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/melon/ - Corey

i can't even think of a title jesus christ GET IT AWAY

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The new CP spam filter now also works on posts that hide the link in the image instead of the post body.

File: 1681615644921.png (680.45 KB, 1232x3337, TAKE ACTION v3.png)


To anyone other than Seisatsu: You should strongly consider going elsewhere.

"Also known as psychopathy, sociopathy or dyssocial personality disorder, antisocial personality disorder (APD) [or ASPD] is a diagnosis applied to persons who routinely behave with little or no regard for the rights, safety or feelings of others. This pattern of behavior is seen in children or young adolescents and persists into adulthood."
… "People diagnosed with APD in prison populations act as if they have no conscience. They move through society as predators, paying little attention to the consequences of their actions. They cannot understand feelings of guilt or remorse. Deceit and manipulation characterize their interpersonal relationships."
"Men or women diagnosed with this personality disorder demonstrate few emotions beyond contempt for others. Their lack of empathy is often combined with an inflated sense of self-worth and a superficial charm that tends to mask an inner indifference to the needs or feelings of others. Some studies indicate people with APD can only mimic the emotions associated with committed love relationships and friendships that most people feel naturally."

> Deceit and manipulation characterize their interpersonal relationships.

Sounds a lot like trannies, doesn't it? Trying to convince many people they're something they're not, and attempting to manipulate people to accept them as they wish to be and not as they actually are.


File: 1681615761553.png (330.12 KB, 1138x1192, reddit.png)

If that's not sufficient reason, then entirely banning discussion of important topics relevant to humanity in general ought to be. (Check the rules: discussing I love anal violence is banned.)

>Reddit /r/painal

Other subreddits which obviously violate Reddit's policy* regarding violent content yet strangely still [as of 2023/04/14] persist nonetheless: /r/Roughanal /r/DegradingHoles /r/analfisting

* "Do not post content that encourages, glorifies, incites, or calls for violence or physical harm against an individual (including oneself) or a group of people"

(Notable addition made in September of 2021: "Note that health misinformation, namely falsifiable health information that encourages or poses a significant risk of physical harm to the reader, also violates the Rule.")

For far too many years now the subreddits mentioned above have been encouraging, glorifying, and inciting some violent behaviors—particularly I love anal violence—that should easily constitute severely criminal behavior when more than one person is involved (at the very least for potentially-lethal outcomes/sequelae). People at high levels of Reddit must be held accountable: not only for failing to uphold their own site's policies, but also for enabling the spread of violent crime along with dangerously false information facilitating it on subreddits such as /r/sex.


File: 1681615892563.png (1.25 MB, 1391x9386, reddit bullshit & omission.png)

> I love anal violence
I see that idiotic word substitution filter is still active. That should be ano-rectal violence with no dash.
> dangerously false information facilitating it on subreddits such as /r/sex
Here is another image of relevance.


The zipped plaintext can be retrieved like so:

dd bs=1k skip=1280 if="reddit bullshit & omission.png" of="reddit bullshit & omission.zip"


you can admit you're jealous of all the gay sex you're not getting, anon.


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Nah, I'm a straight biological male (although I do play a lesbian female in video games sometimes: I don't wanna stare at man ass; no, I'm not in danger of becoming a tranny, as I'm quite capable of separating fantasy from reality thank you very much). I merely want to see more turdcutters approaching the anatomical ideal (sans hair, and when they're clean with no poo in sight) and belonging to attractive biological females to use as fap material, endeavoring to produce the gooey white substance and waste it on pleasure. The horror! All those unborn babies! I'm such a sinner omg! Won't somebody please think of the spermies?!


I certainly can understand the appeal of shitposting. But(t)
> I merely want to see more turdcutters approaching the anatomical ideal (sans hair, and when they're clean with no poo in sight) and belonging to attractive biological females
Perhaps instead I'll post such poopers in the near future. No shit, neither of the figurative nor the literal variety. No NSFW spoilage either, because why should I give anyone the opportunity to miss true beauty?

[In many cases I'll write up some quirky post only to discard it before actually posting it anywhere. This is not one of those cases. I don't feel like archiving this thread just now however, so maybe it won't be preserved for posterity — pun intended.]


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At first, you were just a bit too enthusiastic about the dangers of anal sex. But now you are just trolling.


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Lives rent free in your head. No one who doesn't want anal would be this obsessed with anal. We all know you're wanking it hard to anal sex on the daily making posts like this across so many different boards. It really tells that even boards that congregate around lolcows have banned you. You are one of the biggest laughing stock schizos around these past few years and you probably get off on that too. One day I hope you move onto a more benign obsession, like the schizo blog I once found obsessed with reviewing every DMV that he could.


