Taken from the description of the video:
YUME NIKKI has been hailed as one of the greatest (and most controversial) games ever created with RPG Maker. The new YUMENIKKI -DREAM DIARY- is not a remake, but a full reimagining of the original―reconstructed and enhanced using elements and styles of modern indie games.
YUMENIKKI -DREAM DIARY- Prologue is a collection of images edited and reprocessed from the opening sequence of YUMENIKKI -DREAM DIARY-. Hidden within are crucial hints regarding the game’s “reimagining”.
What the fuck is that running animation.
>>1277Again, more pointless english words just thrown together by Kadokawa to make it seem like there's more to it than there actually is.
The only thing this alludes to is the entire ending sequence of the original.
It also shows us that probably a lot of areas are going to be sidescrolling only.
Can't say that's what I had on mind for Mado but it fits.
>>1281How the fuck did I mess up that badly on that post?I meant that small soundbite that seemingly plays when jumping over obstacles.
>>1277>collection of images edited and reprocessedA video. Good thing these guys are professional translators
Anyways, the only hint that I can think of is the bike. She walks right past the vending machine, and the cones in the street might be a little bit of a stretch, but we've seen the art for Shitai-san.
Or maybe they are just talking about the super subtle giant pool of Mado's blood right in the middle of the street.
>>1284lmao that was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the minimart thing too.
>>1278To be fair, all girls at that age have that running animation IRL.
Who wears a sweater and a skirt are you cold or hot ffs
>>1287who wears shoes AND socks to bed
Madotsuki looks anorexic as fuck. At 1:05 her model just plainly looks…weird.
I honestly think it's safe to say that there will be very little that actually meets the expectations of the original.
Forget all 24 effects, we'll be lucky to get more than 5. All those cool worlds? Probably only like 10 of them exist.
I can't see the game playing out anywhere close to the original. There's just not a chance that they really tried that hard.
But make sure to give Kadokawa your twenty dollarydoos.
>>1293This is semi-related, but I've actually been wondering if this release might do the Yume Nikki 'version' thing. I mean, the original did it. The Yume Nikki most have played wasn't the first version of the game. Started from 0.00 to 0.10 yadda-yadda, everybody knows. But I've been thinking maybe that's how they're planning to approach this release? at least, it's a possibility I haven't seen others mention.
>>1294It really shouldn't especially since this isn't an indie project produced for free by one person on their spare time but a project made by a whole team with a budget. If they release patches it would be to fix bugs.
Honestly at this point she should be doing the naruto run
>>1293From what we've seen it's possible that there aren't effects at all, just "items" (Lamp, Knife, Umbrella)
I hope that tomorrow they prove me wrong posting a giant frog head but it's not looking good
>>1277I think that ain't even gameplay, it's just some sort of opening cutscene.
Which makes me wonder, was the "reprocessing" meaning that they cut out the start?
>>1294>>1295Apparently the game has only been in dev for 8-9 months, and the team doesn't have much experience in game making either (most of them are translators)
I hope what
>>1294 said is not true, because this is a paid product.
>>1293>>1299Honestly this was my only wish for this new game, for all of the original game's content (all areas and effects) to be there in some form, but the more they reveal stuff the less likely this seems to be the case.
Anyway, just a week left until release, we'll see but my expectations are very low.
>>1276Looks awful, I don't need to say anything else.
>>1276Maybe it's the video quality but they went way overboard with the blur, looking at the background make me feel I need glasses or some shit
>>1283Ok, this might sound a bit dumb, but could it be possible that you have to brighten the video to get more hints?
>>1302If that's the case it's really not a half-bad effort. There are games more simplistic than this needed kickstarters and even they couldn't come out. Besides most of the complaints are about what are apparently conscious design decisions, like how some characters look or what was left out.
I feel these concerns are valid, but I'm not too worried because it's clear that they're purposefully withholding things, have a close touch with the fanbase and the game's just days away.
>>1309My guess on the 'hints'
-The blood splatter, already a recurring image from the original game.
-The house Madotsuki walks through by the end of the alley is totally weird. Possible reference to Monoe/Monoko?
-A Bicycle is clearly seen.
>>1317Isn't this a cutscene?
>>1320>niña pelos de chorizoes verdad,los cabellos de ella hacen recordar chorizos
>>1297She doesnt even use the sheets, just sits right there like a fucking barbarian
>>1326That art just made my day
>>1328I really hope this is just the opening cutscene or something.
