I blame Sage and the Op of the original D-Joe's Forest thread for all of this
>Be me
>loves Corey
>Corey is life
>Telling class about Corey our lord and saviour
>Class laughs
>I go cry
>Suddenly smell of melons
>Corey walks in
>Im so happy
>I cry to him
>He looks to the nearest nigger in my class
>He walks to him holding a melon
>"Im Corey O'Morgan!"
>He takes his hand
>"And you're my new personal bitch"
>He swings that nigger around
>He crashes through the window
>Whole class begins screaming
>Corey grabs a girl by her hair
>Reaches down her mouth into her throat
>"You could fit a whole cock in this"
>He then pulls her intestines out
>He uses them to lasso a student who's about to run out the door
>He swings him around multiple times
>He takes a melon
>Tangles the melon between them
>He throws the melon out making them fall out the window
>I am crying in joy
>Corey then walks up to me
>He holds me close before turning me around
>I am ready
>Corey enters me
>He's too big
>I can feel myself being ripped in half
>Within seconds he cums
>I am shot back against the wall from the powerful cumshot
>I look down to see I am ripped in half
>I am dying
>my vision was going blurry
>I look up
>In blurred vision I see Corey
>"told you guys I could kill a whole classroom from here, you guys owe me a soda"