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/usagi/ - U.S.A.G.I. Game Jam

Uboachan / Sushichan Associated Gamejam Initiative

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The 2022 U.S.A.G.I. Game Jam now begins with the new year!

Announce your projects in this thread no later than January 8th. You can say as much or as little as you want, but you should at least include your project's name and a short blurb about it.

Project leaders should use a tripcode when posting in this board.

Feel free to also make a thread for your project. Now is the time to attract teammates if you will not be working solo. You can also use your thread to show off updates if you wish.

Since participation seems low, this will be a showcase rather than a contest.

A new sticky will be opened on February 21st for you to post your finished project downloads in.

Have at it!


uh hey i'll be working on and off on a wolfenstein 3d style first person shooter with a simplistic artstyle where on top of shooting you get to roam around small hubs talking to people and such, guess ill make a thread with more info in it. the working name for it is "convulsion shooter"


I'm thinking of making a minimalistic 3D surreal adventure rpg with heavy world building. The game will be about Trianna, a girl who fell deep into a hell-like dream world. God will be trying to save her with angels.


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i should post here before i forget
ags walking simulator spec fiction about city built in northernmost settlement greenland in the future
it will most likely be shit


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Making a short schizo clicker/adventure game, this is mostly a shitpost I started for a few friends but felt it would fit here so I'll be submitting it


gonna make a first-person game where you play as a blind person in a recently destroyed city where you use touch or sound to navigate it.


Don't know if it's past 1/8 already on Ubuu's server but it's still 1/8 here.
YN-like proof-of-concept on Nintendo DS/i


I'm working on something, but it'll require me to obtain multiple degrees'-worth of knowledge. You'll know it when you see it, but I highly doubt it'll be ready for this jam.


We are now closed for new projects. I'll treat any announcement in this thread or any thread in the board made by 1/10 as a valid entry.

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