I mean, how am I suppose to explore the dream world in peace knowing that she is dreaming without sheets unprotected from external attacks?
If it is the opening cutscene then it makes this worse. In the intro you have a chance to make the best animation you can without the limitations of the gameplay restrictions… and they just make her walk from left to right.
Boundless imagination here in dream land.
>>13313 dimensions are too creative for our dream exploring simulatorSeriously though, this. Opening cut scenes are supposed to look good, especially when it comes to low poly games, which yndd reminds me of. They're supposed to give the player a really good first impression. How hard would it have been to just have Mado turn a fucking corner and shift the perspective? God damn. A game centered around exploring was handed to people who couldn't handle three dimensions easily. If they could, they would have does so in the fucking opening cut scene. If it's a set path, just walking down a fucking street and finding a blood spot, they didn't even need to give the player control. Hell, they could have even just displayed drawn pictures if the player effectively has no choice in where they go. After the opening, you give the player control. That's how people have made games for years before graphics have gotten to the current point. Using modern methods in a game that doesn't meet modern standards is, I don't even know. No.1333
>>1332>PolicenautsAw niggah, took me by surprise there. People rarely appreciate the original PC-98 opening nowadays, always linking the PS animated one.
>>1333The pixel art has a much more unique flare to it. Even if less is going on, the general atmosphere is better conveyed. Less is more sometimes.
>>1335Hell, let's compare the two.
Policenauts: Tells you about the setting and a bit of it's history. Tells you about the protagonist, his personality, his background, his personal relationships. Gives you an idea of where things are going to go. Gets you excited for the game.
yndd: Tells you the protagonist has dreams and is female. Maybe creepy and mysterious because blood? Potato face. What are sheets?
Why'd they even bother? Giving a lot of information at the beginning would ruin the mysterious atmosphere, but it doesn't set that atmosphere up either. YN was 99% atmosphere and it came from the gameplay. The lack of any opening contributed to that atmosphere. What did this opening accomplish?
No one doing this game knows how to manage red herrings properly or cutting footage in the right way. All we got from the "prologue" video, assuming it isn't a cutscene and they didn't deliberately just go right is just a puddle that ain't even shaped properly. Just whoop de fuckin' doo, a few minutes of madotsuki running and hopping around.
Now what will happen today?
I preferred it if it was an edgy VN like the concept art was portraying. So far, outside of meemz, it doesn't look that good.
Also why the fuck did they choose an inexperienced dev team? Couldn't they find someone who knows how to handle textures better or, god forbid, materials other than "it looks like clay" for the characters that are not humans.
Furthermore I think that this whole thing about hiding info about the game is doing more damage to its reputation than good. But then again if you set the expectations of your life as low everything is fine.
Why do I have a feeling the camera is going to be fixed in an awkward way.
>>1342Probably because Kadokawa isn't interested in this project and getting an actual team would've costed them money, while hiring these guy probably didn't cost them anything.
They don't think Yume Nikki is profitable, so they aren't investing in it.
Reminder that Kadokawa is literally japanese EA, so don't expect anything from them.
>>1345I don't think they are doing this ONLY for that sweet,sweet money, but the major factors in this are: people behind are not pros , so far it doesn't look like that,the team is small, and the company is greddy
>>1345If they don't think it'll get a lot of money from the onset, and they don't bother getting a competent team, why make the game? Is it a Sony spider man kind of thing where through making this game they get usage rights to yn? Rights to merchandise or something?
>>1348It's a name that has been abandonded 10+ years ago and has a cult following.
Minimum risk and a lot of potential profit
>>1284nice one, I chuckled
>>1349Also probably the whole "influences of other recent indie juggernauts" just means "Hey Little Nightmares and Inside were pretty popular weren't they?"
A rare of kadokawa
← This game at the rate.
I just saw the trailer… Oh, boy, we're in for a treat! The fuck kind of trailer was that? They only showed one dream world, The run animation was shit, and they didn't bother showing off any effects (but, assuming based off the few screenshots, where they did show off effects, They seem to be treated more like items, instead of effects). I still have hope for this game, since it may be good (somehow), But after that… It's starting to dwindle real fast.
>>1276In terms of hints
>>1280The playground has a lamp in it like lampworld and the lamp effect. And there's a bike effect. Can't tell much else.