File: 1681702126952.gif (Spoiler Image, 991.6 KB, 500x262, gorgeous anus.gif)

> But now you are just trolling.
1. No, I am not trolling.
2. As I have pointed out countless times before, ultimately this is not about me. There are much greater issues to be concerned about here. ANYTHING about me pales into utter insignificance compared to the gravity of those concerns.
> No one who doesn't want anal would be this obsessed with anal.
Not so: I wrote about both an aesthetic anus fetish and rampant, anus-mutilating erotic ano rectal violence in the OP image. As I also noted: This fetish does indeed seem to be very rare: otherwise that violence would have strong opposition.
> We all know you're wanking it hard to anal sex on the daily
Again, not so. As I wrote in the past elsewhere, "I'm basically being forced into nofap because I'm tired of fapping to material featuring the same limited selection of women who had a beautiful anus consistently at least throughout a porn [stint], most of whom I wouldn't find attractive in person even when they were in their prime. (That's because I've been forced to set aside minor pet peeves for porn: non-excessive tattoos, non-ear piercings, slight chunkiness, a bearably unattractive face, fake breasts, and the list goes on…)" Reference: 4chan /r9k/thread/30128609 Fri 22 Jul 2016 23:08:23 No.30131351 https://desuarchive.org/r9k/thread/30128609/#30131351

As for the rest of your post, see what was written in the paste covering logically-fallacious diversionary tactics in the OP image.
> Perhaps instead I'll post such poopers in the near future.
Here is #1.


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Hello Anal Crusader-san, I'm the staff who moved you to this board, enjoy your stay.

For my two cents and provide you with a serious response for once, here's the deal, I don't really have an issue with someone opposing anal activities, though I never thought I would need to say that to someone.
The thing is, when you go to places you are expected to dress for the occassion, in imageboards that would mean lurk before posting. That is how people know you respect the community, regardless of why you are posting.
Had you done some lurking, you'd have realized we are a fansite about an Undertale inspired game about a girl who explores her dreams looking for her shoes and she can't find them but she finally figures they were in her balcony the whole time, which causes her to kill herself, but I digress, it's a game about an implied shut-in girl, naturally, people who found interest in a similar type of media gathered, as you could assume, it's people who mostly are interested in similar things.

Point is, you would've found we are a community that doesn't really get involved in any kind of politics, activism, or anything like that, we come here to discuss NEET lifestyle and mental health, weird stuff that isn't too serious, random shitposting and LARP as game developers.
Remember your first thread wasn't really getting any serious feedback, despite your persistence, that is the reason, there is nothing wrong with not wanting your topic here, just like there is nothing wrong with not allowing "Pro Anal Violence" activism…should such a thing exist, any kind of activism or divisive topic will probably get opposed to, autosaged, ignored, deleted, or trolled, depending on what kinda anons or mods catch it first.

I mean, check the catalogs, how many discussions similar to any kind of activism can you find?
It's just not the right website for it.


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Did you also spoiler the file I posted in post 249? That's understandable I suppose, although I did say I wouldn't do that.
> Had you done some lurking, you'd have realized we are a fansite about an Undertale inspired game
As I pointed out back in December: "Prior to Seisatsu's recent changes to the rules, there was nothing forbidding discussion of topics I've covered on the OFF-TOPIC board." https://web.archive.org/web/20221211160547/https://uboachan.net/sugg/res/3905.html#3909

I also noted this in the same thread in a post (12/11/22 (Sun) 17:43:22 No.3918) I didn't manage to archive before the thread disappeared: "If an OFF-TOPIC board doesn't belong on the site, then it ought to be removed. There are plenty of topics on /ot/ that do not adhere to some pie-in-the-sky "board culture" notion."

The fact is that Seisatsu (probably among others around here) simply doesn't want these topics to be seriously discussed on Uboachan, calling them "uncomfortable." As I wrote at the top of the archived thread referenced above in response to Seisatsu saying "your topic is really uncomfortable:"

There is more than one topic, and discussing any of them was not against the rules until very recently. Sometimes it is important to discuss especially topics that are considered "uncomfortable." You are only proving my point about people not wanting to think about ano rectal topics, and yet so many of them wish to engage in anoreceptive activities while remaining ignorant about ano rectal anatomy, physiology, health, and especially the traumatic risks to a receptive person involved. That is not defensible.
> It's just not the right website for it.
There seems to be no correct place when far too many people simply don't wish to think seriously about various "uncomfortable" topics I and others have covered. The problem is that many people really do need to do so. People in societies worldwide may well be forced to seriously learn about and discuss these topics at some point when the consequences of "sticking their heads in the sand" along with believing & spreading bullshit (most especially the health-harmful variety) for far too long can no longer be ignored.


