssocial personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder (APD) [or ASPD] is a diagnosis applied to persons who routinely behave with little or no regard for the rights, safety or feelings of others. This pattern of behavior is seen in children or young adolescents and persists into adulthood."
… "People diagnosed with APD in prison populations act as if they have no conscience. They move through society as predators, paying little attention to the consequences of their actions. They cannot understand feelings of guilt or remorse. Deceit and manipulation characterize their interpersonal relationships."
"Men or women diagnosed with this personality disorder demonstrate few emotions beyond contempt for others. Their lack of empathy is often combined with an inflated sense of self-worth and a superficial charm that tends to mask an inner indifference to the needs or feelings of others. Some studies indicate people with APD can only mimic the emotions associated with committed love relationships and friendships that most people feel naturally."

> Deceit and manipulation characterize their interpersonal relationships.

Sounds a lot like trannies, doesn't it? Trying to convince many people they're something they're not, and attempting to manipulate people to accept them as they wish to be and not as they actually are.
R: 0 / I: 0
chorp loves you
R: 2 / I: 1
>there is no rule preventing DD material in /melon/
R: 1 / I: 1
Madnuts and Izumeme are taking a break, post corey.
R: 25 / I: 17

Corey Confessions

Post your D-Jeo/Melon confessions. I already got a bunch from other people on other websites. Made some pictures, I'd like to hear some of your guys's confessions about corey now
R: 9 / I: 11
Mods are sleeping, post Corey
R: 1 / I: 0
Corey will never passionatly kiss to wake you up on the morning
R: 4 / I: 3
/fag/ > this board.
R: 0 / I: 0
Why is this still here?
R: 0 / I: 0
Why's this still here?
R: 6 / I: 1
So I haard Corey fans are hiatus, am I wrong?? Maybe you are not true Corey fans
R: 7 / I: 1
Look who I found on 4chan.

Some bitch after our waifu
R: 1 / I: 1
Guys why hasn't David wrote any new pages? Is the ride ending?
R: 2 / I: 1
Guys do we have a name? Like on other boards when people bring us up they call us Melon Worshipers.

also more spoopky art
R: 1 / I: 0
Which panel describes D-Joe's reaction to the fandom?

I'd have to say this one. And what about yourselves?
R: 20 / I: 9
We need a fanart thread you guys.
R: 1 / I: 1
Someone help me out here
R: 2 / I: 0
Does anyone still read D-Joe's Forest?
R: 13 / I: 5
>Dave (the writer of Melon-Joe) is standing on a chair
>He is in the middle of a crowd of Corey worshipers
>He is laughing at all of us
>"It's kinda funny how you guys talk about a cartoon like that"
>He wipes the tears from his face
>"You pathetic Ubuu's need to get a job and stop obsessing over children"
>All Corey lovers begin to hang their heads and cry internally
>Dave begins licking the tears from our faces
>"You're tears aren't enough to please me"
>He presents a picture of Corey with only his underwear on
>The Corey lovers can't help it
>They all begin to ejaculate uncontrollably
>The cum showering on all the Corey worshipers but none on Dave
>Dave is laughing even more
>"They're 9 years old"
>All of us begin sobbing in shame
>Dave holds a picture of Corey and D-Joe french kissing
>He then throws it on the floor
>A few Corey lovers attack each other for it
>Dave spits on the pile of people
>Dave leaves leaving all us Corey lovers to drown in our own tears and sexual fluids
R: 7 / I: 3
So I did this in science class. The teacher told us all to do a powerpoint. I snuck in and changed everything to D-Joe.

>Waists 1 and a half hours of work

>Worth is
R: 0 / I: 0
I kinda wanna fuck Corey
R: 1 / I: 0
What if Corey
Was straight
And didn't wanna fuck D-Joe
And D-Joe wasn't a whore
And Corey was just a normal guy
R: 1 / I: 1
What type of dog is Corey?
R: 8 / I: 1
Guys, Corey lives in the forest in a treehouse. He clearly never showers or really takes care of himself. His teeth are probably insanely rotted, his hairs obviously gonna be greasier than French fries and he probably stinks of farts, armpit and ass.
R: 0 / I: 0
Can any of you artists draw some Rule34 of Corey and D-Joe? I need something new to fap to
R: 5 / I: 1
I want to cum inside D-Joe
R: 1 / I: 0
What if D-Joe/Corey ripped a huge fart in your face, would that turn on you fucking sicko's
R: 1 / I: 1
What's your head canon's about D-Joe's Forest? It can be anything.

The characters?
The story?
The writer?