Personally I'm disappointed that they're putting so many moonrunes into this game and "traditional japanese" style areas.
Literally nowhere in the original is it stated that it's in Japan. There's no evidence of it. It's geographically ambiguous. It's more likely Mado lives in South America somewhere actually.
I guess they might be making her a weeb though, but still feels like low hanging fruit.
Mado walks out of a conspicuously glowing white convenience store, past a playground, a bar, and to her apartments where she sees what's probably her own bloodstain on the ground. It feels like it's supposed to be symbolic of her life up until this point. The game will probably explain it further, but it does feel like an analogy for birth > childhood > maturity > death.
What do you wanna bet that the "epilogue" features Madotsuki waking up in her bloodstain, getting up and walking all the way back into the glowing white convenience store at the end of the dark road and going back inside. Possibly with dream characters waving goodbye to her or walking in with her before the lights go down and the store "closes" for the evening
Alternatively, though unlikely, Mado steps into the light and the end of the tunnel, and the camera lingers for a moment until Urotsuki (or a girl who looks similar to her) steps out of the store and walks down a different path than the one Mado came from, implying reincarnation
>>1361>It's more likely Mado lives in South America somewhere actuallyWhy? Literally just because of the Paracas imagery? The Japanese language is featured in her dreams too.
>>1361>It's more likely Mado lives in South America somewhere actually.Please keep your ghey theories to yourself. The original was in Japanese, kikiyama is Japanese(almost certainly) and the idea of people staying in their room all the time(hikkimori) is also much more common in Japan. Mado's skin tone also isn't suggestive of a South American. Some aesthetics in the game say far less about location than maker location and language.
>>1364It's all a huge metaphor of how working in 7-Eleven is a dead-end job and makes you wanna off yourself
>>1365>>1367>Mado's skin tone isn't suggestive of being South AmericanIt's not suggestive of being Japanese either. She is a bit on the tan side and has brown hair as well. While I'm sure there are Japanese people who fit that description, there'll be people all over the world who do so too.
>>1363It's unused.
>>1369It's not green enough to be 7-11 though..
>>1371You conveniently ignored my point about kana. I don't even remember any text that wasn't in japanese script except for nasu, which, guess what, it's romanization of 茄子, eggplant.
And they don't teach people about japanese customs and legends in south america either. Actually, in no place other than japan.
>>1373NASU is spelled in English letters and is probably most likely a bootleg game anyway. Something you buy at a bargain bin or something.
Are there any other kanji in the dreamworld apart from the scream symbol? Which is very basic anyway. She might've just read it in a book. You can learn things about Japan anywhere, sometimes unintentionally. It could be that Mado studies occult stuff and death rituals from around the world and might've had a book about Japanese myths. It's still geographically ambiguous.
If it is Japan, then explain the Barracks Settlement and desert. Japan doesn't have desert areas to my knowledge. And the tons of Paracas symbolism.
>>1370Didn't the "official" translation change some of those names though? Faceless ghosts are pretty generic. The snow woman I'll give you, but it's still a well known thing. Mado plays a lot of video games, obviously, so she likely picked Oni up from that, however ogres are a pretty common thing too.
>>1375>You can learn things about Japan anywhere, sometimes unintentionally. It could be that Mado studies occult stuff and death rituals from around the world and might've had a book about Japanese myths.Hmmmmmm, it's almost like you can say this about the Paracas imagery as well, which in most cases still takes a more background role than upfront.
>>1376To be fair is 1 kanji vs a shitload of Aztec imagery, plus a real rug
>>1376Wouldn't it be rarer for a Japanese person to start studying the obscure culture of the Paracas than for someone who grew up next to a museum showcasing Paracas artifacts to start researching the very well known culture of Japan?
>>1379Well… Kikiyama did it, why wouldn't Mado be able to?
>>1370She also gets the very japanese Khamsa as a head
>>1375>NASU is spelled in English letters and is probably most likely a bootleg game anyway.What the fuck are you talking about. He just explained what it meant when you go from romanization to Japanese characters. Did you even understand what he said?
>Didn't the "official" translation change some of those names though? Faceless ghosts are pretty generic. The snow woman I'll give you, but it's still a well known thing. Mado plays a lot of video games, obviously, so she likely picked Oni up from that, however ogres are a pretty common thing too.The specific portrayal of all of these things are not common. They are specific to Japanese culture. You would know this if you knew anything about it.