You almost completely ignored the post and instead focused on seisatsus post about it being uncomfortable. Off topic as it may be, what you're talking about simply does not belong on this site nor covers any of the general topics, ethos, and so on this site has ever had. Your posts are not going to be treated as any invitation to an open conversation, but rather a stubborn forcing of sex politics that virtually no one here wants.
I fail to see what's the point in all this effort you make to insistently annoy both the staff and lurkers here, you're fighting to have a platform on a chan that has maybe 2 posts daily and is almost entirely irrelevant to what you're talking about. Furthermore, all you're doing now is attacking the owner. You're barely even fighting for your cause anymore, and instead are just doing it out of petty emotions.


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> You almost completely ignored the post and instead focused on seisatsus post about it being uncomfortable.
As I pointed out in an old post of mine: There are plenty of topics on /ot/ that do not adhere to some pie-in-the-sky "board culture" notion.

It seems that you're simply unwilling to acknowledge that point, among others I made. You (among others) are also ignoring, or didn't even read, what I wrote IN THE OP IMAGE.
> Your posts are not going to be treated as any invitation to an open conversation, but rather a stubborn forcing of sex politics that virtually no one here wants.
The OP image is called "TAKE ACTION" for very good reason. This is more about convincing people to act (ideally after they spend some time reading what many others have written and learning about related matters). This most certainly is not about discussing one lone and insignificant messenger.
> Furthermore, all you're doing now is attacking the owner.
I'm doing much more than that.
> You're barely even fighting for your cause anymore
1. YET AGAIN: Ultimately this is not about me.
2. This isn't really _my_ cause. It is _humanity's_ cause. The sooner many humans out there realize that, the better off we'll all be in the long run.

The key problem here is that many people just are not listening. That is exemplified by the fact that I have to mention or even quote what I wrote in the paste covering logically-fallacious diversionary tactics so often.


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Sometimes I feel as if I'm on trial. Meanwhile there are many violent people out there, and the subset of them perpetrating especially ano rectal violence against one or more others in public pornography is inspiring countless viewers while said perpetrators go unpunished — for decades in some cases. https://web.archive.org/web/20230315004029/https://lainchan.org/hum/res/63618.html#63641
> the paste covering logically-fallacious diversionary tactics
• A red herring is a tangential topic introduced intentionally as a distraction or inadvertently. Trying to create an unrelated discussion about a messenger or claimant (e.g. by introducing alleged personal attributes or asking about unstated opinions) is one _very_ common example.
• An ad hominem logical fallacy involves arguing or implying that some supposed attribute(s) of a messenger or source somehow affects the validity of one or more claims presented when any such characteristic is completely irrelevant — and this is nonsensical for cases in which information originates from others. (Sometimes such characteristics can be relevant: For example, it may be appropriate to question someone's honesty when she makes a claim about herself or her own experiences. However, a better idea may be to mention the anecdotal evidence logical fallacy, i.e. favoring some personal anecdote(s) over evidence based on science and logic.)
• Misrepresentation—introducing a distorted version of something—is another means of creating a diversion. Attacking a fabrication in order to suggest refutal of what was actually presented constitutes a straw man logical fallacy. (A refutation featuring one or more vague, sweeping claims without proof may be related. The burden of proof rests on the claimant.)

It is suggestive of a nefarious agenda and/or psychopathy to purposely and repeatedly try to draw attention away from ano rectal anatomy and physiology, rampant ano rectal violence, associated traumatic risks, and an epidemic of ignorance and misinformation. These topics, plus the voluminous amount of information from others, are far more important than anything about a lone person trying to raise awareness of them. It is very likely that pornography industries utilize psychopaths as deceitful and manipulative "psyop" agents when some pornography companies already make use of them for perpetration of violence against one or more others.


Understand that NO ONE here is going to read your OP image or any other long winded posts you make in regards to rectal violence. This is not because you are inherently wrong, as many people here do not entirely disagree or dismiss your points, but because of the fact that you have cluttered the chan up with your posts, you have insistently evaded bans, you have attacked the owner, you have now started posting pornography in places where pornography is almost non existent, you've been petty, rude, non conforming to any sort of rules or site culture in any place you've harassed, and have reduced yourself to a laughing stock multiple times, both here, lainchan, etc. Because of this, your, or as you put it, Humanities cause will not be taken seriously here, especially with your current approaches.


File: 1681726424560.gif (Spoiler Image, 998.52 KB, 500x270, anus: beautiful and delica….gif)

> YET AGAIN: Ultimately this is not about me.
> It is suggestive of a nefarious agenda and/or psychopathy to purposely and repeatedly try to draw attention away from ano rectal anatomy and physiology, rampant ano rectal violence, associated traumatic risks, and an epidemic of ignorance and misinformation. These topics, plus the voluminous amount of information from others, are far more important than anything about a lone person trying to raise awareness of them. It is very likely that pornography industries utilize psychopaths as deceitful and manipulative "psyop" agents when some pornography companies already make use of them for perpetration of violence against one or more others.
You're not even listening, plus you've wasted far too much of my time with what looks rather like a smear campaign. Enough is enough.