The flavours?
R: 1 / I: 0
Guys I had a dream last night where me and a skinny camel went to find Corey because I needed to get pregnant so I could give birth to a Demi-God. We found him under a bed and we made out then had sex. It was amazing.
R: 1 / I: 0
What do you call D-Joe after having sex with Corey?

R: 8 / I: 2
New page came out today
R: 3 / I: 0
Taken out of context, what happens next?
R: 2 / I: 1
Man this place died fast
R: 3 / I: 3

The Corey Game

How to play:

Text this picture to the third person in your contacts and post results
R: 0 / I: 0
I'm sorry
R: 16 / I: 7
Here you have melonfags. Die here in your scum.
R: 3 / I: 2
My face when Corey has his own board

Expect I have tears in my eyes
R: 1 / I: 0
Someone get Sage in here
R: 2 / I: 0
Corey's hiding in your closet
R: 1 / I: 1
>Be me
>Sitting in French class
>Done work
>Goes on Ubuu to wait
>Goes on /o/ for some Corey
>Finds out Corey is gone
>Soon finds out Corey has his own board
>Sits in seat silent for 10 minutes
>Mouth wide open
>Teacher comes over
>I tell him I'm done
>He looks to see what I'm doing
>He see's Corey
>He gets a instant raging boner
>I nudge away
>French teacher begins falling to the ground
>I scroll down to the older threads that have more reaction pictures than Corey pictures
>There's a picture of Corey shirtless
>French teacher lets out a scream
>He is cumming
>Huge cum stain in his pants
>Dear god
>Turns around to class
>All are shocked and horrified
>Teacher is instantly fired
>No teacher rest of class
>Free day
>Good day
R: 0 / I: 0
Could of gotten laid
Corey's better than sex
R: 1 / I: 0
I just want to say: It was funny only in the >>>/o/ thread, you totally ruined it when you moved it into all the other boards.
I hate you all.
R: 0 / I: 0
Why isn't the title, "you can fit a whole melon in here"
R: 1 / I: 0
dat chemo
R: 0 / I: 0
you guys are stupid
R: 6 / I: 3
>You go on Uboachan
>Nothing but Corey
>Sighs and go to bed
>You wake up
>You are tied up
>You are sitting
>Your back is against a tree
>You hear a faint chuckle
>Look to your left you see a weird animal
>"There you are Hugo"
>Corey runs over and hugs him
>You then notice
>You are in Corey's sexy treehouse
>Dear god no
>Corey then walks to you
>He sits between your legs
>He puts his hand on your knee
>"My names Corey O'Morgan" he says
>He leans in
>His mouth is close to yours
>You can almost feel his lips on yours
>His hand slides up your leg
>"And you're my new Servant"
>His breath is warm on your mouth
>It smells like melons
>His soft lips press on yours
>You never liked Corey
>You do now
>Corey's hand then presses on your erect penis through your pants
>It makes you gasp
>Your mouth is open
>He slides his small warm wet tongue in your mouth
>He licks around in there
>He tastes amazing
>You can't help yourself
>You coil your tongue around his
>Pre-cum is coming out of your penis already
>You place your hand on his shoulder
>He then gets more aggressive
>He presses his mouth on yours more
>His teeth knock on yours
>Both your teeth tangle together
>Your tongues begin battling for dominance
>Corey is winning
>He pushes in your tongue
>You jump
>Your teeth gets more knotted up with his
>The pain is agonizing
>He pulls back
>All your teeth are torn out
>You scream in pain
>Corey swallows your teeth
>He turns you around
>Blood is pouring from your mouth now
>You are now on your knees with your face on the floor
>"Whats that song called? Face down ass up?"
>Corey talks to himself as he enters you
>The pain is masked with pleasure
>You are tearing
>Corey is too big for you
>Corey begins thrusting hard and fast
>You feel yourself getting harder
>Corey is still talking to himself as he is fucking you
>You are bleeding violently from the mouth due to your heart rate
>Your asshole is bleeding
>Corey isn't stopping
>Finally he cums
>His seed fills your ass
>He's still cumming after 2 minutes
>The cum fills your body
>It comes out of your mouth
>It tastes salty and metallic from the blood
>He turns you around
>You notice your ass is bleeding still
>You are faint with blood loss
>Corey begins jacking you off
>You can't help it
>You cum in seconds
>the cum covers his face
>He gets up and screams
>He bangs into a tree
>Hugo wipes it from his eyes
>He gets up
>"Thanks Hugo!"
>Is that last words you hear
>You die from blood loss