>>1378>To be fair is 1 kanji vs a shitload of Aztec imageryIgnoring the insurrections and menu text.
>>1379>Wouldn't it be rarer for a Japanese person to start studying the obscure culture of the Paracas That's probably because kikyama did it. What's more likely, including stuff he has an interest in, or secretly implying that Madotsuki(very South American name) was actually living on the other side of the planet as them. This theory is so fucking retarded.
>>1375窓付き is the only thing with kanji in the whole game (why a latin kid would be called that?). A reason to why people speculate Madotsuki is a little girl instead of a teen or grownup. Everything else is written in kana.
>the scream symbolwhat, it's hiragana for "a", not a scream. Could be anything really, but people don't learn kana, even less kids, even less in south america.
>If it is Japan, then explain the Barracks Settlement and desert. Japan doesn't have desert areas to my knowledge. And the tons of Paracas symbolism. You're literally asking me to explain Hell, the teleport maze, and every other abstract map ever. Those things don't exist in any freaking country, why do you instantly assume the barracks are some mexican camp or something? If anything, I could even argue she saw something similar from japanese history books about Manchuria.
>Faceless ghosts are pretty generic.Okay you're pushing it way too far but let's assume these very specific kind of ghots are actually "generic".
>The snow woman I'll give you, but it's still a well known thing.When and at what age did you learn about it? The game was 2004. We can safely assume Mado lives perpetually in that time.
Again, in south america these shit isn't common, Mado would literally need to be in contact with some kind of university teacher or someone interested in japanese culture to learn this crap, or be 2010 and have internet.
>Mado plays a lot of video gamesWHERE?
>so she likely picked Oni up from that, however ogres are a pretty common thing too.Oh, I suppose it's just a casualty it's that kind of red-skinned Oni wearing the classical, japanese-styled animal-print thing, right?
>To be fair is 1 kanji vs a shitload of Aztec imagery, plus a real rugIt's paraca.
And finally, this
>>1381 Very VERY specific.
>>1380Well just because I study some native american mythology for a story I'm writing does not mean I'm going to go out and buy a totem pole or decorate my room with kachina dolls.
I highly doubt Kikiyama actually has a giant Aztec rug in his room.
>>1384Are you South American? I'm getting those sort of vibes from you.
>>1383So having no face or a demon wearing animal print is uniquely japanese without a shadow of a doubt but an eye in a hand is very specific and doesnt count, ok.
Also we all call it the Aztec Rave Monkey, not the Paraca Rave Monkey, for example
>>1382Oh yes the menu text, which was originally translated by a fan and now changed in the Steam release.
>>13781 kanji + Japanese name + loads of Japanese cultural references
>>1383>When and what age did you learn thatI was in middle school. I was a creepy kid and liked studying mythology. They make books about this shit you know? Even in South America. Hell, even if not, we can assume that in this strange, knowledgeless South America she's probably heard of La Llorona.
If they have books about Mexican culture in Japan then they probably have books about Japanese culture in Mexico. I don't know why you're seem to think Hispanic people have no knowledge of any culture beyond their own. I'm just saying it's more likely Mado is from South America and read a book about Japanese urban legends than a Japanese girl who develops an obsession with the dead cultures of Mexican ruins.
>WHEREThe fucking MOTHER world you dunce.
>>1382>They are specific to Japanese cultureI know that. I'm not arguing against it. But anyone who knows enough about Japanese culture would understand what they are.
>ignoring the menu and instruction textYou idiot I'm not saying KIKIYAMA is Mexican I'm saying he made a game SET in South America. The instructions and menus are not "real" within the game, they're fucking mechanics.
>>1387>based on yokai>all are very common yokai myths you'd learn about in a children's book about Japanese monsters>none are exactly complicatedAnd Medamaude isn't exactly exclusively Japanese you know? Hands with eyes on them are an extremely common symbol world wide.
Neither is the recorder or blanket.
Sure am loving this Yume Nikki Dream Diary discussion
>>1388>So having no face or a demon wearing animal print is uniquely japanese without a shadow of a doubt but an eye in a hand is very specific and doesnt count, ok."Although most tales of noppera-bō predate the 20th century, there are exceptions,
both in Japan itself as well as locations where Japanese have emigrated"
Demon, according to western culture:, according to western culture: these even look remotely similar to YN to you? Oh no right, there aren't uniquely japanese without a shadow of a doubt, right? Also, the eye in the hand is a buddhist symbol. Checkmate.