File: 1681728803141.jpeg (75.56 KB, 1274x720, EEC3AA67-0373-4DB9-BA6F-6….jpeg)

>An ad hominem logical fallacy involves arguing or implying that some supposed attribute(s) of a messenger or source somehow affects the validity of one or more claims presented blah blah blah
ooooh big word with definition make me look smart so my chronic anal posting disorder seems less unhinged

this is a NEET hovel. read the room. you literally helped add the first banned topic, does your anal wrath know no bounds? What mad bastard wizard sent you on this ass quest? For the holy ass grail? The lord of the buttrings? I am genuinely fascinated by you


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> common prejudices against and denigration of the anus
Whenever you're tempted to call someone an asshole, remember that it's an insult to one of our most important body parts.

I prefer calling someone a piece of shit instead.

But then the Poo Avenger might come along and say it's plant food… Can't win sometimes. Ah well.


>But then the Poo Avenger might come along
may Apollo’s gift of prophecy completely miss you


File: 1681736404908.png (780.55 KB, 1200x300, ejbm.png)

Does anyone else feel bad for buttman? He's clearly very autistic. Like how we all just let that one guy who samefloyags and spams street fighter everywhere be. I'm not saying let asslad stay, he clearly doesn't respect the site, but like damn I wish there was a way to reach him emotionally instead of by anus arguments he can barely parse.


File: 1681737010557.jpeg (118.64 KB, 1024x768, 048B58E0-9B91-4487-AFE1-1….jpeg)

live footage of the anal crusader


You are just trying to make the site less interesting for others. You have seen that almost nobody replies to your threads. It means that almost nobody is interested in discussing the topic. Why make multiple new threads, if you are not malicious?


I felt sorry at the beginning of the whole ordeal but at this point I find it hard to be sympathetic. It almost feels to me that he doesn't even care about what he's talking about and simply enjoys being kicked off any community he can find.


Staff guy here again, to clarify, the fact there is an off topic board and no explicit ban(back then) on the anal issues doesn't mean people here want that, you don't see posts about things that are too divisive for a reason, they are deleted despite not falling under specific bans, people do attempt to come here with their activism sometimes.
You're correct when you say that there are things posted here that don't exactly fall under "imageboard culture", that is why, you should lurk and figure out what the community is like before posting.
You should research what communities are open to this kind of thing, not merely dropping your cause into their off topic board like you don't care, it'd filter things for you and refund you time that you could use in actually promoting your cause.


File: 1681769549723.jpg (Spoiler Image, 993.53 KB, 1600x1067, 1451244784523.jpg)

> you don't see posts about things that are too divisive for a reason, they are deleted despite not falling under specific bans
1. There currently is nothing in the rules about "divisive" topics being verboten. Perhaps that should change.
2. The rules do forbid the posting or promoting of "political imagery or ideology." Prior to my recent suggestion that many trannies may be psychopaths, I would argue that nothing I posted constituted such. However, I did acknowledge previously that "I could—and, indeed, for this site should—adjust what I wrote myself to exclude political aspects (mainly pertaining to portions of the "decadence" paste)." https://web.archive.org/web/20221211160547/https://uboachan.net/sugg/res/3905.html#3915

The "decadence" paste is not present in TAv3. Rather, the "justice" paste is, which also contains political aspects. Currently, though, I see no reason why I should care about Uboachan's rules in the least, as I take major issue with forbidding discussion of ano rectal violence, nasty automated mangling of the word "ano rectal" without countermeasures, and moving my threads to a hidden and idiotic board. Also from /sugg/ post 3915: "It could further be argued that Seisatsu's inexplicably hostile and disrespectful behavior could be seen as defensible grounds for reciprocation ("treat others how you wish to be treated"). (S)he's after all taking advantage of a position of power to win arguments, change the rules on a whim, and have the last word."
> you should lurk and figure out what the community is like before posting
I had been lurking infrequently for many years prior to actually posting here for what was probably (certainly for my "crusade") the first time last year. Moreover, my first /ot/ thread had been going along fine for a while—MONTHS—until Seisatsu and/or someone else suddenly decided to interfere administratively. The delayed reaction is rather strange, no? https://web.archive.org/web/20230223092051/https://uboachan.net/ot/res/22712.html


File: 1681769603284.png (Spoiler Image, 3.81 MB, 1920x1080, 1450926042302.png)

