Hey there /flow/, I couldn't decide if this should go in /og/ or not, but since it's about .flow, and directed at .flow gamers only, I put it here.
Has anyone played "The Room"? Its a Japanese-developed game, supposedly a really, really far off-shoot of Silence of the hills. It has SO MANY similarities to flow, it makes me suspicious.
You're main weapon is a STEEL PIPE. You also later get a HANDGUN. The plot of the game is that YOU CAN'T LEAVE YOUR APARTMENT because YOU CANT OPEN THE DOOR. Your first observation about your now fucked-up room is that its "COVERED IN BLOOD AND RUST" You travel through revolving worlds, and can't tell dream from reality. Even your TV stops working.
Sorry to go on a rant, but I just starting playing this, and my head started screaming! So, what do you guys think?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cTFGg7kiitkOpening talks a lot, but the gameplay itself is worth it.