>I don't know why you're seem to think Hispanic people have no knowledge of any culture beyond their ownBecause I live in South America, they fucking don't. Books about history or culture are seldom beyond newbie tier.
>I'm just saying it's more likely Mado is from South America and read a book about Japanese urban legends than a Japanese girl who develops an obsession with the dead cultures of Mexican ruins. You are assuming mado actually investigated any of that, they could very well have been presents and that's just the way she interpreted those. Don't push a theory as official.
>The fucking MOTHER world you dunce. Oh right, another game extremely popular in Japan but not that well known in south america. Great.
>And Medamaude isn't exactly exclusively Japanese you know? Hands with eyes on them are an extremely common symbol world wide.Buddhist symbol, but whatever.
>Neither is the recorder or blanket.Kids in elementary school learn how to play it in japan, you dunce. The blanket thing is also very strong in japanese culture.
>>1392We're discussing why it's okay the game is set in Japan, how is that offtopic?
>>1393Yeah, noppera-bō as a ghost is japanese. I'm talking about the concept of having no face, which everybody could have.
>Oni effect: Red skin with horns>Popular Demon depiction: Red with hornsI dont know what Shrek has to do with this
The eye in the palm is also present in Khamsa as I said and which is present in Mado's room in this new game, which is a symbol of middle east origin.
She has to have had some contact with Aztec culture to have it in her dreams
The Famicom world could be any RPG ever really.
>Recorder and Blanket are japanese exclusiveDude
>>1392It really tells when a question about an old ass game has more activity than a brand new game about to come out.
>>1391>But anyone who knows enough about Japanese culture would understand what they are.Kikiyama lives in Japan. The fucking game was meant to be played by the Japanese(menu text) and there's tons of Japanese cultural references, very specific ones. Extremely specific. The idea that kikiyama made a game set in South America and that Madotsuki, fucking Madostuki would be Mexican because of one visual aspect of the game is mind-blowingly retarded. You just keep ignoring everything that doesn't support your argument instead of looking at everything as a whole you ignorant dumbfuck.
>>1394>>Recorder and Blanket are japanese exclusiveDude
Did you read the rest of what he said. Children are taught to play the recorder in Japan. It's a big fucking deal. Do they do that in South America?
>>1394Wait, let me guess. She's Japanese, but she lives in South America. Okay, well there's a lot of white in the game. There's the snow world and the white dessert and the white sea. I guess Madotsuki lives in the Antarctic.
>>1394>Yeah, noppera-bō as a ghost is japanese. I'm talking about the concept of having no face, which everybody could have.We could also talk about the concept of pantsu, which everybody could have. And your point is?
The original says Nopperabou, whether you like it or not that's exactly what it is.
>Oni effect: Red skin with horns>Popular Demon depiction: Red with hornsNot with the animal print, that is not a western concept.
>I dont know what Shrek has to do with thishere
>>1375"obviously, so she likely picked Oni up from that, however ogres are a pretty common thing too."
>She has to have had some contact with Aztec culture to have it in her dreamsI once dreamt of arabs shooting people, does that make me a middle-orient fan or something?
>The Famicom world could be any RPG ever really.RPGs weren't popular in south america because they were never translated. People literally played that shitty hunting game with the dog, the Olympiads one, a some other shitty sidescrollers before moving to sega or something more powerful. Also, we had a very shady copy of famicom in this place called family game, so most NES games didn't really get here save for the most popular ones (which, again, weren't RPG).
>Recorder and Blanket are japanese exclusiveNice strawman.
>>1395>Implying no one knows what onis are except the JapaneseAlso it's not uncommon for a game dev to make a game set in another country if they just think "it works". Indie horror game dev Uri sets the vast majority of her things in America. Ib, The Witch's House, and Mad Father are all Japanese games, made for a Japanese audience, but are not set in Japan.
Hell, even bigger games made in Japan are not in any way Japanese. Silent Hill and Super Mario for example.
And fucking ANYONE can learn to play a flute. I learned how to play one in high school. Just because kids learn early there doesn't mean they're the absolute ONLY people in the world who learn it.