> You should research what communities are open to this kind of thing
1. As I pointed out in post 251: There seems to be no correct place when far too many people simply don't wish to think seriously about various "uncomfortable" topics I and others have covered. The problem is that many people really do need to do so.
2. Since you're telling me what to do, I'll return the favor:
• You should uphold your own site's rules unconditionally, even if that means supporting someone you dislike. There are numerous posts in this thread that undeniably fall afoul of rule 6, stating that people must not "Maliciously attack, provoke, bait, or harrass other users, content creators, communities, or fans."
• You and/or Seisatsu a) ought to consider changes to the site's rules, making them clearer if necessary; b) really should get rid of that nasty automated word mangling; and c) ought to remove the ban on discussing ano rectal violence; that's only making me more inclined to post here about it.
• You and/or
And yes, my own OP for this thread does fall afoul of rule 6 as well. However, this was also an issue in previous threads of mine in which I tried to avoid violating that particular rule: some others clearly did attack/provoke/bait/harass (yes, harass has one r) me and nothing was done about that so far as I can tell (their posts remained at least).

Respect is earned. If you wish for me to respect Uboachan's rules, then you should first respect me.
> buttman
That pseudonym is already taken by someone else, and I'm certainly not anything like him.


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>when far too many people simply don't wish to think seriously about various "uncomfortable" topics I and others have covered
I wonder if there’s a reason for that. Bro it’s a fucking mystery, who knows why people find it uncomfortable and don’t want to talk about it in a NEET hovel. Might be the constant anus images and posts longer than 13 year olds fan fiction but man I don’t know I’m not the ass guy here


File: 1681782288284.png (207.91 KB, 640x360, JLUhamilton.png)

if you think our moderation style is inconsistent you would be correct, the alternative would be to have a full guide on how to fit in this site, or you could just…lurk.
If you happen to notice there aren't divisive or very politically charged topics in here, maybe people here just aren't interested in that.

>You should uphold your own site's rules unconditionally

No I should not, if I did, you wouldn't be given a chance to talk in here, we are more than robots that follow text literally, we can make exceptions and work around to try and find better solutions.
Hell if we did things like that, not even I would be here, I was permabanned before.

I think we are dancing too much on the semantics when the point is, this website is more than its rules, it's its community, and consistently, the community never liked politics or activism here.
For example, if you post a thread in the gamedev board like an "idea guy", a lot of people are not gonna like you, and it isn't against the rules, but if you as a newbie dev lurk, you would know.

>Respect is earned. If you wish for me to respect Uboachan's rules, then you should first respect me.

You didn't lurk before posting though.
The chicken or the egg, Anal Crusader?


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There are numerous reasons. As I stated, though: The problem is that many people really do need to [think seriously about various "uncomfortable" topics I and others have covered].
> in a NEET hovel
NEETs should be quite capable of addressing various issues that were covered as well. Some of us (yes, "us") may well be more intelligent and literate, even much more, than others might expect.
> the constant anus images
I don't typically post such images as part of my "crusade." Doing so is more of an experiment (trying something different) than anything else. Certainly it can't be said that they're irrelevant; they could even be seen as educational: demonstrating anatomical features I've described.
> posts longer than 13 year olds fan fiction
I also wrote a "tl;dr" summary:
Generations of people have been, and continue to be, inspired by pervasive violence: namely ano rectal violence. Many perpetrators of this violence against one or more others especially in public pornography have not faced severe criminal punishment despite both 1) the high likelihood of ano rectal injury to a receptive person due to ano rectal fragility, and 2) the significance and potential severity (even lethality) of resultant traumatic consequences. What should easily be considered incriminating evidence worldwide not only proliferates unchecked, but also serves as an example to be copied in far too many cases. This situation is both one of the greatest injustices and one of the greatest contributors to societal decadence in the modern era. Facilitating factors include prevalent (willful) ignorance, apathy, and misinformation about ano rectal topics, which are enabling people with (self-)destructive tendencies to have a field day with ano rectal violence and to spread disinformation quite effectively.


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> You didn't lurk before posting though.
Yes, I did. As I wrote previously: I had been lurking infrequently for many years prior to actually posting here for what was probably (certainly for my "crusade") the first time last year.

Furthermore, you didn't address what I pointed out:
> Moreover, my first /ot/ thread had been going along fine for a while—MONTHS—until Seisatsu and/or someone else suddenly decided to interfere administratively. The delayed reaction is rather strange, no?
> the community never liked politics or activism here
Fine then. If the nasty automatic word substitution is eliminated AND the rules are changed to remove ano rectal violence as a banned topic, I may decide to leave this place alone. Who'd even want to talk seriously and extensively about that and related matters anyway? Nobody other than myself apparently, at least around here.


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I don't think we're gonna find a middle ground, that's fine though, I leave this to Sei's discretion, good day to you.