>>1398Modotsuki is not fucking Mexican. You have no proof and it is far more likely that that is not the case given that it assumes Kikiyama's motivations, which we know little about. We have a blank slate and common sense. Everything you say anybody could do or know about, is more likely to be related to Japan because it was made by a Japanese person. Everything that is not related to Japan, is more likely to not be indicative of some hidden intention. This is common sense and you lack it.
>>1398You keep ignoring the important bits.
>Implying no one knows what onis are except the JapaneseI dare you ask a random people on the streets what an oni is and see how many people can actually tell.
Assume we're in 2004, if the game isn't actually set somewhere before. The only mention of "oni" that got really popular anywhere outside of japan was in the 80's in a show that they don't broadcast anymore. The only people who know what "oni" are are either weebs with a lot of time and resources on their hands. And there are literally million of other things that are more easily recognizable to japanese culture than "oni". You're stretching this too much.
>it's not uncommon for a game dev to make a game set in another country if they just think "it works"It's not uncommon but it's OBVIOUS when it is so. Your only argument for mado being outside of japan is the paracas imagery, when there are dozen of other things that suggest she's got a deep understanding of japanese customs and knowledge that people on sudamerica hardly could get without interacting with an anthropologist or a japanese family.
>Hell, even bigger games made in Japan are not in any way Japanese. Silent Hill and Super Mario for example. There are no oni or yukki onna or other japanese imagery on those (the only thing that comes to my mind is the nurses that kinda look like nopperabou), you're taking examples too away from what we're discussing here.
>And fucking ANYONE can learn to play a flute.And you keep strawmaning with that again…
>>1397>nopperabouFaceless ghosts aren't uncommon in the world and the Japanese just have a specific name for it. A typical hallucination of sleep paralysis is a faceless person standing over you.
>oniDoesn't South America still dub anime?
Of course, there's no specific timeframe there however. So that can't be accepted as fact.
Leopard skin is very common in depictions of Aztec/Mayan gods though. Although the Oni is probably supposed to be of the Japanese variety, yet the effect giver is very obviously not. Just a stereotypical demon.
>AztecYes but do you have recurring dreams of arabs shooting people and significant amounts of middle eastern symbolism throughout?
>RPGsThere's no evidence of actual RPGs in Mado's dreams. Sure, the Famicom world LOOKS like Earthbound, but the only game we see her playing is NASU.
>>1401>Faceless ghosts aren't uncommon in the world and the Japanese just have a specific name for it. A typical hallucination of sleep paralysis is a faceless person standing over you. Mado becomes one. It's not the same. Keep ignoring the obvious.
>Doesn't South America still dub anime? The only anime with an "Oni" is Urusei Yatsura and it wasn't that popular at all, people preferred to indulge in dragon ball or some other shit. Also lum isn't like mado's oni at all.
>Yes but do you have recurring dreams of arabs shooting people and significant amounts of middle eastern symbolism throughout? This. doesn't. prove. anything.
Kikiyama is a japanese person who investigated the paracas, why mado would be different? If those things were presents and they're 24/7 on mado's room, why wouldn't she dream about them?
This. doesn't. prove. anything.
>There's no evidence of actual RPGs in Mado's dreams.>Sure, the Famicom world LOOKS like EarthboundDid you even read what you wrote here? First you claim there is no evidence of RPGs in mado's dreams, then admit the FAMICOM world looks like earthbound. And even if it wasn't earthbound it still looks like an RPG.
How the fuck would she dream about RPGs if she doesn't know RPGs?
>>1391 here I was called a dunce because "mado obviously plays mother duh". You're contradicting yourself completely here, unless you're other anon.
>>1400Mado is locked in her room with a bunch of books, any one of which could have a picture of an Oni in it.
I suppose the reverse is "well she could very well be a Japanese girl with a bunch of books on South American culture" but why would she? Are Aztec/Mayan/Paracas symbolism really that popular in Japan? Do they write lots of books on these subjects? Can YOU pull someone off the street in 2004 Japan and ask them about their favorite Paracas artifact and expect a response? Sure, westerners have a vague idea of what an Oni actually is, but I'd imagine you'd get a more accurate response than a Japanese person being asked to describe Tezcatlipoca.
>It's not uncommon but it's OBVIOUSCertainly she knows some about Japanese culture, but she also knows what I'd imagine is a great deal more than most Japanese people would know about South American art and culture. She even has an Aztec styled rug.
>There's no yokai in Mario or Silent HillI'm pretty sure that there is, at least in Mario. Koopas being based on Kappas and all that.
Silent Hill obscures most of it's stuff in a fine layer of decay, but I'm pretty sure it still has a few out of place references to Japan in it. Japanese devs do their best to make the games accessible to a wide audience after all, which means putting in cultural things that westerners wouldn't quite get. The magical girl and fairy thing in SH3 for example.
In JJBA Part 7, an entire chapter is spent with Gyro (an italian man) telling Johnny (english) a joke that makes absolutely no sense to anyone but the Japanese and can't even be appropriately translated in fact.
Ib makes a point to point out Gary's effeminate speech patterns which don't quite translate well to English.
>>1403Just as "it's not uncommon for a game dev to make a game set in another country if they just think 'it works'", it's pretty obvious Kikiyama chose that imagery for being "odd" and "exotic". If kikiyama could investigate about them then there's no reason mado couldn't and in those books there may as well be something to do with that. Both monoko and monoe use clothes that aren't normally wore by south american people and actually fairly common in japan with the whole "uniform" thing. The architecture of most maps with human-made building don't even resemble the architecture of buildings in South America. The witch event uses a Kyoto picture. There are literally thousand of things that suggest Mado isn't around here. I should know, I've studied a good deal of this a few years ago. Nothing in the game suggest to me that mado could be in any country in south america. Your only "hint" that mado is actually somewhere outside of Japan is the paraca imagery when everything else hints that she's most than likely there.
>>1403>Mado is locked in her roomYou don't know that.
>I suppose the reverse is "well she could very well be a Japanese girl with a bunch of books on South American culture" but why would she? Because kikyama knows about those things and chose to put them in the game? We also have no clue what's in the books. They could be blank.
>>1403>Certainly she knows some about Japanese culture, but she also knows what I'd imagine is a great deal more than most Japanese people would know about South American art and culture. She even has an Aztec styled rug. This is already a very abstract game. you can't assume that because she has an Aztec rug she must live in South America. We don't even know if that's what her real room looks like or if it's also a dream. What you are suggesting is that a Japanese person made a game about a South American girl name Madotsuki(not a fucking South American name) who has a famicom with a game called eggplant in Japanese and who also knows a hell of a lot about Japanese culture including their video games and mythical creatures and is also likely to be a hikkimori. You know this because she has an Aztec rug, she sees some Aztec imagery in her dream and that's it. Just from that you came to a complicated conclusion that is not supported by logic or anything else. How mentally deficient are you?
>>1406Mario is set in a fantasy world, not Italy.
Well, this is a mess.
I personally think that the location is not important, and could be anywhere really. The real point of the game it's not about what's outside but what's inside, so Kikiyama probably didnt even thought about that.
I don't know if she really would be called Maria Tsuki and be a hikkikomori tho.
Both Japan and the Aztecs have books everywhere and one of the few things we know about Madotsuki is that she has a library in her own room.
And it's not impossible that she could have just dreamed of some of the designs and effects. In which part of the japanese or aztec mythology is there a giant Thing with the Quivering Jaw or a Kyuu Kyuu-Kun?
The game is about weird shit and that's it.
>>1395>Do they do that in South America?I don't know in Mexico but in Argentina we absolutely have to learn to play the recorder for music class. I dont know how is this important.
Also the idea that any country can only make games based on said country is retarded as well.
Pokemon is a franchise made in Japan that has games all over the world, for example.
That's all, continue your shitfest.
>>1409>Also the idea that any country can only make games based on said country is retarded as well.Straw man. Nobody ever said that. Okay, 99% chance Mado is Japanese, 1% chance she is Argentinian.
>>1410Oh, I read your greentext wrong. My bad.
>>1409Mexican regio musician here. We were obligued to learn flute in school (who the hell calls it a recorder, you cant record on this piece of shit, its no fucking, cubase or nuendo, it sucks) but we all hated it, i never picked up again a flute in my whole life until i was into irish punk at 18 years old.
tldr: We learned flute, we (mostly) hate it.
/yndd/ worst board
>Aztec this, Mayan that
>It's fucking Paracas
Nice to see it's been well over a decade and people still can't be bothered to even do a quick Google search on the cultures they keep mentioning.
>>1424Actually, there seem to be influences from several mesoamerican cultures. And cultures all around the world. mt.kiki did some research on this. No.1426
ITT: People who arrived this week and didn't lurk.