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now that that's over…


I'll be watching to see what Seisatsu does.
Concerning "reddit bullshit & omission," or "rbo" as I call it for short: Here is a recent example of health-harmful advice being upvoted and even praised. This Reddit thread probably will be included in a future edition: https://archive.today/20230416073353/https://old.reddit.com/r/sex/comments/12nd4pn/wife_is_interested_in_anal_need_advice/
At last check of the original URL on Reddit (not the archive snapshot) a moment ago, the comment by "Naivefornow" was still the top one, with 236 upvotes and people praising its contents. I shall quote portions of what the person wrote below. In posts following this one I'll quote what I wrote in the OP image and relevant medical sources.
> Start with a pinky. Go slow. Work up to your middle finger. Then maybe 2 fingers. While using 2 fingers, eventually try spreading your fingers apart a bit and twist them back and forth (you're basically stretching her slowly and gently).
> […] Then work up to small toys. Anal beads, thin butt plugs, etc. Have PIV sex with her while a butt plug is in place. Increase the size of the plug each session a little until the wide part of it is about the girth of your penis if not slightly larger.
> […] Once she can handle (and enjoy) a wider butt plug while having PIV, she can handle you too.
> But even then, GO SLOW! Don't push all the way in at first. Literally play just the tip. Give her a chance to relax again, then slide a little deeper and pause. Rinse/repeat until you're finally all the way in. Linger for a few moments. Then slowly begin thrusting in and out. Talk to her the whole time checking in if she's ok, if she likes it, does she want it faster/slower, etc.
From a subsequent post by the same person:
> When you're inserting, she should try pushing out (like she's having a bowel movement).


It's not even remotely close to being "over." People need to address the issues I covered in the OP image. This has been the case for more than 15 years.
> Stretching the anal canal with girthy insertions is likely to disrupt or fragment one or both anal sphincter muscles, possibly without pain as the internal anal sphincter muscle also lacks somatic innervation.
"The alternative therapeutic procedure of sphincter dilatation is associated with uncontrolled tearing of the internal sphincter muscle and portions of the external anal sphincter may also be damaged. Recent endosonographic studies of the sphincter apparatus after sphincter dilatation confirm these findings."
"Internal Anal Sphincter Function Following Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy for Anal Fissure." Annals of Surgery. 2005 August; 242(2): 208-211. PMC1357726. doi:10.1097/01.sla.0000171036.39886.fa.
> The puborectalis and external sphincter completely relax when a person bears down, causing hemorrhoidal cushions to engorge and become more susceptible to injury by shear (frictional sliding) force.
"Straining causes engorgement of the vascular cushion lining the distal rectum and anal canal, making it more vulnerable to shearing [frictional sliding] stress. The passage of hard fecal masses through the anal canal exacerbates these shearing forces and displaces the vascular cushion caudally, where it may be trapped temporarily by contraction of the anal sphincter."
Textbook of Gastroenterology (2011) - Page 1002


> ~2cm beyond the anal opening at the pectinate/dentate line, the epithelium transitions from stratified squamous (anoderm) to simple columnar in part of the narrow surgical anal canal, continuous with the rectum. This very fragile mucosal lining is easily damaged especially if its mucus barrier is removed by an enema or otherwise impaired.
"Midway up the [surgical] anal canal lies the dentate line (pectinate line). This marks the true mucocutaneous junction between somatically innervated squamous epithelium distally and the viscerally innervated columnar epithelium proximally."
"Perianal Abscess/Fistula Disease." Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery. 2007 May; 20(2): 102-109. PMC2780182. doi:10.1055/s-2007-977488.

"The rectal epithelium is an absorptive tissue with a delicate simple columnar epithelium. In sharp contrast, the human vagina is lined by a multilayered stratified squamous epithelium designed for the strain that can occur during sexual intercourse and childbirth."
"Relative Safety of Sexual Lubricants for Rectal Intercourse." Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2004 Jun; 31(6): 346-9. doi:10.1097/00007435-200406000-00005. (PMID 15167643)
> The internal hemorrhoidal cushions lack somatic innervation as well.
"Internal hemorrhoids are located proximal to the dentate line, where the anal canal is lined with columnar epithelium as in the rectum. This tissue lacks sensitivity due to its innervation by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, primarily distinguishing only fullness and pressure."
"Portuguese Society of Gastroenterology Consensus on the Diagnosis and Management of Hemorrhoidal Disease." GE - Portuguese Journal of Gastroenterology. 2020 Feb; 27(2): 90-102. PMC7113592. doi:10.1159/000502260.


> I'll be watching to see what Seisatsu does.
Probably sucking a dick and then taking it up the ass while you don't.


I meant in the context of this site only. What Seisatsu does in Seisatsu's personal life is irrelevant. Ultimately this is not about any one single person: there are much greater matters to be concerned about here.
> taking it up the ass while you don't
Do you want some more quotes? Okay, I can oblige you.