Uboachan is the worst community about Yume Niki in the whole internet, they dont even know about theories or secrets of the game they suck, Uboachan is not even a friendly place you get flame for anything there, it sucks, they are noobs in RPG maker too, half or their projects are half assed ripp offs like the Hell Diary clones by Mishka, and the administrators never help with anything, do they talk bad about uboachan I dont blame them, go insult your mother piece of disgusting pig shit, no sigo porque no se mucho ingles vete a la mierda, Uboachan es un asco y si a los usuarios de este foro no les gusta estan en su derecho idiota, y check my dubs.
yume dicki! xdDD
lmao do we even have mods anymore
>>1427Toda comunidad esta de la chingada, desde Yume Nikki hasta Hamtaro.
>>1404I'd like to point out that Monoko and Monoe are not wearing school uniforms, just a blouse and a skirt. Girls everywhere wear these things, and with them being monochromatic, you can't really tell what colors they're really supposed to be. They could even be wearing kilts for all we know.
>>1405Is Madotsuki even a proper Japanese name? It means "window" after all.
>>1434It's not a game, it's my whole life, my whole fucking life.
>>1435>It's not a game, it's my whole life, my whole fucking life.Are you ok?
This shit has convinced me once and for all that Madotsuki is neither Japanese, nor South American, nor is she Mesoamerican. I can't even believe that is she a member of the Japanese diaspora in either region.
She's in the Ramones. It's the only theory left that still holds any creedence. Everything else has been disproven.
Someone posts a video of a little girl walking for 1 minute and everything gets absolutely fucked in a day
>>1437Bonzo Goes to Bitzburg is best song.
>>1442yeah that was her best performance. But I will always have a place in my heart for Warthog. I wish they had recorded more tracks like that. Mado's voice sounded great.
Getting back on topic, since there are only 4 days left I guess we won't get an actual full trailer before release.
I think I'm gonna pirate this, and if by some miracles it ends up being decent I'll buy it.
Also I'm gonna replay the original in the next days since I haven't touched it since 2016.
>>1436it's a death grips reference I think
>>1452worst jojo stand ever.
>>1461About how many times in a year do you get to post that macro?
Some people in this thread need to learn that ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
>>1471This picture completely misses the point.
You are not supposed to use pictures from the actual anime/Vidya, just random stock photos.
>>1468This is better to shitpost than being an asshole to each other
>>1475Ironic shitposting is cancerous, assholery is a given
>>1476Both are cancerous.
>>1472I apologize for the shitpost, and for not even doing it correctly.
What have I done?
>>1471fuck the haters, maybe this macro isn't compliant and thusly lacks the comedic appeal of the jojo one (which is random humor done perfectly), but it's cute and a lot of that fanart is new to me, which is cool.
Not enough vomiting madotsuki
>>1481>forgetting about old classics like Pipi and NASU IS VERY EXCITING0/10
>>1482I dunno about that. None of those guys appear to be puking.
File: 1519108578668.png (Spoiler Image, 143.55 KB, 500x428, best character coming thru.png)

This is so bizarre. There's no one acting like a spooky new "Nikki is best character" faggot (except for the obvious /v/ invasion) yet y'all pretending and pushing Yume Nikki into this cancerous state ahead of time.
Thanks /v/, the newfaggotry in this thread is astonishing.
>>1488Calm down there edgy white knight.
>>1489You can't deny that there's more complaining about this fanbase becoming cancerous (and mostly ironic complaining at that) than actual cancer.
I don't know what part of my post was white knighting, but whatever fits your boat i guess.
>>1494If you put it that way ,yeah , i guess you right.
>You can't deny that there's more complaining about this fanbase becoming cancerousBut every fanbase have this problem, so at this point people shouldn't be caring about it.
Plus you are right, i really can't deny that.
>>1488>>1494Nobody has complained of that in this specific thread, and actually, you're the only one ever mentioning it here. The word "Fanbase" is mentioned in only two posts, and the word cancer is used 4 times and not even bitching about "the fanbase becoming cancerous" but just getting annoyed at shitposting with the offtopic jojo posts. Notice that I'm not denying it happened on this board, but it wasn't really happening in this thread.
Hell, discussion about YN is on topic, so I don't even know why people complain about the whole "mado is/isn't japanese" issue.
Polite sage.