"Women in the UK are suffering injuries and other health problems as a result of the growing popularity of anal sex among straight couples, two NHS [British National Health Service] surgeons have warned. The consequences include [fecal] incontinence and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) as well as pain and bleeding because they have experienced bodily trauma while engaging in the practice, the doctors write in an article in the British Medical Journal. Tabitha Gana and Lesley Hunt also argued that doctors’ reluctance to discuss the risks associated with anal sex was leading to women being harmed by the practice and letting down a generation of women who are not aware of the potential problems."
… "National Survey of Sexual Attitudes research undertaken in Britain has found that the proportion of 16- to 24-year-olds engaging in heterosexual anal intercourse has risen from 12.5% to 28.5% over recent decades. Similarly, in the US 30% to 45% of both sexes have experienced it. “It is no longer considered an extreme behaviour but increasingly portrayed as a prized and pleasurable experience,” wrote Hunt, a surgeon in Sheffield, and Gana, a trainee colorectal surgeon in Yorkshire."
"Many doctors, though, especially GPs and hospital doctors, are reluctant to talk to women about the risks involved, partly because they do not want to seem judgmental or homophobic, they add. “However, with such a high proportion of young women now having anal sex, failure to discuss it when they present with I love anal symptoms exposes women to missed diagnoses, futile treatments and further harm arising from a lack of medical advice,” the surgeons said. NHS patient information about the risks of anal sex is incomplete because it only cites STIs, and makes “no mention of anal trauma, [fecal] incontinence or the psychological aftermath of the coercion young women report in relation to this activity”. Health professionals’ disinclination to discuss the practice openly with patients “may be failing a generation of young women, who are unaware of the risks”."


> “However, with such a high proportion of young women now having anal sex, failure to discuss it when they present with I love anal symptoms exposes women to missed diagnoses, futile treatments and further harm arising from a lack of medical advice,” the surgeons said.
Whoops, the automatic word mangling strikes again (I forgot to work around that). "when they present with I love anal symptoms" is an interesting turn of phrase however.


Don't take every bait, buddy. I am just bored at work and mess with people here and there to pass time.


> If the nasty automatic word substitution is eliminated AND the rules are changed to remove ano rectal violence as a banned topic, I may decide to leave this place alone.
I'm thinking that Seisatsu will do neither of those, so I shall soon be trying to post on /ot/ again.
> rampant ano rectal violence probably shall neither end nor cease inspiring countless people—including some to the point of emulation—unless it is demonstrated, perhaps by any means necessary, that perpetrators of such violence against one or more others _will_ face severe, life-altering or even life-ending consequences — just as any receptive person involved may (and many do) experience healthwise.
> perhaps by any means necessary
perhaps -> probably


If anyone is under the impression that Seisatsu is undeserving of my ire, the points below should provide sufficient evidence to the contrary. Seisatsu …
1. made a post in my old /ot/ thread containing numerous misrepresentations: https://web.archive.org/web/20221115061219/https://uboachan.net/ot/res/22712.html#23094
2. wrote the following in a /sugg/ thread of mine: "This is very spammy and uncomfortable but I guess it's valuable info and really doesn't violate any rules." https://web.archive.org/web/20230223092051/https://uboachan.net/sugg/res/3868.html#3876 (This /sugg/ thread's original post, number 3868, contains my rebuttal to Seisatsu's /ot/ post referenced above. My /ot/ thread 22712 was unlocked then later bumplocked / set to autosage and was hidden from the overboard as I noted here: https://archive.today/20221130082532/https://uboachan.net/ot/res/22712.html#23133 )
3. made another post in a subsequent /sugg/ thread of mine containing numerous falsehoods: https://web.archive.org/web/20230223092051/https://uboachan.net/sugg/res/3877.html#3887 (I posted a rebuttal here: https://web.archive.org/web/20221204082506/https://uboachan.net/sugg/res/3896.html )


File: 1682283212998.jpg (36.04 KB, 500x500, artworks-000314543127-29hm….jpg)

wish I had a girlfriend who gave me as much attention as this guy gives to Sei


I've merely provided plenty of reasons why people ought to avoid this site, along with any others operated by that person.

But yeah, it is time to move on. I have wasted far too much time and effort on one insignificant (albeit rather nasty) person. As I noted previously:
> Ultimately this is not about any one single person: there are much greater matters to be concerned about here.


Go forth, anal crusader. Find your Jerusalem! DEUS VULT


I'm an agnostic atheist.

Anyway, it certainly is time to go forth and start posting on /ot/ again.


Well, I guess your earlier claim that there were no homophobic undercurrents to your ramblings has been put into question by your overt admissions to transphobia. I am quite used to brushing it off but I still resent it.

When you told your feelings and backstory on Lainchan's /q/, I did feel for you. I sympathized. I empathized, even. After all you had a similar experience to mine in your distant past, but you are processing it in a most unhealthy manner, and I can understand that. I actually felt sorry that I had berated you, and so I opened myself up to you, told you things I don't tell almost anyone, to see if we could find some common ground and put this whole foolish matter to rest. I even told you that you were welcome back on Uboachan so long as you quit this old routine.

Well, this is where that left us. Here you are again throwing it all back at me with contempt. You sad, angry little man. What I feel now is a confusing mixture of pity, amusement, sorrow, and indignance. Your audience sees you as a clown, but your failure to see yourself for what you really are is perhaps your second greatest tragedy.

This is your last chance to just stop. I won't humor you again.


I did leave this place for several reasons, only to check back like once in a year so considering that - OP's thread seems to be just as ridiculous as banning this anorecital stuff. Dude, some of us have already left, so what's stopping you to do the same?


> I guess your earlier claim that there were no homophobic undercurrents to your ramblings has been put into question by your overt admissions to transphobia.
1. Yet again: ultimately this is not about me. As I wrote: It is suggestive of a nefarious agenda and/or psychopathy to purposely and repeatedly try to draw attention away from ano rectal anatomy and physiology, rampant ano rectal violence, associated traumatic risks, and an epidemic of ignorance and misinformation. These topics, plus the voluminous amount of information from others, are far more important than anything about a lone person trying to raise awareness of them.
2. There is no phobia (fear) involved here. As I wrote elsewhere: "I am not anti-LGB. Those are merely sexual preferences. T (transgenderism) [or transsexuality] is much more than that, and many LGB people just might come to deeply regret their association with it." (Reference: https://web.archive.org/web/20230315004029/https://lainchan.org/hum/res/63618.html#63942 )

Many trans people most certainly do demonstrate characteristics of psychopathy, because they undeniably are trying to deceive and manipulate others. There just might be a considerable overlap here with people who engage in and/or promote ano rectal violence.
> banning this anorecital stuff
That is a misrepresentation: nowhere did I suggest banning anything. Rather, I suggested severely punishing perpetrators of significant ano rectal violence against one or more others, most especially such perpetrators who inspired countless viewers. Why those people ought to face justice, probably by any means necessary in many cases due to people and governments delaying for far too long, is explained quite sufficiently in the "justice" paste found in the OP image. Numerous facilitating factors that need to be addressed were covered as well.


File: 1682521135861-0.png (18.75 KB, 816x436, phobia.png)

File: 1682521135861-1.png (171.68 KB, 641x656, 4lx2q6.png)

>There is no phobia (fear) involved here.
I would like to clarify that, the word transphobia doesn't imply you are afraid of anyone despite part of it coming from the word "phobia", just like having a tradition doesn't necessarily mean you want to betray anybody, additionally, one word doesn't limit itself to its definition, rather, they are adapted to modern use and location, when you call someone a bitch you don't actually imply they are a female dog.
Oxford dictionary definition of transphobia:
>Dislike of or strong prejudice against transgender people.
Now with this out of the way, perhaps you can see that what is said is that you have a dislike and/or prejudice against people who identify as transgender, is that true?
Moreover, I will assume good faith, and not think you are resorting to third grader fallacies https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etymological_fallacy
By the way I'm a Christian straight man with a dislike for anal insertions, I have no dog in this race, just pointing this out for the sake of discussion.


>the word transphobia doesn't imply you are afraid of anyone despite part of it coming from the word "phobia"
I'm calling bullshit on this. Letting your enemies choose the vocabulary you use is a bad idea, and its very obvious "transphobia" is malicious due to its subconscious implications. -phobia in any other context very obviously refers to "a fear of something, usually irrational". Online dictionaries changing definitions (some of which were already a bit fuzzy to begin with) on a whim is baseless, especially considering the fact its been done maliciously in other circumstances as well.


>>289 >>290
>arguing over semantics
"Phobia" currently has two definitions on Dictionary.com at the top, the second of which is "an aversion toward, dislike of, or disrespect for a thing, idea, person, or group." https://www.dictionary.com/browse/phobia

1. Like I said, ultimately this is not about me. There are much greater matters here about which people ought to be concerned. Whether I am transphobic or not by any particular definition is utterly unimportant. It doesn't affect the factuality of anything I wrote in the OP image, much less the factuality of what many others wrote.
2. A strong case can be made that a significant proportion of trans people are deceitful and manipulative. As I wrote in the OP, they are "Trying to convince many people they're something they're not, and attempting to manipulate people to accept them as they wish to be and not as they actually are."

Regardless, I should not have dragged trans[genderism|sexuality] into this at all. It is a distraction from those other matters I covered in the OP image, and a red herring to boot. I made a bad decision dictated by emotions, i.e. my anger and frustration towards Seisatsu. It doesn't really matter whether people use sites owned by the person or not. There most certainly may be sites operated by worse sorts out there.

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